
Compliance admin role in Partner Center

Appropriate roles: Account admin | Global admin | User management admin | Compliance admin

Microsoft is committed to building products and services that run on trust and acknowledge the important roles our Partners play to support our commitment. To help our Partners manage their compliance obligations, we've added the Compliance admin role in Partner Center that supports Partners with managing their compliance-related matters.

Understand the role of a Compliance admin

The Compliance admin role helps Partners authorize a point of contact that they want Microsoft to engage with for compliance-related matters. Assign this role to someone in your company and be sure that your point of contact is kept current as changes happens within your company. In addition to receiving compliance-related communication from Microsoft, the Compliance admin can perform the following actions in Partner Center.

  • Monitor account verification processes and upload required documentation for account verification. For more information, see Verify your account information.
  • Update legal business profile information. For more information, see Verify your company profile.
  • Coordinate and complete required compliance training.

Review which partners should have a Compliance admin

All Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program Partners, Cloud Solution Provider direct-bill, indirect provider, and indirect reseller Partners should have a compliance admin assigned to their Partner Center account.

Assign the Partner Center Compliance admin role to a user

To be able to assign a Compliance admin for your company, you must be a Global admin for your company. Other roles might be able to view the users with compliance admin role, but they can't assign or update the Compliance admin role for a user.

  1. To get to the User management page, you can either:

    • Select the Take action button on the Action Center notification.

      Screenshot that shows Action Center, with Take action button highlighted.

    • Or, select Assign Compliance Admin role link in the email sent to you.

      Screenshot that shows the Call to Action screen, with the Assign Compliance Admin button highlighted.

  2. Assign the Compliance admin role.

    • To assign the Compliance admin role to a new user, the Global admin should create a new user. For instructions, see Create user accounts and assign roles. In the Create user window, select Compliance admin role. Complete the rest of the steps in the article to create the user.

      Screenshot that shows the Create new user window, with the Compliance admin role selected.

    • To assign the Compliance admin role to an existing user, select a user from the list of users in the User management page.

  3. In the User details page, select Compliance admin and select Update.

    Screenshot that shows the User details page, with Compliance admin checkmark checked.

  4. Confirm that the Compliance admin role is added the selected user.

Remove a Partner Center Compliance admin role for a user

To remove a person as a Compliance admin, you must be a Global admin. Other roles might be able to view the users that are assigned a Compliance admin role, but can't assign or update the role for a user.

  1. In the User management page, locate and select the user for which you want to remove the Compliance admin role.

  2. In the User details page, deselect the Compliance admin role checkbox and select Update. This step removes the Compliance admin role for the selected user.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Compliance admin role.

Who is a Partner Center Compliance admin?

Partner Center Compliance admins are Partner employees whom Partners authorize to engage on compliance-related issues for the organization. Partners authorize Compliance admins to serve as the registered point of contact for compliance-related engagements and matters associated with the Partner organization.

Who can assign a Compliance admin role?

The Global admin of your organization can assign the Compliance admin role.

What if my organization doesn't have a dedicated Compliance admin?

Partners are advised to assign the Compliance admin role to Partner employees who can engage on compliance-related issues for the Partner. In the absence of a dedicated Compliance admin, we advise you to assign the role to the user with the Global admin role.

Can I have more than one Compliance admin assigned to my organization?

Yes. You can assign the Compliance admin role to more than one user performing the Compliance role within your organization.

Does the Compliance Admin need to be a dedicated role?

No. The Compliance Admin can hold other roles within your organization and in Partner Center.

What kind of communications does Microsoft send to Compliance admins?

Communications we send to the Compliance admin for compliance-related matters include but aren't limited to: requests for support documentation related to the account verification process, compliance trainings, and any compliance-related issues that arise.