

Xrm.WebApi.online.executeMultiple (Client API reference)

Execute a collection of action, function, or CRUD operations.


This method is supported only for the online mode (Xrm.WebApi.online).

If you want to execute multiple requests in a transaction, you must pass in a change set as a parameter to this method. Change sets represent a collection of operations that are executed in a transaction. You can also pass in individual requests and change sets together as parameters to this method.


  • You cannot include read operations (retrieve, retrieve multiple, and Web API functions) as part of a change set; this is as per the OData v4 specifications.
  • Requests can contain up to 1000 individual requests and cannot contain other batches. More information: Execute batch operations.


Execute multiple requests:

var requests = [req1, req2, req3];
Xrm.WebApi.online.executeMultiple(requests).then(successCallback, errorCallback);

Execute multiple requests in a transaction:

In this case, req1, req2, and req3 are executed in a transaction.

var changeSet = [req1, req2, req3];
var requests = [changeSet];
Xrm.WebApi.online.executeMultiple(requests).then(successCallback, errorCallback);

Execute a mix of individual requests and multiple requests in a transaction:

In this case, req1, req2, and req3 are executed in transaction, but req4 and req5 are executed individually.

var changeSet = [req1, req2, req3];
var requests = [req4, req5, changeset];
Xrm.WebApi.online.executeMultiple(requests).then(successCallback, errorCallback);


Name Type Required Description
requests Array of objects Yes An array of one of the following types:

Objects where each object is an action, function, or CRUD request that you want to execute against the Web API endpoint. Each object exposes a getMetadata method that lets you define the metadata for the action, function, or CRUD request you want to execute. The execute method accepts this type of parameter.

Change set (an array of objects), where each object in the change set is as defined above. In this case, all the request objects specified in the change set are executed in a transaction.

See request examples in the Syntax section for more information.
successCallback Function No A function to call when operation is executed successfully. An array of response objects is passed to the function. See Return Value
errorCallback Function No A function to call when the operation fails.

Return Value

On success, returns a promise containing an array of objects to the successCallback. The objects have these properties:

Name Type Required Description
json Promise No Response body in JSON format.
text Promise No Response body in plaintext format.
headers Object Yes Response headers.
ok Boolean Yes Indicates whether the request was successful.
status Number Yes Numeric value in the response status code. For example: 200
statusText String Yes Description of the response status code. For example: OK
type String Yes Response type. Values are: the empty string (default), arraybuffer, blob, document, json, and text.
url String Yes Request URL of the action, function, or CRUD request that was sent to the Web API endpoint.
