Registration ID number information
Appropriate roles: Global admin
If you're an indirect provider, direct-bill partner, or indirect reseller, and you're doing business with a new or existing customer in the following countries/regions, you must provide a registration ID number for the business. For detailed information, see the table in the Countries/regions where registration ID is required section.
We use the registration ID number to review the details of your account. If the country/region you're doing business in isn't listed in the following table, a registration ID number is optional.
Mandatory registration ID number versus optional
For countries/regions for which entering a registration ID number is mandatory, the label above the text box in Partner Center indicates the type of number required. The required registration ID number, for example, a tax identification number or a traffic registration number, depends on the country/region.
For countries/regions for which entering a registration ID number is optional, you can enter the company registration ID. Don't enter a personal ID.
Countries/regions where registration ID is required
Country or region | Details |
Armenia | TIN - Tax identification number Value-added tax (VAT) number – Also known as a VAT Registration Number. This value is the unique number that identifies a taxable person (business) or non-taxable legal entity that is registered for VAT. Public service number |
Azerbaijan | TIN – Tax identification number INN – Tax identification number |
Belarus | UNP – This value is a nine-digit number (numeric for organizations, alphanumeric for individuals) that contains a region identifier, a serial per region, and a check digit. |
Brazil | CNPJ – (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica, or National Registry of Legal Entities). This value is an identification number issued to Brazilian companies by the Department of Federal Revenue of Brazil |
China | TIN – Tax identification number |
Hungary | TIN – Tax identification number |
India | Tax ID PAN – (Presence Across Nation) PAN India Involvement means that there's one organization that is operating at several locations in India. |
Iraq | TIN – Tax identification number |
Kazakhstan | BIN – Bank identification number IIN – Issuer identification number |
Kyrgyzstan | INN – Tax identification number |
Moldova | IDNO – The unique state identification number assigned to the legal entity (also known as. Fiscal code). IDNP – Birth personal code ("Numarul de Identificare") |
Myanmar | TIN – Tax identification number |
Poland | TIN – Tax identification number PESEL – The national identification number used in Poland (Polish Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności, Universal Electronic System for Registration of the Population) |
Russia | INN – Tax identification number (Russian "Individualiy Nomer Nalogoplatelshika") |
Saudi Arabia | TIN – Tax identification number |
South Africa | TIN |
South Sudan | TIN – Tax reference number |
Tajikistan | INN – Tax reference number EIN – Employer Identification number KPP – This value is a code that reflects the reason for the organization registration. |
Thailand | TIN – Tax reference number |
Türkiye | TIN – Tax identification number NIN |
Ukraine | EGRPOU EDRPOU – Local ID |
United Arab Emirates | Tax ID VAT number - Also known as a VAT Registration Number. This value is the unique number that identifies a taxable person (business) or non-taxable legal entity that is registered for VAT. |
United States | EIN – Employer Identification number |
Uzbekistan | INN – Tax identification number |
Vietnam | TIN – Tax identification number |
Venezuela | RIF – is a Tax number ("Registro de Identificación Fiscal") |