
Earnings - MaxCapBalance report in Partner Center

Appropriate roles: Incentives: Incentives admin | Incentives user

The MaxCapBalance report shows the maximum cap balance, the total earnings and the balance available with the required attributes at which level the max cap scope is defined. Currently this file is available only for Microsoft commerce incentives.

Depending on the level at which max cap is defined, this file shows only those attributes.

To get this report:

  1. Sign in to Partner Center and select Reports.
  2. Select Download report > MaxCapBalance, and follow the instructions to get the report. To learn more, see Get detailed earnings reports. The report contains the following attributes:
Attribute name Description Applicability
participantID Partner identifier enrolled in the program
participantType Type of partner identifier, such as seller, MPN, and so on
participantName Enrolled partner organization name
earningParticipantID Partner identity in the relationship
earningParticipantIDType Type of partner identifier, such as seller, MPN, and so on
earningParticipantName Earning participant name; useful when multiple transacting partner IDs are mapped into a single enrollment ID
earningParticipantCountryCode Earning participant country or region code
programName Incentive program name
programID Incentive program identity
engagementName Engagement name; applicable only for Microsoft commerce incentives
engagementID Engagement identity; applicable only for Microsoft commerce incentives
leverName Incentive rule Available only if max cap is defined at lever level
customerID Customer identity Available only if max cap is defined at customer level
customerName Customer name Available only if max cap is defined at customer level
customerCountryCode Customer country or region code Available only if max cap is defined at customer level
maxCapUSD Maximum amount that can be earned in USD, for the engagement/lever/policy period
maxCapEffectiveStartDate Maximum cap effective start date for this engagement/lever/policy period
maxCapEffectiveEndDate Maximum cap effective end date for this engagement/lever/policy period
totalEarningsUSD Total earnings in USD for the engagement/lever/policy period
balanceEarningOpportunityUSD Pending earning opportunity in USD for engagement/lever/policy period

maxCapUSD - totalEarningsUSD
targetRevenueUSD Target revenue above which partner can earn Applicable only for Surface engagements at this time
maxCapBalanceRefreshDate Maximum cap balance refresh date Incentives only