team EntityType
Collection of system users that routinely collaborate. Teams can be used to simplify record sharing and provide team members with common access to organization data when team members belong to different Business Units.
- Entity set path:
- [organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/teams
- Base type:
- principal
- Display name:
- Team
- Primary key:
- ownerid
- Primary name column:
- name
- Operations supported:
Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity. Some properties are read-only.
Name | Type | Details | ||||||||||
azureactivedirectoryobjectid | Edm.Guid |
The object Id for a group. Display name: Object Id for a group |
createdon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Date and time when the team was created. Display name: Created On Read only
description | Edm.String |
Description of the team. Display name: Description |
emailaddress | Edm.String |
Email address for the team. Display name: Email |
exchangerate | Edm.Decimal |
Exchange rate for the currency associated with the team with respect to the base currency. Display name: Exchange Rate Read only
importsequencenumber | Edm.Int32 |
Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. Display name: Import Sequence Number |
isdefault | Edm.Boolean |
Information about whether the team is a default business unit team. Display name: Is Default Read only
Default options
issastokenset | Edm.Boolean |
Read only
Default options
membershiptype | Edm.Int32 |
Display name: Membership Type
Default options
modifiedon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Date and time when the team was last modified. Display name: Modified On Read only
name | Edm.String |
Name of the team. Display name: Team Name |
organizationid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier of the organization associated with the team. Display name: Organization Read only
overriddencreatedon | Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Date and time that the record was migrated. Display name: Record Created On |
ownerid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier for the Owner: systemuserid or teamid. Inherited from: principal |
processid | Edm.Guid |
Shows the ID of the process. Display name: Process |
sharelinkqualifier | Edm.String |
For internal use only. Display name: Share Link Qualifier Read only
stageid | Edm.Guid |
Shows the ID of the stage. Display name: (Deprecated) Process Stage |
systemmanaged | Edm.Boolean |
Select whether the team will be managed by the system. Display name: Is System Managed Read only
Default options
teamid | Edm.Guid |
Unique identifier for the team. Display name: Team |
teamtype | Edm.Int32 |
Select the team type. Display name: Team Type
Default options
traversedpath | Edm.String |
For internal use only. Display name: (Deprecated) Traversed Path |
versionnumber | Edm.Int64 |
Version number of the team. Display name: Version number Read only
yominame | Edm.String |
Pronunciation of the full name of the team, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters. Display name: Yomi Name |
Lookup properties
Lookup properties are read-only, computed properties which contain entity primary key Edm.Guid data for one or more corresponding single-valued navigation properties. More information: Lookup properties and Lookup property data.
Name | Single-valued navigation property | Description |
_administratorid_value | administratorid |
Unique identifier of the user primary responsible for the team. |
_businessunitid_value | businessunitid |
Unique identifier of the business unit with which the team is associated. |
_createdby_value | createdby |
Unique identifier of the user who created the team. |
_createdonbehalfby_value | createdonbehalfby |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the team. |
_delegatedauthorizationid_value | delegatedauthorizationid |
The delegated authorization context for the team. |
_modifiedby_value | modifiedby |
Unique identifier of the user who last modified the team. |
_modifiedonbehalfby_value | modifiedonbehalfby |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the team. |
_queueid_value | queueid |
Unique identifier of the default queue for the team. |
_regardingobjectid_value | regardingobjectid_knowledgearticle |
Choose the record that the team relates to. |
_teamtemplateid_value | associatedteamtemplateid |
Shows the team template that is associated with the team. |
_transactioncurrencyid_value | transactioncurrencyid |
Unique identifier of the currency associated with the team. |
Single-valued navigation properties
Single-valued navigation properties represent lookup fields where a single entity can be referenced. Each single-valued navigation property has a corresponding partner collection-valued navigation property on the related entity.
Name | Type | Partner |
administratorid | systemuser | lk_teambase_administratorid |
associatedteamtemplateid | teamtemplate | teamtemplate_Teams |
businessunitid | businessunit | business_unit_teams |
createdby | systemuser | lk_teambase_createdby |
createdonbehalfby | systemuser | lk_team_createdonbehalfby |
delegatedauthorizationid | delegatedauthorization | team_delegatedauthorization |
modifiedby | systemuser | lk_teambase_modifiedby |
modifiedonbehalfby | systemuser | lk_team_modifiedonbehalfby |
organizationid_organization | organization | organization_teams |
queueid | queue | queue_team |
regardingobjectid_knowledgearticle | knowledgearticle | knowledgearticle_Teams |
stageid_processstage | processstage | processstage_teams |
transactioncurrencyid | transactioncurrency | TransactionCurrency_Team |
Collection-valued navigation properties
Collection-valued navigation properties represent collections of entities which may represent either a one-to-many (1:N) or many-to-many (N:N) relationship between the entities.
Name | Type | Partner |
ActionCardUserState_Owner | actioncarduserstate | ownerid |
adx_inviteredemption_owner_ownerid | adx_inviteredemption | ownerid_adx_inviteredemption |
adx_inviteredemption_team_owningteam | adx_inviteredemption | owningteam_adx_inviteredemption |
adx_portalcomment_owner_ownerid | adx_portalcomment | ownerid_adx_portalcomment |
adx_portalcomment_team_owningteam | adx_portalcomment | owningteam_adx_portalcomment |
chat_owner_ownerid | chat | ownerid_chat |
chat_team_owningteam | chat | owningteam_chat |
ImportFile_Team | importfile | recordsownerid_team |
msdyn_flow_actionapprovalmodelrelationship_team | msdyn_flow_actionapprovalmodel | msdyn_flow_actionapprovalmodelrelationship_team |
msdyn_flow_awaitallactionmodelrelationship_team | msdyn_flow_awaitallactionapprovalmodel | msdyn_flow_awaitallactionmodelrelationship_team |
msdyn_flow_awaitallmodelrelationship_team | msdyn_flow_awaitallapprovalmodel | msdyn_flow_awaitallmodelrelationship_team |
msdyn_flow_basicapprovalmodelrelationship_team | msdyn_flow_basicapprovalmodel | msdyn_flow_basicapprovalmodelrelationship_team |
msfp_alert_owner_ownerid | msfp_alert | ownerid_msfp_alert |
msfp_alert_team_owningteam | msfp_alert | owningteam_msfp_alert |
msfp_surveyinvite_owner_ownerid | msfp_surveyinvite | ownerid_msfp_surveyinvite |
msfp_surveyinvite_team_owningteam | msfp_surveyinvite | owningteam_msfp_surveyinvite |
msfp_surveyresponse_owner_ownerid | msfp_surveyresponse | ownerid_msfp_surveyresponse |
msfp_surveyresponse_team_owningteam | msfp_surveyresponse | owningteam_msfp_surveyresponse |
owner_accounts | account | ownerid |
owner_actioncards | actioncard | ownerid |
owner_activityfileattachment | activityfileattachment | ownerid |
owner_activitypointers | activitypointer | ownerid |
owner_adx_invitation | adx_invitation | ownerid |
owner_adx_setting | adx_setting | ownerid |
owner_aiplugin | aiplugin | ownerid |
owner_aipluginauth | aipluginauth | ownerid |
owner_aipluginconversationstarter | aipluginconversationstarter | ownerid |
owner_aipluginconversationstartermapping | aipluginconversationstartermapping | ownerid |
owner_aipluginexternalschema | aipluginexternalschema | ownerid |
owner_aipluginexternalschemaproperty | aipluginexternalschemaproperty | ownerid |
owner_aiplugingovernance | aiplugingovernance | ownerid |
owner_aiplugingovernanceext | aiplugingovernanceext | ownerid |
owner_aiplugininstance | aiplugininstance | ownerid |
owner_aipluginoperation | aipluginoperation | ownerid |
owner_aipluginoperationparameter | aipluginoperationparameter | ownerid |
owner_aipluginoperationresponsetemplate | aipluginoperationresponsetemplate | ownerid |
owner_aipluginusersetting | aipluginusersetting | ownerid |
owner_annotations | annotation | ownerid |
owner_appnotification | appnotification | ownerid |
owner_appointments | appointment | ownerid_appointment |
owner_asyncoperations | asyncoperation | ownerid |
owner_bot | bot | ownerid |
owner_botcomponent | botcomponent | ownerid |
owner_botcomponentcollection | botcomponentcollection | ownerid |
owner_callbackregistration | callbackregistration | ownerid |
owner_canvasapp | canvasapp | ownerid |
owner_card | card | ownerid |
owner_categories | category | ownerid |
owner_certificatecredential | certificatecredential | ownerid |
owner_connectioninstance | connectioninstance | ownerid |
owner_connectionreference | connectionreference | ownerid |
owner_connections | connection | ownerid |
owner_connector | connector | ownerid |
owner_contacts | contact | ownerid |
owner_conversationtranscript | conversationtranscript | ownerid |
owner_copilotglossaryterm | copilotglossaryterm | ownerid |
owner_copilotsynonyms | copilotsynonyms | ownerid |
owner_credential | credential | ownerid |
owner_customapi | customapi | ownerid |
owner_datalakefolder | datalakefolder | ownerid |
owner_desktopflowbinary | desktopflowbinary | ownerid |
owner_desktopflowmodule | desktopflowmodule | ownerid |
owner_duplicaterules | duplicaterule | ownerid |
owner_dvfilesearch | dvfilesearch | ownerid |
owner_dvfilesearchattribute | dvfilesearchattribute | ownerid |
owner_dvfilesearchentity | dvfilesearchentity | ownerid |
owner_dvtablesearch | dvtablesearch | ownerid |
owner_dvtablesearchattribute | dvtablesearchattribute | ownerid |
owner_dvtablesearchentity | dvtablesearchentity | ownerid |
owner_emails | ownerid_email | |
owner_emailserverprofile | emailserverprofile | ownerid |
owner_environmentvariabledefinition | environmentvariabledefinition | ownerid |
owner_exchangesyncidmapping | exchangesyncidmapping | ownerid |
owner_exportedexcel | exportedexcel | ownerid |
owner_exportsolutionupload | exportsolutionupload | ownerid |
owner_fabricaiskill | fabricaiskill | ownerid |
owner_faxes | fax | ownerid_fax |
owner_featurecontrolsetting | featurecontrolsetting | ownerid |
owner_federatedknowledgeconfiguration | federatedknowledgeconfiguration | ownerid |
owner_federatedknowledgeentityconfiguration | federatedknowledgeentityconfiguration | ownerid |
owner_feedback | feedback | ownerid |
owner_flowcapacityassignment | flowcapacityassignment | ownerid |
owner_flowcredentialapplication | flowcredentialapplication | ownerid |
owner_flowevent | flowevent | ownerid |
owner_flowmachine | flowmachine | ownerid |
owner_flowmachinegroup | flowmachinegroup | ownerid |
owner_flowmachineimage | flowmachineimage | ownerid |
owner_flowmachineimageversion | flowmachineimageversion | ownerid |
owner_flowmachinenetwork | flowmachinenetwork | ownerid |
owner_flowrun | flowrun | ownerid |
owner_flowsession | flowsession | ownerid |
owner_fxexpression | fxexpression | ownerid |
owner_goal | goal | ownerid |
owner_goalrollupquery | goalrollupquery | ownerid |
owner_governanceconfiguration | governanceconfiguration | ownerid |
owner_importdatas | importdata | ownerid |
owner_importfiles | importfile | ownerid |
owner_importlogs | importlog | ownerid |
owner_importmaps | importmap | ownerid |
owner_imports | import | ownerid |
owner_keyvaultreference | keyvaultreference | ownerid |
owner_knowledgearticle | knowledgearticle | ownerid |
owner_letters | letter | ownerid_letter |
owner_mailbox | mailbox | ownerid |
owner_mailboxtrackingfolder | mailboxtrackingfolder | ownerid |
owner_mailmergetemplates | mailmergetemplate | ownerid |
owner_managedidentity | managedidentity | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_aibdataset | msdyn_aibdataset | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_aibdatasetfile | msdyn_aibdatasetfile | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_aibdatasetrecord | msdyn_aibdatasetrecord | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_aibdatasetscontainer | msdyn_aibdatasetscontainer | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_aibfeedbackloop | msdyn_aibfeedbackloop | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_aibfile | msdyn_aibfile | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_aibfileattacheddata | msdyn_aibfileattacheddata | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_aievent | msdyn_aievent | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_aifptrainingdocument | msdyn_aifptrainingdocument | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_aimodel | msdyn_aimodel | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_aiodimage | msdyn_aiodimage | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_aiodlabel | msdyn_aiodlabel | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_aiodtrainingboundingbox | msdyn_aiodtrainingboundingbox | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_aiodtrainingimage | msdyn_aiodtrainingimage | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_aitemplate | msdyn_aitemplate | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_analysiscomponent | msdyn_analysiscomponent | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_analysisjob | msdyn_analysisjob | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_analysisoverride | msdyn_analysisoverride | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_analysisresult | msdyn_analysisresult | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_analysisresultdetail | msdyn_analysisresultdetail | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_apirequestcache | msdyn_apirequestcache | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_apirequestfolder | msdyn_apirequestfolder | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_copilotinteractions | msdyn_copilotinteractions | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_customcontrolextendedsettings | msdyn_customcontrolextendedsettings | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_dataflow | msdyn_dataflow | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_dataflow_datalakefolder | msdyn_dataflow_datalakefolder | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_dataflowconnectionreference | msdyn_dataflowconnectionreference | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_dataflowrefreshhistory | msdyn_dataflowrefreshhistory | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_dataflowtemplate | msdyn_dataflowtemplate | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_dmsrequest | msdyn_dmsrequest | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_dmsrequeststatus | msdyn_dmsrequeststatus | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_dmssyncrequest | msdyn_dmssyncrequest | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_dmssyncstatus | msdyn_dmssyncstatus | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_entitylinkchatconfiguration | msdyn_entitylinkchatconfiguration | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_entityrefreshhistory | msdyn_entityrefreshhistory | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_favoriteknowledgearticle | msdyn_favoriteknowledgearticle | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_federatedarticle | msdyn_federatedarticle | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_fileupload | msdyn_fileupload | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_flow_actionapprovalmodel | msdyn_flow_actionapprovalmodel | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_flow_approval | msdyn_flow_approval | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_flow_approvalrequest | msdyn_flow_approvalrequest | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_flow_approvalresponse | msdyn_flow_approvalresponse | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_flow_approvalstep | msdyn_flow_approvalstep | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_flow_awaitallactionapprovalmodel | msdyn_flow_awaitallactionapprovalmodel | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_flow_awaitallapprovalmodel | msdyn_flow_awaitallapprovalmodel | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_flow_basicapprovalmodel | msdyn_flow_basicapprovalmodel | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_flow_flowapproval | msdyn_flow_flowapproval | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_formmapping | msdyn_formmapping | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_function | msdyn_function | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_historicalcaseharvestbatch | msdyn_historicalcaseharvestbatch | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_historicalcaseharvestrun | msdyn_historicalcaseharvestrun | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_integratedsearchprovider | msdyn_integratedsearchprovider | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_kalanguagesetting | msdyn_kalanguagesetting | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_kbattachment | msdyn_kbattachment | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_kmfederatedsearchconfig | msdyn_kmfederatedsearchconfig | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_knowledgearticleimage | msdyn_knowledgearticleimage | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_knowledgearticletemplate | msdyn_knowledgearticletemplate | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_knowledgeassetconfiguration | msdyn_knowledgeassetconfiguration | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_knowledgeharvestjobrecord | msdyn_knowledgeharvestjobrecord | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_knowledgeinteractioninsight | msdyn_knowledgeinteractioninsight | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_knowledgemanagementsetting | msdyn_knowledgemanagementsetting | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_knowledgepersonalfilter | msdyn_knowledgepersonalfilter | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_knowledgesearchfilter | msdyn_knowledgesearchfilter | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_knowledgesearchinsight | msdyn_knowledgesearchinsight | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_mobileapp | msdyn_mobileapp | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_pmanalysishistory | msdyn_pmanalysishistory | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_pmbusinessruleautomationconfig | msdyn_pmbusinessruleautomationconfig | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_pmcalendar | msdyn_pmcalendar | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_pmcalendarversion | msdyn_pmcalendarversion | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_pminferredtask | msdyn_pminferredtask | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_pmprocessextendedmetadataversion | msdyn_pmprocessextendedmetadataversion | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_pmprocesstemplate | msdyn_pmprocesstemplate | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_pmprocessusersettings | msdyn_pmprocessusersettings | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_pmprocessversion | msdyn_pmprocessversion | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_pmrecording | msdyn_pmrecording | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_pmsimulation | msdyn_pmsimulation | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_pmtemplate | msdyn_pmtemplate | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_pmview | msdyn_pmview | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_richtextfile | msdyn_richtextfile | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_salesforcestructuredobject | msdyn_salesforcestructuredobject | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_salesforcestructuredqnaconfig | msdyn_salesforcestructuredqnaconfig | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_schedule | msdyn_schedule | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_serviceconfiguration | msdyn_serviceconfiguration | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_slakpi | msdyn_slakpi | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_solutionhealthrule | msdyn_solutionhealthrule | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_solutionhealthruleargument | msdyn_solutionhealthruleargument | ownerid |
owner_msdyn_virtualtablecolumncandidate | msdyn_virtualtablecolumncandidate | ownerid |
owner_msdynce_botcontent | msdynce_botcontent | ownerid |
owner_msfp_alertrule | msfp_alertrule | ownerid |
owner_msfp_emailtemplate | msfp_emailtemplate | ownerid |
owner_msfp_fileresponse | msfp_fileresponse | ownerid |
owner_msfp_localizedemailtemplate | msfp_localizedemailtemplate | ownerid |
owner_msfp_project | msfp_project | ownerid |
owner_msfp_question | msfp_question | ownerid |
owner_msfp_questionresponse | msfp_questionresponse | ownerid |
owner_msfp_satisfactionmetric | msfp_satisfactionmetric | ownerid |
owner_msfp_survey | msfp_survey | ownerid |
owner_msfp_surveyreminder | msfp_surveyreminder | ownerid |
owner_msfp_unsubscribedrecipient | msfp_unsubscribedrecipient | ownerid |
owner_mspcat_catalogsubmissionfiles | mspcat_catalogsubmissionfiles | ownerid |
owner_mspcat_packagestore | mspcat_packagestore | ownerid |
owner_new_interactionforemail | interactionforemail | ownerid |
owner_nlsqregistration | nlsqregistration | ownerid |
owner_personaldocumenttemplates | personaldocumenttemplate | ownerid |
owner_phonecalls | phonecall | ownerid_phonecall |
owner_plannerbusinessscenario | plannerbusinessscenario | ownerid |
owner_plannersyncaction | plannersyncaction | ownerid |
owner_plugin | plugin | ownerid |
owner_postfollows | postfollow | ownerid |
owner_powerbidataset | powerbidataset | ownerid |
owner_powerbidatasetapdx | powerbidatasetapdx | ownerid |
owner_powerbimashupparameter | powerbimashupparameter | ownerid |
owner_powerbireport | powerbireport | ownerid |
owner_powerbireportapdx | powerbireportapdx | ownerid |
owner_powerfxrule | powerfxrule | ownerid |
owner_powerpagecomponent | powerpagecomponent | ownerid |
owner_powerpagesite | powerpagesite | ownerid |
owner_powerpagesitelanguage | powerpagesitelanguage | ownerid |
owner_powerpagesitepublished | powerpagesitepublished | ownerid |
owner_powerpageslog | powerpageslog | ownerid |
owner_powerpagesmanagedidentity | powerpagesmanagedidentity | ownerid |
owner_powerpagesscanreport | powerpagesscanreport | ownerid |
owner_powerpagessiteaifeedback | powerpagessiteaifeedback | ownerid |
owner_principalentitybusinessunitmap | principalentitybusinessunitmap | principalid_owner |
owner_principalentitymap | principalentitymap | principalid_owner |
owner_privilegecheckerrun | privilegecheckerrun | ownerid |
owner_processsessions | processsession | ownerid |
owner_processstageparameter | processstageparameter | ownerid |
owner_queues | queue | ownerid |
owner_recentlyused | recentlyused | ownerid |
owner_recurrencerules | recurrencerule | ownerid |
owner_recurringappointmentmasters | recurringappointmentmaster | ownerid_recurringappointmentmaster |
owner_reports | report | ownerid |
owner_retaineddataexcel | retaineddataexcel | ownerid |
owner_retentionconfig | retentionconfig | ownerid |
owner_retentionfailuredetail | retentionfailuredetail | ownerid |
owner_retentionoperation | retentionoperation | ownerid |
owner_retentionsuccessdetail | retentionsuccessdetail | ownerid |
owner_sharepointdocumentlocation | sharepointdocumentlocation | ownerid |
owner_sharepointsite | sharepointsite | ownerid |
owner_sideloadedaiplugin | sideloadedaiplugin | ownerid |
owner_signal | signal | ownerid |
owner_slas | sla | ownerid |
owner_socialactivities | socialactivity | ownerid_socialactivity |
owner_SocialProfile | socialprofile | ownerid |
owner_solutioncomponentbatchconfiguration | solutioncomponentbatchconfiguration | ownerid |
owner_stagesolutionupload | stagesolutionupload | ownerid |
owner_synapsedatabase | synapsedatabase | ownerid |
owner_SyncError | syncerror | ownerid |
owner_tasks | task | ownerid_task |
owner_templates | template | ownerid |
owner_trait | trait | ownerid |
owner_userform | userform | ownerid |
owner_userquerys | userquery | ownerid |
owner_userqueryvisualizations | userqueryvisualization | ownerid |
owner_workflowbinary | workflowbinary | ownerid |
owner_workflows | workflow | ownerid |
owner_workqueue | workqueue | ownerid |
owner_workqueueitem | workqueueitem | ownerid |
OwningTeam_postfollows | postfollow | owningteam |
slakpiinstance_owner | slakpiinstance | ownerid |
team_accounts | account | owningteam |
team_activity | activitypointer | owningteam |
team_activityfileattachment | activityfileattachment | owningteam |
team_adx_invitation | adx_invitation | owningteam |
team_adx_setting | adx_setting | owningteam |
team_aiplugin | aiplugin | owningteam |
team_aipluginauth | aipluginauth | owningteam |
team_aipluginconversationstarter | aipluginconversationstarter | owningteam |
team_aipluginconversationstartermapping | aipluginconversationstartermapping | owningteam |
team_aipluginexternalschema | aipluginexternalschema | owningteam |
team_aipluginexternalschemaproperty | aipluginexternalschemaproperty | owningteam |
team_aiplugingovernance | aiplugingovernance | owningteam |
team_aiplugingovernanceext | aiplugingovernanceext | owningteam |
team_aiplugininstance | aiplugininstance | owningteam |
team_aipluginoperation | aipluginoperation | owningteam |
team_aipluginoperationparameter | aipluginoperationparameter | owningteam |
team_aipluginoperationresponsetemplate | aipluginoperationresponsetemplate | owningteam |
team_aipluginusersetting | aipluginusersetting | owningteam |
team_annotations | annotation | owningteam |
team_appnotification | appnotification | owningteam |
team_appointment | appointment | owningteam_appointment |
team_asyncoperation | asyncoperation | owningteam |
Team_AsyncOperations | asyncoperation | regardingobjectid_team |
team_bot | bot | owningteam |
team_botcomponent | botcomponent | owningteam |
team_botcomponentcollection | botcomponentcollection | owningteam |
Team_BulkDeleteFailures | bulkdeletefailure | regardingobjectid_team |
team_card | card | owningteam |
team_certificatecredential | certificatecredential | owningteam |
team_componentversion | componentversion | owningteam |
team_connectioninstance | connectioninstance | owningteam |
team_connectionreference | connectionreference | owningteam |
team_connections1 | connection | record1id_team |
team_connections2 | connection | record2id_team |
team_connector | connector | owningteam |
team_contacts | contact | owningteam |
team_conversationtranscript | conversationtranscript | owningteam |
team_copilotglossaryterm | copilotglossaryterm | owningteam |
team_copilotsynonyms | copilotsynonyms | owningteam |
team_credential | credential | owningteam |
team_customapi | customapi | owningteam |
team_datalakefolder | datalakefolder | owningteam |
team_desktopflowbinary | desktopflowbinary | owningteam |
team_desktopflowmodule | desktopflowmodule | owningteam |
Team_DuplicateBaseRecord | duplicaterecord | baserecordid_team |
Team_DuplicateMatchingRecord | duplicaterecord | duplicaterecordid_team |
team_DuplicateRules | duplicaterule | owningteam |
team_dvfilesearch | dvfilesearch | owningteam |
team_dvfilesearchattribute | dvfilesearchattribute | owningteam |
team_dvfilesearchentity | dvfilesearchentity | owningteam |
team_dvtablesearch | dvtablesearch | owningteam |
team_dvtablesearchattribute | dvtablesearchattribute | owningteam |
team_dvtablesearchentity | dvtablesearchentity | owningteam |
team_email | owningteam_email | |
team_email_templates | template | owningteam |
team_emailserverprofile | emailserverprofile | owningteam |
team_environmentvariabledefinition | environmentvariabledefinition | owningteam |
team_exchangesyncidmapping | exchangesyncidmapping | owningteam |
team_exportedexcel | exportedexcel | owningteam |
team_exportsolutionupload | exportsolutionupload | owningteam |
team_fabricaiskill | fabricaiskill | owningteam |
team_fax | fax | owningteam_fax |
team_featurecontrolsetting | featurecontrolsetting | owningteam |
team_federatedknowledgeconfiguration | federatedknowledgeconfiguration | owningteam |
team_federatedknowledgeentityconfiguration | federatedknowledgeentityconfiguration | owningteam |
team_flowcapacityassignment | flowcapacityassignment | owningteam |
team_flowcredentialapplication | flowcredentialapplication | owningteam |
team_flowevent | flowevent | owningteam |
team_flowmachine | flowmachine | owningteam |
team_flowmachinegroup | flowmachinegroup | owningteam |
team_flowmachineimage | flowmachineimage | owningteam |
team_flowmachineimageversion | flowmachineimageversion | owningteam |
team_flowmachinenetwork | flowmachinenetwork | owningteam |
team_flowrun | flowrun | owningteam |
team_flowsession | flowsession | owningteam |
team_fxexpression | fxexpression | owningteam |
team_goal | goal | owningteam |
team_goal_goalowner | goal | goalownerid_team |
team_goalrollupquery | goalrollupquery | owningteam |
team_governanceconfiguration | governanceconfiguration | owningteam |
team_ImportData | importdata | owningteam |
team_ImportFiles | importfile | owningteam |
team_ImportLogs | importlog | owningteam |
team_ImportMaps | importmap | owningteam |
team_Imports | import | owningteam |
team_keyvaultreference | keyvaultreference | owningteam |
team_knowledgearticle | knowledgearticle | owningteam |
team_letter | letter | owningteam_letter |
team_mailbox | mailbox | owningteam |
team_mailboxtrackingfolder | mailboxtrackingfolder | owningteam |
team_managedidentity | managedidentity | owningteam |
team_msdyn_aibdataset | msdyn_aibdataset | owningteam |
team_msdyn_aibdatasetfile | msdyn_aibdatasetfile | owningteam |
team_msdyn_aibdatasetrecord | msdyn_aibdatasetrecord | owningteam |
team_msdyn_aibdatasetscontainer | msdyn_aibdatasetscontainer | owningteam |
team_msdyn_aibfeedbackloop | msdyn_aibfeedbackloop | owningteam |
team_msdyn_aibfile | msdyn_aibfile | owningteam |
team_msdyn_aibfileattacheddata | msdyn_aibfileattacheddata | owningteam |
team_msdyn_aievent | msdyn_aievent | owningteam |
team_msdyn_aifptrainingdocument | msdyn_aifptrainingdocument | owningteam |
team_msdyn_aimodel | msdyn_aimodel | owningteam |
team_msdyn_aiodimage | msdyn_aiodimage | owningteam |
team_msdyn_aiodlabel | msdyn_aiodlabel | owningteam |
team_msdyn_aiodtrainingboundingbox | msdyn_aiodtrainingboundingbox | owningteam |
team_msdyn_aiodtrainingimage | msdyn_aiodtrainingimage | owningteam |
team_msdyn_aitemplate | msdyn_aitemplate | owningteam |
team_msdyn_analysiscomponent | msdyn_analysiscomponent | owningteam |
team_msdyn_analysisjob | msdyn_analysisjob | owningteam |
team_msdyn_analysisoverride | msdyn_analysisoverride | owningteam |
team_msdyn_analysisresult | msdyn_analysisresult | owningteam |
team_msdyn_analysisresultdetail | msdyn_analysisresultdetail | owningteam |
team_msdyn_apirequestcache | msdyn_apirequestcache | owningteam |
team_msdyn_apirequestfolder | msdyn_apirequestfolder | owningteam |
team_msdyn_copilotinteractions | msdyn_copilotinteractions | owningteam |
team_msdyn_customcontrolextendedsettings | msdyn_customcontrolextendedsettings | owningteam |
team_msdyn_dataflow | msdyn_dataflow | owningteam |
team_msdyn_dataflow_datalakefolder | msdyn_dataflow_datalakefolder | owningteam |
team_msdyn_dataflowconnectionreference | msdyn_dataflowconnectionreference | owningteam |
team_msdyn_dataflowrefreshhistory | msdyn_dataflowrefreshhistory | owningteam |
team_msdyn_dataflowtemplate | msdyn_dataflowtemplate | owningteam |
team_msdyn_dmsrequest | msdyn_dmsrequest | owningteam |
team_msdyn_dmsrequeststatus | msdyn_dmsrequeststatus | owningteam |
team_msdyn_dmssyncrequest | msdyn_dmssyncrequest | owningteam |
team_msdyn_dmssyncstatus | msdyn_dmssyncstatus | owningteam |
team_msdyn_entitylinkchatconfiguration | msdyn_entitylinkchatconfiguration | owningteam |
team_msdyn_entityrefreshhistory | msdyn_entityrefreshhistory | owningteam |
team_msdyn_favoriteknowledgearticle | msdyn_favoriteknowledgearticle | owningteam |
team_msdyn_federatedarticle | msdyn_federatedarticle | owningteam |
team_msdyn_fileupload | msdyn_fileupload | owningteam |
team_msdyn_flow_actionapprovalmodel | msdyn_flow_actionapprovalmodel | owningteam |
team_msdyn_flow_approval | msdyn_flow_approval | owningteam |
team_msdyn_flow_approvalrequest | msdyn_flow_approvalrequest | owningteam |
team_msdyn_flow_approvalresponse | msdyn_flow_approvalresponse | owningteam |
team_msdyn_flow_approvalstep | msdyn_flow_approvalstep | owningteam |
team_msdyn_flow_awaitallactionapprovalmodel | msdyn_flow_awaitallactionapprovalmodel | owningteam |
team_msdyn_flow_awaitallapprovalmodel | msdyn_flow_awaitallapprovalmodel | owningteam |
team_msdyn_flow_basicapprovalmodel | msdyn_flow_basicapprovalmodel | owningteam |
team_msdyn_flow_flowapproval | msdyn_flow_flowapproval | owningteam |
team_msdyn_formmapping | msdyn_formmapping | owningteam |
team_msdyn_function | msdyn_function | owningteam |
team_msdyn_historicalcaseharvestbatch | msdyn_historicalcaseharvestbatch | owningteam |
team_msdyn_historicalcaseharvestrun | msdyn_historicalcaseharvestrun | owningteam |
team_msdyn_integratedsearchprovider | msdyn_integratedsearchprovider | owningteam |
team_msdyn_kalanguagesetting | msdyn_kalanguagesetting | owningteam |
team_msdyn_kbattachment | msdyn_kbattachment | owningteam |
team_msdyn_kmfederatedsearchconfig | msdyn_kmfederatedsearchconfig | owningteam |
team_msdyn_knowledgearticleimage | msdyn_knowledgearticleimage | owningteam |
team_msdyn_knowledgearticletemplate | msdyn_knowledgearticletemplate | owningteam |
team_msdyn_knowledgeassetconfiguration | msdyn_knowledgeassetconfiguration | owningteam |
team_msdyn_knowledgeharvestjobrecord | msdyn_knowledgeharvestjobrecord | owningteam |
team_msdyn_knowledgeinteractioninsight | msdyn_knowledgeinteractioninsight | owningteam |
team_msdyn_knowledgemanagementsetting | msdyn_knowledgemanagementsetting | owningteam |
team_msdyn_knowledgepersonalfilter | msdyn_knowledgepersonalfilter | owningteam |
team_msdyn_knowledgesearchfilter | msdyn_knowledgesearchfilter | owningteam |
team_msdyn_knowledgesearchinsight | msdyn_knowledgesearchinsight | owningteam |
team_msdyn_mobileapp | msdyn_mobileapp | owningteam |
team_msdyn_pmanalysishistory | msdyn_pmanalysishistory | owningteam |
team_msdyn_pmbusinessruleautomationconfig | msdyn_pmbusinessruleautomationconfig | owningteam |
team_msdyn_pmcalendar | msdyn_pmcalendar | owningteam |
team_msdyn_pmcalendarversion | msdyn_pmcalendarversion | owningteam |
team_msdyn_pminferredtask | msdyn_pminferredtask | owningteam |
team_msdyn_pmprocessextendedmetadataversion | msdyn_pmprocessextendedmetadataversion | owningteam |
team_msdyn_pmprocesstemplate | msdyn_pmprocesstemplate | owningteam |
team_msdyn_pmprocessusersettings | msdyn_pmprocessusersettings | owningteam |
team_msdyn_pmprocessversion | msdyn_pmprocessversion | owningteam |
team_msdyn_pmrecording | msdyn_pmrecording | owningteam |
team_msdyn_pmsimulation | msdyn_pmsimulation | owningteam |
team_msdyn_pmtemplate | msdyn_pmtemplate | owningteam |
team_msdyn_pmview | msdyn_pmview | owningteam |
team_msdyn_richtextfile | msdyn_richtextfile | owningteam |
team_msdyn_salesforcestructuredobject | msdyn_salesforcestructuredobject | owningteam |
team_msdyn_salesforcestructuredqnaconfig | msdyn_salesforcestructuredqnaconfig | owningteam |
team_msdyn_schedule | msdyn_schedule | owningteam |
team_msdyn_serviceconfiguration | msdyn_serviceconfiguration | owningteam |
team_msdyn_slakpi | msdyn_slakpi | owningteam |
team_msdyn_solutionhealthrule | msdyn_solutionhealthrule | owningteam |
team_msdyn_solutionhealthruleargument | msdyn_solutionhealthruleargument | owningteam |
team_msdyn_virtualtablecolumncandidate | msdyn_virtualtablecolumncandidate | owningteam |
team_msdynce_botcontent | msdynce_botcontent | owningteam |
team_msfp_alertrule | msfp_alertrule | owningteam |
team_msfp_emailtemplate | msfp_emailtemplate | owningteam |
team_msfp_fileresponse | msfp_fileresponse | owningteam |
team_msfp_localizedemailtemplate | msfp_localizedemailtemplate | owningteam |
team_msfp_project | msfp_project | owningteam |
team_msfp_question | msfp_question | owningteam |
team_msfp_questionresponse | msfp_questionresponse | owningteam |
team_msfp_satisfactionmetric | msfp_satisfactionmetric | owningteam |
team_msfp_survey | msfp_survey | owningteam |
team_msfp_surveyreminder | msfp_surveyreminder | owningteam |
team_msfp_unsubscribedrecipient | msfp_unsubscribedrecipient | owningteam |
team_mspcat_catalogsubmissionfiles | mspcat_catalogsubmissionfiles | owningteam |
team_mspcat_packagestore | mspcat_packagestore | owningteam |
team_new_interactionforemail | interactionforemail | owningteam |
team_nlsqregistration | nlsqregistration | owningteam |
team_phonecall | phonecall | owningteam_phonecall |
team_plannerbusinessscenario | plannerbusinessscenario | owningteam |
team_plannersyncaction | plannersyncaction | owningteam |
team_plugin | plugin | owningteam |
team_PostRegardings | postregarding | regardingobjectid_team |
team_powerbidataset | powerbidataset | owningteam |
team_powerbidatasetapdx | powerbidatasetapdx | owningteam |
team_powerbimashupparameter | powerbimashupparameter | owningteam |
team_powerbireport | powerbireport | owningteam |
team_powerbireportapdx | powerbireportapdx | owningteam |
team_powerfxrule | powerfxrule | owningteam |
team_powerpagecomponent | powerpagecomponent | owningteam |
team_powerpagesite | powerpagesite | owningteam |
team_powerpagesitelanguage | powerpagesitelanguage | owningteam |
team_powerpagesitepublished | powerpagesitepublished | owningteam |
team_powerpageslog | powerpageslog | owningteam |
team_powerpagesmanagedidentity | powerpagesmanagedidentity | owningteam |
team_powerpagesscanreport | powerpagesscanreport | owningteam |
team_powerpagessiteaifeedback | powerpagessiteaifeedback | owningteam |
team_principalobjectattributeaccess | principalobjectattributeaccess | objectid_team |
team_principalobjectattributeaccess_principalid | principalobjectattributeaccess | principalid_team |
team_privilegecheckerrun | privilegecheckerrun | owningteam |
team_processsession | processsession | owningteam |
Team_ProcessSessions | processsession | regardingobjectid_team |
team_processstageparameter | processstageparameter | owningteam |
team_queueitembase_workerid | queueitem | workerid_team |
team_recentlyused | recentlyused | owningteam |
team_recurringappointmentmaster | recurringappointmentmaster | owningteam_recurringappointmentmaster |
team_retaineddataexcel | retaineddataexcel | owningteam |
team_retentionconfig | retentionconfig | owningteam |
team_retentionfailuredetail | retentionfailuredetail | owningteam |
team_retentionoperation | retentionoperation | owningteam |
team_retentionsuccessdetail | retentionsuccessdetail | owningteam |
team_sharepointdocumentlocation | sharepointdocumentlocation | owningteam |
team_sharepointsite | sharepointsite | owningteam |
team_sideloadedaiplugin | sideloadedaiplugin | owningteam |
team_signal | signal | owningteam |
team_slaBase | sla | owningteam |
team_socialactivity | socialactivity | owningteam_socialactivity |
team_solutioncomponentbatchconfiguration | solutioncomponentbatchconfiguration | owningteam |
team_stagesolutionupload | stagesolutionupload | owningteam |
team_synapsedatabase | synapsedatabase | owningteam |
team_SyncError | syncerror | owningteam |
Team_SyncErrors | syncerror | regardingobjectid_team_syncerror |
team_task | task | owningteam_task |
team_teammobileofflineprofilemembership_TeamId | teammobileofflineprofilemembership | TeamId |
team_trait | trait | owningteam |
team_userform | userform | owningteam |
team_userquery | userquery | owningteam |
team_userqueryvisualizations | userqueryvisualization | owningteam |
team_workflow | workflow | owningteam |
team_workflowbinary | workflowbinary | owningteam |
team_workflowlog | workflowlog | owningteam |
team_workqueue | workqueue | owningteam |
team_workqueueitem | workqueueitem | owningteam |
teammembership_association | systemuser | teammembership_association |
teamprofiles_association | fieldsecurityprofile | teamprofiles_association |
teamroles_association | role | teamroles_association |
The following operations can be used with the team entity type.
Name | Binding |
AddMembersTeam | Bound to Entity |
ConvertOwnerTeamToAccessTeam | Bound to Entity |
RemoveMembersTeam | Bound to Entity |
SetParentSystemUser | Not Bound |
SetParentTeam | Bound to Entity |
SyncGroupMembersToTeam | Bound to Entity |