

Code window navigation keys

Use these key combinations to navigate in the Code window.

Press To
CTRL+F2 Move the insertion point into the Object box.
SHIFT+F2 Go to the definition of the selected procedure.
CTRL+DOWN ARROW Display the next procedure.
CTRL+UP ARROW Display the previous procedure.
PAGE DOWN Page down through the procedures in your code.
PAGE UP Page up through the procedures in your code.
CTRL+SHIFT+F2 Go back to the last position in your code.
CTRL+HOME Go to the beginning of the module.
CTRL+END Go to the end of the module.
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Go one word to the right.
CTRL+LEFT ARROW Go one word to the left.
END Go to the end of the line.
HOME Go to the beginning of the line.
CTRL+PAGE DOWN Go to the bottom of the current procedure.
CTRL+PAGE UP Go to the top of the current procedure.
F6 Switch between Code window panes (when the window is split).

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