


This cmdlet is available only in Security & Compliance PowerShell. For more information, see Security & Compliance PowerShell.

Use the Export-ActivityExplorerData cmdlet to export activities from Data classification > Activity Explorer in the Microsoft 365 Purview compliance portal.

For information about the parameter sets in the Syntax section below, see Exchange cmdlet syntax.


      -EndTime <DateTime>
      -OutputFormat <String>
      -StartTime <DateTime>
      [-Filter1 <String[]>]
      [-Filter2 <String[]>]
      [-Filter3 <String[]>]
      [-Filter4 <String[]>]
      [-Filter5 <String[]>]
      [-PageCookie <String>]
      [-PageSize <Int32>]


This cmdlet supports following filters:

  • Activity
  • Application
  • ArtifactType
  • ClientIP
  • ColdScanPolicyId
  • CopilotAppHost
  • CopilotThreadId
  • CopilotType
  • CreationTime
  • DataState
  • DestinationFilePath
  • DestinationLocationType
  • DeviceName
  • DLPPolicyId
  • DLPPolicyRuleId
  • EmailReceiver
  • EmailSender
  • EndpointOperation
  • EnforcementMode
  • FalsePositive
  • FileExtension
  • GeneralPurposeComparison
  • HowApplied
  • HowAppliedDetail
  • IrmUrlCategory
  • IsProtected
  • IsProtectedBefore
  • ItemName
  • LabelEventType
  • Location
  • MDATPDeviceId
  • OriginatingDomain
  • PageSize
  • ParentArchiveHash
  • Platform
  • PolicyId
  • PolicyMode
  • PolicyName
  • PolicyRuleAction
  • PolicyRuleId
  • PolicyRuleName
  • PreviousFileName
  • PreviousProtectionOwner
  • ProtectionEventType
  • ProtectionOwner
  • RemovableMediaDeviceManufacturer
  • RemovableMediaDeviceModel
  • RemovableMediaDeviceSerialNumber
  • RetentionLabel
  • RMSEncrypted
  • SensitiveInfoTypeClassifierType
  • SensitiveInfoTypeConfidence
  • SensitiveInfoTypeCount
  • SensitiveInfoTypeId
  • SensitivityLabel
  • SensitivityLabelPolicy
  • Sha1
  • Sha256
  • SourceLocationType
  • TargetDomain
  • TargetPrinterName
  • User
  • UsersPerDay
  • Workload

Valid workload filters include the following values:

  • Copilot
  • Endpoint
  • Exchange
  • OnPremisesFileShareScanner
  • OnPremisesSharePointScanner
  • OneDrive
  • PowerBI
  • PurviewDataMap
  • SharePoint

Valid activity filters include the following values:

  • AIAppInteraction
  • ArchiveCreated
  • AutoLabelingSimulation
  • BrowseToUrl
  • ChangeProtection
  • ClassificationAdded
  • ClassificationDeleted
  • ClassificationUpdated
  • CopilotInteraction
  • DLPInfo
  • DLPRuleEnforce
  • DLPRuleMatch
  • DLPRuleUndo
  • DlpClassification
  • DownloadFile
  • DownloadText
  • FileAccessedByUnallowedApp
  • FileArchived
  • FileCopiedToClipboard
  • FileCopiedToNetworkShare
  • FileCopiedToRemoteDesktopSession
  • FileCopiedToRemovableMedia
  • FileCreated
  • FileCreatedOnNetworkShare
  • FileCreatedOnRemovableMedia
  • FileDeleted
  • FileDiscovered
  • FileModified
  • FilePrinted
  • FileRead
  • FileRenamed
  • FileTransferredByBluetooth
  • FileUploadedToCloud
  • LabelApplied
  • LabelChanged
  • LabelRecommended
  • LabelRecommendedAndDismissed
  • LabelRemoved
  • NewProtection
  • PastedToBrowser
  • RemoveProtection
  • ScreenCapture
  • UploadFile
  • UploadText
  • WebpageCopiedToClipboard
  • WebpagePrinted
  • WebpageSavedToLocal

To use this cmdlet in Security & Compliance PowerShell, you need to be assigned permissions. For more information, see Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.


Example 1

Export-ActivityExplorerData -StartTime "07/08/2022 07:15 AM" -EndTime "07/08/2022 11:08 AM" -PageSize 5000 -OutputFormat Json

This example exports a maximum of 5000 records for the specified date range in JSON format.

Example 2

Export-ActivityExplorerData -StartTime "07/08/2022 07:15 AM" -EndTime "07/08/2022 11:08 AM" -OutputFormat Json

This example exports up to 100 records for the specified date range in Json format. If more than 100 records are available, the value of the LastPage property in the command output will be False. Use the value of the Watermark property as the value of the PageCookie parameter in a new query to get the next set of records.

Example 3

$res = Export-ActivityExplorerData -StartTime "07/08/2022 07:15 AM" -EndTime "07/08/2022 11:08 AM" -PageSize 5000 -OutputFormat Json

#Run the following steps in loop until all results are fetched

while ($res.LastPage -ne $true)
  $pageCookie = $res.WaterMark
  $res = Export-ActivityExplorerData -StartTime "07/08/2022 07:15 AM" -EndTime "07/08/2022 11:08 AM" -PageSize 5000 -OutputFormat Json -PageCookie $pageCookie

This example is related to the previous example where more than 100 records were available (the value of the LastPage property from that command was False). We're using the same date range, but this time we're using the value of the Watermark property from the previous command for the PageCookie parameter in this command to get the remaining results in a loop. ResultData from each iteration can be used as needed.

Example 4

Export-ActivityExplorerData -StartTime "07/06/2022 07:15 AM" -EndTime "07/08/2022 11:08 AM" -Filter1 @("Activity", "FileArchived") -OutputFormat Csv

This example exports up to 100 records for the specified date range in CSV format, and filters the output by the Activity value FileArchived.

Example 5

Export-ActivityExplorerData -StartTime "07/06/2022 07:15 AM" -EndTime "07/08/2022 11:08 AM" -Filter1 @("Activity", "FileArchived", "ArchiveCreated") -OutputFormat Json

This example exports up to 100 records for the specified date range in JSON format, and filters the output by the Activity value FileArchived or ArchiveCreated.

Example 6

Export-ActivityExplorerData -StartTime "07/06/2022 07:15 AM" -EndTime "07/08/2022 11:08 AM" -Filter1 @("Activity", "FileArchived", "ArchiveCreated") -Filter2 @("Workload","Endpoint") -OutputFormat Json

This example exports up to 100 records for the specified date range in JSON format, and filters the output by the Workload value Endpoint for FileArchived or ArchiveCreated activities.



The EndTime parameter specifies the end date of the date range.

Use the short date format that's defined in the Regional Options settings on the computer where you're running the command. For example, if the computer is configured to use the short date format MM/dd/yyyy, enter 09/01/2018 to specify September 1, 2018. You can enter the date only, or you can enter the date and time of day. If you enter the date and time of day, enclose the value in quotation marks ("), for example, "09/01/2018 5:00 PM".

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Security & Compliance


The Filter1 parameter filters the data to export. This parameter takes a minimum of two values as input: a filter name and at least one filter value. For example, @("Activity", "LabelApplied") returns records with the activity value LabelApplied.

If you specify multiple filter values for the same parameter, OR behavior is used. For example, @("Activity", "LabelApplied", "LabelRemoved") returns records with the activity values LabelApplied or LabelRemoved.

If you use this parameter with other filter parameters, AND behavior is used across parameters. For example:

-Filter1 @("Activity", "LabelApplied", "LabelRemoved") -Filter2 = @("Workload", "Exchange") returns records with the activity values LabelApplied or LabelRemoved for the Exchange workload. In other words, ((Activity eq LabelApplied) OR (Activity eq LabelRemoved)) AND (Workload eq Exchange).

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Security & Compliance


The Filter2 parameter filters the data to export. This parameter has the same syntax requirements as the Filter1 parameter, the same OR behavior for multiple values in the same parameter, and the same AND behavior for multiple filter parameters.

Use this parameter only if you're also using the Filter1 parameter in the same command.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Security & Compliance


The Filter3 parameter filters the data to export. This parameter has the same syntax requirements as the Filter1 parameter, the same OR behavior for multiple values in the same parameter, and the same AND behavior for multiple filter parameters.

Use this parameter only if you're also using the Filter2 and Filter1 parameters in the same command.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Security & Compliance


The Filter4 parameter filters the data to export. This parameter has the same syntax requirements as the Filter1 parameter, the same OR behavior for multiple values in the same parameter, and the same AND behavior for multiple filter parameters.

Use this parameter only if you're also using the Filter3, Filter2, and Filter1 parameters in the same command.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Security & Compliance


The Filter5 parameter filters the data to export. This parameter has the same syntax requirements as the Filter1 parameter, the same OR behavior for multiple values in the same parameter, and the same AND behavior for multiple filter parameters.

Use this parameter only if you're also using the Filter4, Filter3, Filter2, and Filter1 parameters in the same command.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Security & Compliance


The OutputFormat parameter specifies the output format. Valid values are:

  • Csv
  • Json
Accepted values:csv, json
Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Security & Compliance

The PageCookie parameter specifies whether to get more data when the value of the LastPage property in the command output is False. If you don't use the PageSize parameter, a maximum of 100 records are returned. If you use the PageSize parameter, a maximum of 5000 records can be returned. To get more records than what as returned in the current command, use the value of the Watermark property from the output of the current command as the value for the PageCookie parameter in a new command with the same date range and filters. The PageCookie value is valid for 120 seconds to fetch the next set of records for same query.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Security & Compliance


The PageSize parameter specifies the maximum number of entries per page. Valid input for this parameter is an integer between 1 and 5000. The default value is 100. Consider using a smaller PageSize value to avoid PageCookie expiry when exporting large datasets.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Security & Compliance


The StartTime parameter specifies the start date of the date range.

Use the short date format that's defined in the Regional Options settings on the computer where you're running the command. For example, if the computer is configured to use the short date format MM/dd/yyyy, enter 09/01/2018 to specify September 1, 2018. You can enter the date only, or you can enter the date and time of day. If you enter the date and time of day, enclose the value in quotation marks ("), for example, "09/01/2018 5:00 PM".

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:Security & Compliance


  • The date-time field exported via this cmdlet is in UTC timezone.