
Create and submit documents for your incentives proof of execution

Appropriate roles: Incentives admin

Before getting paid for your incentives work, you must submit a detailed proof of execution (PoE). This article guides you through the process of creating an effective proof of execution.

Submit a proof of execution

To submit a PoE, use the following steps:

  1. Sign in to Partner Center and select Incentives.

  2. Select Plan Management, and then select the program you want.

    The status page opens.

  3. In the Plans section, select the plan you want.

    The status page for the plan opens.

  4. In the Campaigns section, find the activity you want.

  5. In the Proof of execution column, select Add PoE.

  6. On the New proof of execution page, enter the required information.

    • Name A friendly name for the co-op claim.
    • Date The date of execution. This date must fall between the campaign start date and campaign end date.
    • Amount The amount of the co-op claim.
  7. Select Save.

  8. On the New proof of execution claim page, enter the required information.

    • Name A friendly name for the co-op claim.
    • Date The date of execution. This date must fall between the campaign start date and campaign end date.
    • Estimated impressions The estimated reach of this activity, measured as the number of people reached.
    • Pre-approval ID This is the ID Microsoft sends you after we've approved your marketing materials.
  9. When you're finished, select Create claim.

  10. On the Invoice and expense information page, upload one of the following two documents:

    • Third-party invoice In the Third-party invoice field, select Drag or browse files to upload. Add the invoice and required invoice details, and then select Save.
    • Certification Service Report Select Add Certification Service Report. On the Generate a Certification Service Report page, complete the required fields, and then select Save.
  11. You can also upload Proof documents if you want. In the Proof documents field, select Drag or browse files to upload. If you select Proof documents, you must add explanatory notes. When you've added a note, select Save.

  12. Enter any final comments before submitting your PoE, and then select Submit claim.

View the status of a proof of execution

To view your PoE's status, use the following steps:

  1. Sign in to Partner Center and select Incentives.

  2. Select Plan Management, and then select the program you want.

    The status page opens.

  3. In the Claims section, the status of each PoE is listed in the Status column.

    The following are the various possible statuses for your co-op claim PoE.

    • Submitted
    • Under review (Microsoft will complete its review before the last day of the month after you submit your PoE.)
    • Action required
    • Editing
    • Approved
    • Rejected