
Get all datasets API for commercial marketplace

The Get all datasets API gets all the available datasets. Datasets list the tables, columns, metrics, and time ranges.

Request syntax

Method Request URI
GET https://api.partnercenter.microsoft.com/insights/v1.1/cmp/ScheduledDataset?datasetName={Dataset Name}

Request header

Header Type Description
Authorization string Required. The Microsoft Entra access token in the form Bearer <token>
Content-Type string Application/JSON

Path parameter


Query parameter

Parameter Name Type Required Description
datasetName string No Filter to get details of only one dataset

Request payload





The response payload is structured as follows:

Response code: 200, 400, 401, 403, 404, 500

Response payload example:

         "DatasetName ":"string",
         "AvailableDateRanges ":[
   "Message":"<Error Message>",
   "StatusCode": int


This table defines the key elements in the response:

Parameter Description
DatasetName Name of the dataset that this array object defines
SelectableColumns Raw columns that can be specified in the select columns
AvailableMetrics Aggregation/metric column names that can be specified in the select columns
AvailableDateRanges Date range that can be used in report queries for the dataset
NextLink Link to Next page if the data is paginated
TotalCount Number of datasets in the Value array
StatusCode Result Code. The possible values are 200, 400, 401, 403, 500