
Update report API for commercial marketplace

This API helps you modify a report parameter.

Request syntax

Method Request URI
PUT https://api.partnercenter.microsoft.com/insights/v1.1/cmp/ScheduledReport/{Report ID}

Request header

Header Type Description
Authorization string Required. The Microsoft Entra access token in the form Bearer <token>
Content-Type string Application/JSON

Path parameter


Query parameter

Parameter name Required Type Description
reportId Yes string ID of the report being modified

Request payload

  "ReportName": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "StartTime": "string",
  "RecurrenceInterval": 0,
  "RecurrenceCount": 0,
  "Format": "string",
  "CallbackUrl": "string"


This table lists the key definitions of elements in the request payload.

Parameter Required Description Allowed values
ReportName Yes Name to be assigned to the report string
Description No Description of the created report string
StartTime Yes Timestamp after which the report generation will begin string
RecurrenceInterval No Frequency at which the report should be generated in hours. Minimum value is 4 integer
RecurrenceCount No Number of reports to be generated. Default is indefinite integer
Format Yes File format of the exported file. Default is CSV. CSV/TSV
CallbackUrl Yes https callback URL to be called on report generation string
CallbackMethod No Get/Post method that can be configured with callback URL GET/POST
endTime No UTC timestamp at which the report generation will end. The format should be yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ string




The response payload is structured as follows:

Response code: 200, 400, 401, 403, 404, 500

Response payload:

  "Value": [
      "ReportId": "string",
      "ReportName": "string",
      "Description": "string",
      "QueryId": "string",
      "Query": "string",
      "User": "string",
      "CreatedTime": "string",
      "ModifiedTime": "string",
      "StartTime": "string",
      "ReportStatus": "string",
      "RecurrenceInterval": 0,
      "RecurrenceCount": 0,
      "CallbackUrl": "string",
      "Format": "string"
  "TotalCount": 0,
  "Message": "string",
  "StatusCode": 0


Parameter Description
ReportId Universally unique identifier (UUID) of the report you created
ReportName Name provided in the request payload during report creation
Description Description provided in the request payload during report creation
QueryId Query ID provided in the request payload during report creation
Query Query text that will be executed for this report
User User ID used to create the report
CreatedTime UTC Time the report was created in this format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ
ModifiedTime UTC Time the report was last modified in this format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ
ExecuteNow ExecuteNow parameter provided in the request payload during report creation
queryStartTime Query start time provided in the request payload during report creation. This is applicable only if ExecuteNow is set to "True"
queryEndTime Query end time provided in the request payload during report creation. This is applicable only if ExecuteNow is set to "True"
StartTime Start time provided in the request payload during report creation
ReportStatus Status of the report execution. The possible values are Paused, Active, and Inactive.
RecurrenceInterval Recurrence interval provided in the request payload during report creation
RecurrenceCount Remaining recurrence count for the report
CallbackUrl Callback URL provided in the request payload during report creation
CallbackMethod Callback method provided in the request payload during report creation
Format Format of the report files provided in the request payload during report creation
EndTime End time provided in the request payload during report creation. This is applicable only if ExecuteNow is set to "True"
TotalRecurrenceCount RecurrenceCount provided in the request payload during report creation
nextExecutionStartTime UTC timestamp when next report execution will start
TotalCount Number of records in the Value array
StatusCode Result Code. The possible values are 200, 400, 401, 403, 500
message Status message from the execution of the API