

Required mobile diagnostic data for Microsoft Teams

The following article contains a list of Microsoft Teams mobile events, and lists of properties each event collects.

For more information about diagnostic data, including how to control what diagnostic data is sent to Microsoft, see Diagnostic data sent from the Teams app to Microsoft. To view the diagnostic data being sent to Microsoft, you can use the Diagnostic Data Viewer.



There are common properties for all events listed below, to review them, see Properties sent with all events.



For information on the properties of PanelAction events, see Properties sent with panelaction events.

  • acceptUser - The user has accepted a 1:1 chat.

  • accessibilityUserConfiguration - When a user toggles an accessibility feature.

  • acknowledgeSettingChange - Acknowledge an update in the we updated a notification setting dialog. This property is a feature success metric used to acknowledge update notifications and to determine overall notification reliability.

  • actionComposeMenu

    • Create message extension usage.
    • Action message extension usage.
  • active_session_banner_dismissed - The location sharing active reminder banner was dismissed.

  • activityChatClicked - Triggered when non-live chat is selected in the Activity tab or a split view is shown.

  • activityContextMenu - Overflow actions in the activity feed.

  • activityFeedClick - An activity feed item is tapped on and a bot chat is navigated to.

  • activityFeedLongPress - Captures long press gestures on feed items.

  • activityFeedSwipe - Captures swipe gestures on feed items.

  • activityFilterClick - Captures activity filter usage.

  • activityFilterOptionsClick - Captures activity filter usage.

  • activityFilterOptionsClicked - Captures activity filter usage.

  • activityLiveChatClicked - Triggered when chat is selected from a live meeting on the Activity tab.

  • activityLiveDetailsClicked - Triggered when Details is selected from a live meeting on the Activity tab.

  • activityTabClicked - Helps to determine if:

    • The Activity tab is shown.
    • Teams captures an Activity tab event.
  • activityTypeDropdown - Captures activity filter usage to switch between My Activity and Feeds.

  • addChannel - Adding a channel. This item provides success data around the successful creation of a channel.

  • addMember - Triggered the Invite people button is selected in the More menu.

  • addMembers - Add members to a team or private channel.

  • addToCalendar - Select the Add to calendar button for calendar events missing in private calendar.

  • addToList - A contact is added to a contact list.

  • addToMeeting - Select the Add to meeting button in the participant list for a meeting (for participants who are a part of the chat).

  • addUserAsContact - A contact can be added by selecting the Add contact icon from the profile card of the contact.

  • admitAll - The number of times the Admit all button is selected from the lobby section.

  • admitParticipant - The number of times someone is admitted into a meeting from the meeting roster.

  • alertsNavAlert - Tapping on a feed item.

  • aliasDiscoverabilitySettingOpened - Entry point to discoverability settings.

  • android: null - Mute or unmute a bot chat. This property enhances existing telemetry around chats only adds application information.

  • anonymousMeetingJoin - Join meeting is selected on an anonymous join provide name page or OK is tapped in the name dialog.

  • anonymousMeetingJoinWelcome - Join as guest is selected on an anonymous join meeting landing page.

  • anonymousMeetingPostMeetingChat - The number of user views of chat from the call end screen.

  • anonymousMeetingPostMeetingRejoin - The number of times an anonymous user tries to rejoin a meeting.

  • anonymousMeetingSignIn - The number of times a user navigated to sign-in from the name input screen.

  • anonymousMeetingSignInWelcome - The Sign in and join is selected on an anonymous join meeting landing page.

  • anonymousMeetingToggleMuted - The number of times the mute toggle button was selected.

  • anonymousMeetingToggleVideo - The number of times the video toggle button was selected.

  • appKilled - The application is terminated.

  • approveTimeOffRequest - When a Frontline Worker (FLW) Manager approves a Frontline Worker request to take time off.

  • assigneeChange - Triggers when a new assignee is added to a task item.

  • assignmentPickerClicked - The Assign To button is selected, opening an assignee picker page.

  • assignmentRemoved - Triggers when an assignee is removed from a task item by selecting the x (which is the only way to remove an assignee).

  • attachmentAdded - Confirms that an attachment in a task was successfully added.

  • attachmentDeleted - Confirms that an attachment in a task was successfully deleted.

  • attachmentUpdated - Confirms that an attachment in a task was successfully updated.

  • audioOnlyLowBatteryBanner - The Audio only option is selected due to a low battery banner.

  • audioOnlyPoorNetworkBanner - The Video off option is selected due to a poor connection banner.

  • audioUserDoubleTap - Double tap on an audio participant.

  • autoReconnectCallmebackCallDrop - The number of times the Callmeback button was selected at a call end screen.

  • autoReconnectDialIn

    • The Dial in button is selected on the reconnect UFD.
    • The number of times the Dial In button was selected while a reconnect was happening.
  • autoReconnectDialInonCallDrop - The Dial in button is selected on the call disconnected UFD.

  • autoReconnectDialOut - The Call me back button is selected on the reconnect UFD.

  • autoReconnectRejoinonCallDrop - The number of times the Rejoin or the Redial button was selected at the call end screen.

  • backFromCallMePSTN - Call Me back PSTN number flow isn't completed.

  • backToPhotoShare - Returning to a camera.

  • backToStageFromWhiteboard - Returning to a call screen from a whiteboard.

  • backToWhiteboardFromStage - Going to a whiteboard from a call screen.

  • blockAnonymous - When:

    • Enables calling setting to block calls without caller ID from settings.
    • Disables calling setting to block calls without caller ID from settings.
    • Enables calling setting to block calls without caller ID from action sheet.
    • Disables calling setting to block calls without caller ID from action sheet.
  • blockCaller - Blocking:

    • A number and contact from the new iOS calls action sheet.
    • A contact and number from the contact card.
    • Numbers from settings.
  • blockChat - Blocking a bot chat. This property enhances existing telemetry around chats and is only adding application information.

  • botClickCardAction - Connector card usage.

  • brbFormOpened - The user requested to send feedback.

  • brbFormSubmit - The user submitted feedback.

  • breakStartEndClicked - On the clock in screen, the Start or the End break button is selected.

  • breakStartEndTriggered - Register a user chooses to use break start or end.

  • bucketSelected - Confirms that a bucket has been successfully selected.

  • bucketUnselected - Confirms that a bucket has been successfully unselected.

  • bucketPickerClicked - Confirms that the bucket picker successfully launched.

  • BYOELiveEventJoin - BYOE (broadcast your own event) live event is joined by a user.

  • calendarLiveChatClicked - Chat from live meeting on the Schedule tab.

  • calendarMeetingJoin - Meeting Join button selected from a calendar.

  • calendarTab - Select the Meetings tab in the bottom rail. Useful in understanding the calendar usage and comparing with other apps on the bottom rail, or determining if there was a failure in rendering the calendar post after selecting from the bottom bar.

  • calendarTabClicked - In the circumstances listed below, this property shows calendar usage and allows you to compare with other navbar apps on the bottom rail. This property can be used to determine if there was a failure when:

    • The Schedule tab is shown.
    • The Meetings tab is selected in the bottom rail.
  • calendarUpcomingChatClicked - Chat from an upcoming meeting on the Schedule tab.

  • callAccepted - Call accepted.

  • callAcceptedSFB - Call accepted.

  • callAppPreference - A preferred calling App is selected.

  • callControlsManualDismiss - Call controls are dismissed manually.

  • callControlsManualInvoke - Call controls are invoked manually.

  • callHistoryItemExpand - Call History item expanded.

  • callHistoryTab - CallHistory tab is selected in Calls.

  • callInProgressShown - A *Call in progress banner is shown.

  • callMePSTNConnected - Call me is successful.

  • callOrMeetUpAddParticipants - Triggered when:

    • Add participant button is tapped on a 1:1 call screen.
    • Select Person (VoIP) in Add participants.
    • Select PSTN in Add participants.
    • Add people in a live private meeting.
    • Select PSTN in a live private meeting.
    • Select Company contact in a live Private meeting.
    • Select Device contact in a live private meeting.
    • Add Participants Done in a live private meeting.
    • Add people in a live channel meeting.
    • Select PSTN in a live channel meeting.
    • Select Team Member in a live channel meeting.
    • Select Device contact in a live channel meeting.
    • Add Participants Done in a live channel Meeting.
  • callOrMeetUpAddParticipantsDone - A user finalizes their participant addition.

  • callOrMeetUpAddRoom - Triggered when:

    • Add room is selected in roster.
    • A search result is selected in add room.
    • Dismiss is selected for Nearby.
    • Enable BT or Location is selected for Nearby.
    • A nearby room result is selected in add room.
    • A suggested room result is selected in add room.
    • Done is selected in add room.
  • callOrMeetUpAudioOffSwitch - Flip Audio off button while in companion join mode in a live call or meetup.

  • callOrMeetUpAutoReconnect - Poor network performance causes a user's device to go into Autoreconnect mode.

  • callOrMeetUpCallAccepted - Triggered when:

    • A call is accepted.
    • A PSTN Call is accepted.
  • callOrMeetUpCallEnded - Triggered when:

    • An End call button is tapped.
    • A Call ended button is tapped while in callOrMeetupLive.
    • A Call ended button is tapped while in lockScreen.
    • A Call ended button tapped while in notification.
    • A Call ended button tapped while in inApp.
    • A Call ended button tapped while in callKit.
    • A Call Ended button for PSTN tapped.
  • callOrMeetUpChatWithParticipants - Chat toggle while in live meeting or call.

  • callOrMeetUpDeviceAudioSwitch - Triggered when:

    • Switch audio source to speaker.
    • Switch audio source to device.
    • Switch audio source to Bluetooth.
    • Switch audio source to audio off.
    • Switch speaker while in live meeting or a call.
    • Switch speaker to Audio off while in live meeting or a call.
    • Flip Audio off button while in companion join mode in live call or meetup.
    • Device Audio Switch while in PSTN.
  • callOrMeetUpEnterDriveMode - Switches manually to drive mode from the ... menu.

  • callOrMeetupExitDriveMode - Exit drive mode button tapped.

  • callOrMeetUpHold - Triggered when:

    • The Hold button is tapped while in live meeting or a call.
    • Call Hold in PSTN.
  • callOrMeetUpIncomingVideoSwitch - Turn off IncomingVideo while in live meeting or a call.

  • callOrMeetUpInvitedParticipants - Triggered when:

    • Clicked See all at the bottom of an Others invited participant group during private live meeting.
    • Clicked See all at the bottom of an Others invited participant group during live channel meeting.
  • callOrMeetUpJoinedParticipants - Triggered when:

    • Clicked See all at the bottom of an In the meeting participant group during private live meeting.
    • Clicked See all at the bottom of an In the meeting participant group during live channel meeting.
  • callOrMeetUpLobbyParticipants - Triggered when:

    • Clicked See all at the bottom of a Lobby participant group during private live meeting.
    • Clicked See all at the bottom of a Lobby participant group during live channel meeting.
  • callOrMeetUpMicrophoneSwitch - Triggered when:

    • Switch Microphone on.
    • Switch Microphone off.
    • Microphone button is selected while in a live meeting or a call.
    • Microphone switch while in PSTN.
  • callOrMeetUpMuteParticipant - A remote participant is muted.

  • callOrMeetUpMuteParticipants - Mute all participants while in live meeting or a call.

  • callOrMeetUpParticipants - Participants toggle while in live meeting or a call.

  • callOrMeetUpRemoteMuteUFD - You have been muted UFD.

  • callOrMeetUpResume Triggered when:

    • Resume button is selected while in a live meeting or a call.
    • Call Resume in PSTN.
  • callOrMeetUpSearchParticipants - Triggered when:

    • Clicked Search in meeting participants during private live meeting.
    • Clicked Search after viewing the Lobby participant group during private meeting.
    • Clicked Search after viewing the In the meeting participant group during private meeting.
    • Clicked Search after viewing the Others invited participant group during private meeting.
    • Clicked Search in meeting participants during a live channel meeting.
    • Clicked Search after viewing the Lobby participant group during a live channel meeting.
    • Clicked Search after viewing the In the meeting participant group during a live channel meeting.
    • Clicked Search after viewing the Others invited participant group during a live channel meeting.
  • callOrMeetUpVideoSwitch - Triggered when:

    • Switch Video on.
    • Switch Video off.
    • Video button selected while in live meeting or call.
  • callPark - Triggered when:

    • Park Call is selected in the ... menu.
    • Retrieve button is selected.
    • Pickup is selected in the retrieve dialog.
    • Cancel is selected in the retrieve dialog.
  • callPreferenceSetting - Call preference app setting.

  • callsTabNewCall - New Call is selected in the Calls tab.

  • callTransfer - A call transfer is started.

  • callVoicemailTab - Voicemail tab selected in Calls.

  • cameraPermissionCancel - Cancel is selected the camera permission dialog.

  • cameraPermissionGoToSettings - Settings is navigated to from the camera permissions dialog.

  • cancelEditMeeting - Select the Close button while on the meeting scheduler page, after selecting Edit meeting. This property logs when a user abandons the edit meeting selection.

  • cancelFileShare - Cancel is selected on the confirmation dialog.

  • cancelFileUpload - x is selected on the upload dialog.

  • cancelMeeting - Select Cancel event from the meeting details page. Used to get aggregated data on the number of canceled meetings.

  • cancelNavigationToLink - Cancel navigation was chosen.

  • cancelRequestToJoinTeam - Cancel request to join a team.

  • cancelRequestToJoinTeamError - Error with a cancel join request.

  • cancelNewMeeting - To log abandoned Create meeting selections and verify what caused them when:

    • The Close button is selected while on meeting scheduler page.
    • The Close button is selected while on meeting scheduler page after selecting Edit meeting.
  • cardView - No AS assigned - Card view and card rendering. Cards are key platform constructs and measuring their usage and pattern is necessary to understand platform usage and to look out for potential issues on the client side. This item is required to measure any error with joining a team.

  • castPpt - Event is triggered when:

    • A PowerPoint option is selected.
    • A particular PowerPoint is selected.
    • The Teams and Channels folder is selected in the file picker page.
    • Selects a OneDrive folder in the file picker page.
    • Stops the casting session.
    • Taps on multitasking PiP.
    • Selects a display option from file view.
  • castScreen - Refers to:

    • Tapping on share screen option.
    • Stopping the screen sharing session.
    • Selecting display option from file view.
  • center_on_team_clicked - A user successfully centers map on groups.

  • channelFollow - Turn on notifications for a channel.

  • channelUnfollow - Turn off notifications for a channel.

  • channelsActiveSetting - The notify me when I'm active on desktop notification setting is changed.

  • chatCreation - Successful chat creation.

  • changeIsActiveSetting - Change desktop activity based notification.

  • channel - New message button or textbox in chat.

  • channelDetails - Channel navigation information for when:

    • A channel header is selected.
    • The channel details page is navigated to.
  • channelFollow/channelUnfollow - Follow or unfollow a channel.

  • channelNav - Navigating to a channel from anywhere.

  • channelNavTab - Provides success and discoverability data for files in Teams when:

    • The Files tab is selected in channel.
    • There's a connector card reply.
  • channelNotificationSettings - Triggered when:

    • The New Notification settings dialog is selected.
    • The channel notification settings button is selected in channel view.
    • A channel notification setting is selected.
  • channelSelected - Confirms that a channel was successfully selected for a new plan.

  • channelSendMessage - Triggered when:

    • A channel message is sent.
    • A bot is @mentioned in a compose box.
  • channelTabOverflow - Selects the More tab in a channel.

  • chat - Refers to:

    • A new message button or textbox in chat.
    • 1:1 chat selected on a callHistory item.
    • A 1:1 chat selection from call list.
  • chat - No AS Assigned - Viewing unread chat or editing the chat roster, specifically:

    • Selecting the Done button when adding a user to a chat.
    • A chat list filter is selected, to filter by unread.
  • chatAddChat - Add a member to chat button tapped (this property will be same for 1:1 chat and group chat).

  • chatAllowJoinViaLink - Turns the Join Link capabilities in the Chat Details page on or off.

  • chatAvatarEdit - Tracks how many groups change their avatar from the Chat Details page.

  • chatAvatarEditCamera - Triggered when a user edits the avatar from a live camera feed.

  • chatAvatarEditGallery - Triggered when a user edits the avatar from the phone's gallery.

  • chatAvatarEditView - Triggered when a user views the existing avatar image.

  • chatListNavConversations - When a user taps into a chat list item.

  • chatCancelAudioCall - Cancel a group audio call - Confirm dialog.

  • chatCancelVideoCall - Cancel a group video call - Confirm dialog.

  • chatCM_CopyText - Tap Copy text on a chat context menu.

  • chatCM_DeleteMessage - Tap Delete message on a chat context menu.

  • chatCM_edit - Tap Edit on a chat context menu.

  • chatCM_Forward - Tap Forward on a chat context menu.

  • chatCM_markUnread - Tap Mark as unread on a chat context menu.

  • chatCM_save - Tap Save on a chat context menu.

  • chatCM_SeenBy - Tap on Seen on a context menu option. Read Receipts, such as read by (readby).

  • chatContactsEnter - The Chat Contacts tab is entered.

  • chatDetails - Provides success and discoverability data for a chat details page when:

    • A chat header is selected.
    • A chat detail page is navigated to.
  • chatRecentEnter - The Chat Recent tab is entered.

  • chatSendMessage - Send a chat message.

  • chatShareLink Tracks how many users send a group invite link.

  • chatStartAudioCall - Triggered when:

    • 1:1 audio call button tapped.
    • Taps the Audio button on a search result.
    • Taps the Start Call button on the right.
    • 1:1 audio call tapped from a callHistory item.
    • 1:1 audio call tapped from a voicemail item.
    • Place a group audio call - Confirm dialog.
  • chatStartAudioCallOnBehalfOf - Delegate starts a call from the action sheet as Boss.

  • chatStartAudioCallOnBehalfOfMyself - Delegate starts a call from the action sheet as Myself.

  • chatStartAudioCallSFB - 1:1 audio call button tapped.

  • chatStartVideoCall - Triggered when:

    • 1:1 video call button tapped.
    • Taps video button on search result.
    • 1:1 video call tapped from callHistory item.
    • Place a group video call - Confirm dialog.
  • chatStartVideoCallSFB - 1:1 video call button tapped.

  • chatWithMeetingParticipants - Selects the Chat tab from Meeting Details page.

  • checkListAddClicked - Add an item is selected inside the task details view for checklist section.

  • checkListItemAdded - A checklist item is created for a task.

  • checkListItemDeleted - A checklist item is deleted from a task.

  • checkListItemUpdated - A checklist item is updated for a task.

  • channelPickerClicked - Confirms that the channel picker successfully launched.

  • checklistSeeAllClicked When the See All button is selected inside task details to view all checklist items.

  • chicletExpand - Understand how cards are previewed on mobile and the preview closure behavior.

  • clearFilter - When all filters are cleared while viewing a tasklist.

  • clickPhotoOfficeLens - Select Take photo - Launch camera (Android only).

  • clockInEntryTeamSelectionShown - A user selects a team for time clock while not clocked in.

  • clockInOutClicked - On the clock in screen, the Clock In or Clock Out button are selected.

  • clockInOutTriggered - Register a user's clock in or out. This property won't trigger until you've checked the location, assuming location is required.

  • closedBannerMessage - Triggered when the banner message of a notification is closed.

  • closeLobbyBanner - Number of times the lobby toast is closed using its Close button.

  • commentAdded - Confirms that a comment was added to a task.

  • commentsClicked - Confirms that the comments view was successfully launched.

  • commentUpdated - Confirms that a comment was successfully updated on a task.

  • companionBannerJoin - Select Join on the top-level banner.

  • companionDismiss - Dismiss the companion banner.

  • companionDismissProximity - Dismiss the companion banner.

  • companionJoin - Join as companion option is selected on the sheet.

  • companionJoinProximity - Joined through the companion banner.

  • completionStateChange - Triggers when a completed or Incomplete filter toggle is selected in filter view from task list.

  • composeExpandComposer - Format button tapped.

  • composeFilePick - Native file picker launched.

  • composeImagePicker - Image button tapped.

  • composeLocation - Location button tapped in compose.

  • composeMention - @mention.

  • composeOpenEmoticonPicker - Emoticon picker tapped.

  • composeOpenFunPicker - Fun picker tapped.

  • composeParticipantAdded - When a participant is added to the Shifts app.

  • composeSearchResult - Message extension result selection, which is helpful to understand the app search result relevance. Also enhances message send telemetry with app data.

  • composeSelectExtension - Tap on a ME app.

  • composeSendSmartReply - A smart reply item is clicked.

  • composeSendMessage - Enhances message send telemetry with app data.

  • confirmAudioOn - A user confirms that they want audio on.

  • confirmFileShare - Share is selected on the confirmation dialog.

  • consultTransfer - Triggered when:

    • Selects Transfer > Consult first
    • Transfer target set to Person
    • Transfer target set to Phone Number.
  • consultTransferCall - Triggered when:

    • A consult call is initiated.
    • Confirm is selected on a confirms transfer dialog.
    • Cancel is selected on a confirms transfer dialog.
    • The Banner transfer button is selected.
    • The Banner resume button is selected.
  • consultTransferChat Triggered when:

    • A consult chat is initiated.
    • Confirm is selected on a confirms transfer dialog.
    • Confirms is selected on a confirms transfer dialog.
    • A Banner transfer button or Banner resume button is selected.
  • consumeVoiceMessage - Voice message played.

  • ContactCard_SeeMoreOOF - See more of a long OOF message.

  • contactOrganizer - Selected Contact organizer.

  • conversation, tabs - Tab selected.

  • copyLink - Copy a link to a channel post.

  • contactActivity - When the button to view a user's activity from the contact card is selected.

  • conversation - When a user navigates to the Chat or Posts tab.

  • createChannel - Provides success data around the successful creation or discard action for new channel creation, when:

    • The Done button is selected on the Create Channel Page.
    • The Cancel button is selected on the Create Channel Page.
  • createComposeExtension - Create message extension usage, or action ME usage.

  • createConversationClicked - When a conversation is created with other workers.

  • createDefaultPlannerPlan - A shared list is created automatically when the Tasks app is opened for the first time by anyone in that group, checks auto list created with Planner service. Confirms the default shared task list is successfully created in Planner the first time a user attempts to create a shared task list.

  • createOrJoinTeam - The + button is selected to create or join a team.

  • createPersonalPlan - A personal list is created, checks list created with ToDo service. Confirms a new personal task list is created in ToDo.

  • createPersonalSubtask - Confirms a personal subtask has been successfully created.

  • createPersonalTask - Confirms a personal task has been successfully created.

  • createPlan - Confirms that a shared task list has been successfully created. Confirms that a shared plan has been successfully created through middle tier.

  • createPlannerPlan - A shared list is created, checks list created with Planner service. Confirms a new shared task list is created in Planner.

  • createPlannerTask - Checks a call to the Planner service. Confirms that a task has successfully been created in a shared tasks list.

  • createShiftClicked - When a manager selects Create a shift.

  • createShiftOrTimeOffClicked - Triggered if you select Create a shift or Time off.

  • createTask - Used for when create action fails, checks call to Planner service. Confirms a task create operation failed.

  • createTaskList - When a user navigates to the create plan view from home view.

  • createTeam - Provides success data around the successful creation or discard action for new team creation, when:

    • The Done button is selected on the Create Team Page.
    • The Cancel button is selected on the Create Team Page.
  • createTeam, createChannel - This property provides success data around the successful addition of members in a team and the successful creation of a new team when:

    • The Skip button is selected in the Add Members page (check existing first).
    • The Done button is selected in the Add Members page (check existing first).
    • Shows team or channel creation acknowledgment.
  • crossCloudDialogCancel - Cancel is selected for a cross-cloud dialog.

  • crossCloudDialogJoin - Join as guest is selected for a cross-cloud dialog.

  • dashboardNav - A user navigates to a tile on the chat dashboard.

  • dateChanged - A user modified a shift date.

  • datePickerLaunch - Confirms that date picker was successfully launched.

  • dayClicked - Selecting the day view when user is seeing their shifts.

  • daySaved - A user saves the day availability, saves a day of shifts.

  • declineTimeOffRequest - When a user declines the request for time off of work. It's a key functionality for time off, for manager to reject time off request.

  • deleteClicked - When Delete is selected within task details, which brings up the confirmation dialog.

  • deleteContact - A user deletes an existing private contact.

  • deleteMeeting - Select the Delete button from the Meeting Details page.

  • deletePersonalTask - Confirms a personal task has been successfully deleted.

  • deletePersonalSubtask - Confirms a personal subtask has been successfully deleted.

  • deletePlannerTask - Confirms that a shared task delete operation completed successfully.

  • deleteShift - Shift deletion.

  • duration_picker_dismissed - When the duration picker is dismissed.

  • deleteTask - Verifies with the Planner service as to whether a delete action was successful or unsuccessful. Confirms that a task delete failed, that is, the deletion of a task was unsuccessful.

  • deleteVoicemail - Delete voicemail item tapped.

  • demotedToAttendee - A user demotes a presenter - Change button in the dialog box.

  • denyParticipant - Number of times a user denies someone entry from the roster.

  • descriptionChanged - Confirms a shared task description has changed successfully.

  • descriptionClicked - When a user selects View description from task details.

  • detailsTabClicked - The Details tab is selected on the meeting.

  • deviceAddressBookSync - Fired when address book sync is turned on from the settings page.

  • deviceAddressBookUnsync - Fired when address book sync is turned off from the settings page.

  • deviceSyncEnabled - Device sync enabled.

  • deviceSyncDisabled - Device sync disabled.

  • dialIn - A user chooses to Dial in into a meeting (various locations).

  • dialInBadNetworkBanner - Dial in is selected for a poor connection banner.

  • dialInBadNetworkBannerCancel - The Dial in is canceled on the native dialog.

  • dialInBadNetworkBannerConfirm - The Dial in is confirmed on the native dialog.

  • dialInCall - Call is selected on the Dial in pop-up.

  • dialInCancel - Cancel is selected on the Dial in pop-up.

  • dialOutCall - Triggered when a user:

    • Joins in Drive mode.
    • Selects Call on the Call me back pop-up.
  • dialOutCallAAD - When any number is selected from My numbers in the action sheet

  • dialOutCallRecent - When any number is selected from previous recent numbers in the action sheet.

  • dialOutCancel - Cancel is selected on the Call me back pop-up.

  • dialOutDialog - New number is selected in the action sheet.

  • dialOutFailRetry - Retry is selected from a failure banner.

  • DialPad - The DialPad button is selected from the call list.

  • directShare - Shared an invite link to an Sms/Email native app.

  • disableCategory - Disable a type of notification or disable incoming call notifications.

  • disabled - Skip notifications is selected in the First-run experience (FRE). This selected property provides key success data for skipping the notification in the FRE flow.

  • disableQuietDays - Quiet Days disabled. Feature success telemetry for quiet days.

  • disableQuietHours - Quiet Hours disabled.

  • discoverTeams - Navigate to Browse and Join Teams page.

  • Dismiss_earlycancelledCQF - The CQF early canceled call form is dismissed.

  • Dismiss_ratemycallCQF - The CQF rate my call form is dismissed.

  • Dismiss_ratemyliveeventCQF - The CQF rate my live event form is dismissed.

  • dismissBadNetworkBanner - Dismiss is selected for a poor connection banner.

  • dismissFlyout - Dismiss button is selected.

  • dismissModality - The modality picker is exited without sharing.

  • dismissModalityPicker - The Modality picker button is selected.

  • dismissReadReceiptsNotice - Got it is selected from a feature notice.

  • dismissStartRecording - Dismiss error when starting recording.

  • dismissStopRecording - Dismiss error when stopping recording.

  • dismissUseWifiForVideoBanner - Triggered when a user dismisses a banner:

    • That tells the user that remote participant video is blocked, and users have to switch to WiFi to see it.
    • That tells the user that users have to switch to WiFi to share video.
  • DLPDelete - A user deleted a blocked message.

  • DLPEdit - A user edited a blocked message.

  • DLPOverride - A user overrode blocked message.

  • DLPOverrideReport - A user reported a false positive and overrode the message.

  • DLPReport - A user reported a false positive.

  • DLPResolve - A user attempted to resolve a DLP message.

  • DLPSeeOriginal - A user tapped to see an original message.

  • downloadFile - Helps to:

    • Determine if a download operation was initiated.
    • Determine if a file was downloaded successfully.
  • dragDatePickerHandle

  • dtmfPSTNCall - DTMF button on DialPad is tapped.

  • dueDateChanged - Triggers when a user assigns a due date to a task.

  • dueDatePickerClicked - Triggers when the Due Date button is selected in task details, opening the due date picker page.

  • dueDateSelected - Triggers when a user applies a filter by due date while viewing a tasklist.

  • dueDateUnselected - Triggers when a user unapplies a filter by dueddate while viewing a tasklist.

  • edit - Edit button in a chat message.

  • editChannel - A user selects a button to edit a channel that they own or administer.

  • editContact - A user edits an existing private contact by navigating to the contact card.

  • editMeetingResponse - Edit meeting response from the meeting detail page.

  • editNavigation - Reorder is selected in the More menu to edit the order of bottom bar apps.

  • editRsvpMeetingOptions - Select RSVP to change from the previous selection.

  • editShiftClicked - Edit a shift.

  • editSmartReply - A smart reply item is edited.

  • editTeam - A user taps on a button to edit a team that they own or administer.

  • editTeam, editChannel - Relating to the successful addition of members in a team and successful creation of an existing team when:

    • The Cancel button is selected in the Add Members page (existing team or channel).
    • The Done button is selected in the Add Members page (existing team or channel).
  • emergencyCall - Emergency Call placed calling plan.

  • emergencyCallDirectRouting - Emergency Call placed direct routing.

  • emergencyCallLocationPolicyBased - DialEmergency using DialPad.

  • emergencycallSecurityDeskNotify - Emergency Call placed, security desk informed.

  • enableCategory - Relating to notification settings when enabling:

    • A type of notification.
    • Incoming call notifications.
  • enabled - Relating to enabling the notification in the First-run experience (FRE) flow:

    • Enable notifications is selected in the First-run experience (FRE).
    • Enable is selected in a reminder.
  • enabled/disabled - Calling permissions or contact permissions (Android only).

  • enabled, notNow - Notification permission prompt Accept button, First-run experience (FRE) Notifications Permission (iOS). This property captures how many people have enabled the notification feature and provides information.

  • enablediOSPrompt - A user actually enables notifications in the iOS notifications permissions prompt. This property gives information about users who actually enable notifications in iOS from notifications permissions prompt.

  • enabledQuietDays - Quiet Days enabled.

  • enableLocationPermission - When a user enables location permissions for the share location feature.

  • enableQuietDays - A user enables quiet days.

  • enableQuietHours - Quiet Hours enabled.

  • endEditing - Save button pressed.

  • endFileShare - Go back is selected on a file sharing dialog.

  • endMyShift - Number of devices in shared mode or number of times signed out.

  • endPhotoShare - x out from photo share.

  • entryPointClicked - Selecting Requests in the Schedule tab. Requests are for when a Frontline Worker (FLW) is requesting a shift time, etc.

  • endPSTNCallSelected - A user ends a PSTN and a Content call.

  • endPSTNCallShown - A user is prompted to end a PSTN or a Content call.

  • endVideoShare - x out from Video share.

  • errorShown - An error is shown.

  • expand/collapse - Device contacts or company contacts section.

  • expandCollapseSection - Tap a section header to expand or collapse a section.

  • Expected: atMention - Android: chatSendMessage - iOS: sendMsg - @mention a bot in a compose box.

  • Expected: botClickCardAction - Android: showCard - iOS: missing - Tap on card buttons. Cards are key platform constructs and measuring their usage and pattern is necessary to understand platform usage and to look out for potential issues on the client side.

  • Expected: chatSendMessage - iOS: composeSendMessage - Tap on Reply and reply to a bot chat in a channel.

  • Expected: composeSendMessage - Android: replyChannel - iOS: missing - Tap on Reply and reply to a bot chat in a channel.

  • Expected: messageLike - Android: reactLike_CM - Like a bot message.

  • Expected: messageUnread - Android: markAsLastUnread - Message context menu options for a bot message.

  • federatedUpgradeNewChat - Legacy chat is upgraded to native.

  • files - Tracks if the file listing is done successfully in the chat and channel files tab.

  • fileSelected - A PowerPoint presentation is selected.

  • fileThumbnailPreviewDownloaded - Helps to identify if a thumbnail was rendered successfully for a file.

  • fileThumbnailPreviewFromCache - Captures if thumbnail shows from cache successfully and helps to identify if thumbnail was rendered successfully for a file.

  • fileThumbnailPreviewNotAvailable - Helps to identify if thumbnail was rendered successfully for a file.

  • fillFrameVideo - Fill frame from action sheet.

  • firstTimeSignedIn Sign in or sign up event triggered by:

    • Sign-in success.
    • First sign-in succeeded.
    • Sign-in Errors are seen by a user.
    • Record telemetry about MAM/MDM policies implemented on first time sign in.
    • Record app install referrer parameters after first time successful sign in.
  • fitToFrameVideo - Fit to frame from action sheet.

  • flipCamera - Flip camera.

  • forcedUpdateAccept - A user accepts to update the app version in the force update dialog.

  • forcedUpdateExit - A user closes the app instead of updating the app version in the force update dialog.

  • forcedUpdatePrompt - Used in situations where users on older versions (that may not have the latest security and privacy fixes) need to be reached.

  • formattingBold - A user selects bold formatting.

  • formattingHighlight - A user selects highlight formatting.

  • formattingImportant - A user selects importance.

  • formattingItatlics - A user selects italics.

  • formattingTextColor - A user selects text color formatting.

  • formattingUnderline - A user selects underline.

  • FRE - No AS Assigned - Record telemetry about MAM/MDM policies on app launch. Telemetry for Intune integration for MAM and MDM. Provides success data about failure during First-run experience (FRE).

  • freActionClicked - Get started, Try Later, or Close (GPS) is selected in the First-run experience (FRE).

  • freDone - First-run experience (FRE) has been done.

  • freTriggered - A user views the time clock on the First-run experience (FRE).

  • funSearchQueryEntered - Giphy query entered. Success data for the giphy attachment feature in Teams.

  • funSelectItem - Giphy image chosen. Success data for the giphy attachment feature in Teams.

  • galleryImage - Image uploaded - gallery.

  • get_directions_clicked - The Get directions button is selected.

  • giphyUserDisabled - User selects to decline Giphy terms/conditions.

  • giphyUserEnabled - User selects to accept Giphy terms/conditions.

  • goToNotificationSettings - Go to the notification settings page from we updated notification settings dialog.

  • GPSPromptClicked - The Allow or Don't Allow is selected in an OS prompt. either allowing GPS or not.

  • group_map_closed - A user opens the map view from chat.

  • group_map_open - User closes the map view.

  • groupCallJoin - A user joins a Group call.

  • groupClicked - Tracks when a user selects the shift group.

  • guideMe - Users selects a banner that informs them about a 3P app blocking notifications and offers troubleshooting guidance.

  • hamburgerMenu - Navigate to the hamburger menu. The hamburger menu contains important actions, such as account switch, notification settings, data setting, and profile settings.

  • handoffComplete - A meeting or call was handed off on this device.

  • handoffJoin A meeting hand-off option is selected on the action sheet.

  • hardwareAudioOff - Turn audio off through the hardware buttons.

  • hardwareAudioOn - Turn audio on through the hardware buttons.

  • hide - Hide chat.

  • hideChannel - Hide a channel from the teams and channel list.

  • image - Image.

  • inAppNotification- Triggered when a notification is tapped while the user is active in the app.

  • immediateCallForward - Immediate call forward target is set, or enabling immediate call forwarding (Calls ring me is disabled).

  • importanceToggleClicked - Triggers when the ! field is toggled inside task item details.

  • importantMessage_select - A user selects an important message from the priority context menu.

  • importantMessageSend - A user sends an important message.

  • inCallDialOut - A user selects the Call me back button from in-call more options.

  • initiatePhotoShare - Initiate photo share.

  • initiateVideoShare - Initiate video share.

  • install - Install or Install Event.

  • installReferrer - Record app install referrer parameters after first time install.

  • invisionWhiteboardClicked - Invision whiteboard is selected:

    • The Channel Files tab.
    • The meeting Chat Files tab.
  • inviteFreemium - Tapping the + button in the Invite screen.

  • inviteGuest - Tapping the + button in the Invite screen.

  • joinFromDeeplinkInTeams - A user joined through a deeplink from within the Teams app.

  • joinFromDeeplinkOutsideTeams - A user joined through a deep link from outside the Teams app.

  • joinFromJoinLauncher - A user joined from a Join Launcher.

  • joinFromNudge - A user joined from nudge.

  • joinFromStore - A user joined after downloading the app from the app store.

  • joinMeeting - detects the success or failure of joining meetings from calendar in the following circumstances:

    • Join the meeting through Dial in.
    • Join the meeting through Call me back.
    • Join the meeting content only.
    • Select the Meeting join button from agenda view.
  • joinOptionsEdu - An EDU user selects options to join a scheduled meeting and is shown the proper options.

  • joinTeam - The Join button is pressed.

  • joinViaCode - A user joins a meeting via a code.

  • labelPickerClicked - Confirms that the label picker successfully launched.

  • labelSelected - Confirms that a label has been successfully selected.

  • labelUnselected - Confirms that a label has been successfully unselected.

  • launchLinksGallery - When a user enters the links gallery from the dashboard.

  • launchSlideshow - User Launches Slideshow full screen image viewer from one of three possible app feature locations.

  • Launch source such as direct, link, appShortcut - Launches directly or via link (recording Mobile Application Management (MAM) or Mobile Device Management (MDM) telemetry on app launch to collect data for active users).

  • lastSearchableAliasTurnedOff - The user has disabled all searchable aliases for account.

  • leaveChat - Confirm leaving chat.

  • legacyChatLink - A link is selected to a legacy chat.

  • link - User initiated redeem of invite link by entering Teams application.

  • likeAppDismiss - When the prompt that asks whether a user likes the app or not is dismissed without a response.

  • likeAppNo - When the prompt that asks whether user likes the app receives a response of no.

  • likeAppYes - When the prompt that asks whether user likes the app receives a response of yes.

  • likeMsg - Select Like.

  • linkPreviewCancel - Understand the preview closure behavior.

  • listUserClicked - When a user selects a user in Working Now.

  • liveCaptions - Live captions are turned on or off.

  • liveEventAdditonalLink - An extra link is selected.

  • liveEventInfo - The Info button is selected.

  • liveEventJoin - A user joins a live event.

  • liveEventLeave - The Leave button is pressed.

  • liveEventPresenterJoin - A live event is joined by a presenter.

  • liveEventPresenterJoinAsAttendee - A live event presenter joined as an attendee.

  • liveEventQnA - The Q&A icon is selected.

  • liveEventVivaEngage - The Viva Engage icon is selected.

  • liveMeetingPushNotificationClicked - Push notification is selected.

  • liveMeetingToastClicked - In-app toast is selected.

  • live_location_in_chats_from_profile_clicked - Live locations is selected in profile view.

  • lobbyPickAudio - Number of times a user switches audio output from lobby.

  • lobbyToggleMuted - Number of times a user turned the mic on or off from lobby.

  • lobbyToggleVideo - Number of times a user turned video on or off from lobby.

  • logOutClicked - When a user signs out.

  • location_active_tracking - A user's device is switched to active tracking.

  • locationCard - Select a location card.

  • location_family_sync - Showing members of a Family group that were created in MSA family app. Confirms that all family members that can be granted consent are displayed.

  • location_data_use_privacy_denied - The user denied acceptance of privacy terms.

  • location_group_map_sync - Map view is opened.

  • location_map_load - Map view load.

  • location_map_markers_load - Map view load. Confirms that location markers for all users actively sharing are displayed properly on the map view.

  • location_message_send - A user initiates a location sharing session.

  • location_data_use_privacy_denied - A user dismisses or selects Not now on a popup explaining use of location data by TFL.

  • location_data_use_privacy_granted - A user selects Allow on a popup explaining the use of location data by TFL.

  • location_settings_open - A user opens location settings.

  • location_sharing_start - A user shares their live location in a chat.

  • location_sharing_stop - A user stops sharing their live location in a chat.

  • loginFailed - User was unable to sign in.

  • loginSuccess - User was able to log in.

  • manageBlockedNumbers - Access blocked numbers through Settings.

  • manualSendMessage - A message is sent out manually.

  • mapAppPicker - When a user selects which mapping app to use when they tap on a location card.

  • markAsRead - Mark as read.

  • markAsUnread - Mark as unread.

  • markChannelRead - A user marks a channel read.

  • messageBookmarkMessage - Connector card save. Uses existing telemetry with app specific data. Or save a bot message.

  • markAsLastUnread - Connector card context menu.

  • maskCallerId - A user enables or disables calling setting to mask caller ID.

  • meetingAttachmentFileClick - A meeting attachment item is clicked.

  • meetingAttachmentFileOptions - A meeting attachment item option is clicked.

  • meetingAttachmentSeeMoreClick - A meeting attachment see more button is clicked.

  • meetingDetailCalendarList - Meeting Details page selected from calendarList, or select the Details tab on the Meeting Details page.

  • meetingDetailChatWithParticipants - Chat with participants from the Meeting detail page.

  • meetingDetailDeleteMeetingforSelf - Delete a Meeting from the Meeting Detail page for oneself.

  • meetingDetailJoin - The Meeting Join button is selected from Meeting Detail page.

  • meetingDetailParticipants - See all participants from the Meeting Detail page.

  • meetingDetailScheduledMeeting - Meeting details page selected from scheduled meeting object (...), or select the Details tab of a scheduled meeting.

  • meetingDetailSearchParticipants - Selected Search in meeting participants on the meeting schedule.

  • meetingInsightFileClick - A meeting related file item is clicked.

  • meetingInsightFileLocatorClick - A meeting related content locator tip button is clicked.

  • meetingInsightFileOptions - A meeting related file item options is clicked.

  • meetingInsightSeeMoreClick - A meeting related content see more button is clicked.

  • meetingJoinLeave - Leave tapped -> x is tapped after the Join button is tapped.

  • meetingJoinNow - Join now for VOIP selected.

  • meetingJoinNowWithCallMe - A user joins a meeting with Call me.

  • meetingJoinNowWithPSTN - A user joins a meeting with Dial in.

  • meetingLeaveChat - Leave chat.

  • meetingMuteChat - Mute chat.

  • meetingNotesCreatedInChatLink - The Meeting notes created chicklet is selected in private meeting chat or in channel meeting chat.

  • meetingNotesMentionCharLink - The @mention link is selected in private meeting chat.

  • meetingNotesMentionChatLink - The @mention link is selected in channel meeting chat.

  • meetingNotesTabEntryPoint - The Meeting Notes tab is selected in private meeting or in a channel.

  • meetingNotificationSettingsAccepted - Notification settings option was changed to Accepted only.

  • meetingNotificationSettingsAll - Notification settings option was changed to All.

  • meetingNotificationSettingsNone - Notification settings option was changed to None.

  • messagePriority_select - A Message priority entry point is selected.

  • messageSeeOriginal - A user reverts translated message back to original.

  • meetingSeeParticipantsChatDetails - See all participants.

  • memberListLoadMore - Scroll down to load more.

  • messagedEditMessage - A user edits a message.

  • messageShareMessage - Share a message.

  • messageTranslate - A user translates a message.

  • messageUnabletoEdit - A user is unable to edit a message.

  • meetingUserAnonB2B - Anonymous B2B joined the meeting.

  • meetingUserAnonB2C - Anonymous B2C joined the meeting.

  • meetingUserDialIn - PSTN (Dial in) user joined the meeting.

  • meetingUserDialOut - PSTN Call me back user joined the meeting.

  • meetingUserFederated - A federated user joined the meeting.

  • meetingUserFreemium - A freemium user joined the meeting.

  • meetingUserGuest - A guest user joined the meeting.

  • meetingUserTenant - An in-tenant user joined the meeting.

  • memeGenerated - When a meme is generated given a user input of image and text data.

  • meProfileFetch - Indicates a successful profile fetch and creation.

  • messageCopyMessage - Copy Message.

  • messageDelete - Message delete.

  • messageEditMessage - Edit message.

  • messageForwardMessage - A user selects a Forward entry point from message context menu.

  • messageLike/messageUnlike - Message like or unlike.

  • messageMuteSender - Mute or unmute sender.

  • messageLike - Connector card like. Uses existing telemetry with app specific data.

  • messageScheduledMeeting - Meeting object in channel selected (Not only scheduled ones).

  • messageTriggered - When a notification is triggered for a message.

  • micPermissionCancel - Cancel is selected on the mic permission dialog.

  • micPermissionGoToSettings - A user navigates to settings from the mic permissions dialog.

  • MicrosoftWhiteboardClicked - Microsoft whiteboard is selected on the Channel Files tab or the Meeting Chat Files tab.

  • moreOptionsClicked - Triggers when ... menu on the top-right is selected on the task item editor screen.

  • moveTaskClicked - Option inside task item more options list.

  • msaAddDeleteAliasLinkClicked - Link to set up an alias on MSA Profile page.

  • multiCallEndFromUFD - Number of times a user ends the call on hold in a multi-call scenario.

  • multiCallResumeFromUFD - Number of times a user selects to resume a call from hold.

  • multiCallSwitch - Number of times a user selects an option to switch the call and list of calls on hold shows up.

  • multipleAccounts - Number of accounts for a user.

  • multipleTenants - Number of tenants per account.

  • mute - Mute chat.

  • muteOnWhiteboard - A user mutes or unmutes on the whiteboard screen.

  • muteParticipant - Mute participant (move to the action sheet).

  • my_location_button_clicked - User centers the map on their location by selecting the My location button.

  • my_location_clicked - A user centers the map on their location by selecting the blue dot on the map.

  • myShiftPickerClicked - Only logged if the request being sent is a swap or offer. My Shift picker is selected.

  • nameGroupChat - Name group chat.

  • nativeTimeClockBreak - A break on the time clock.

  • nativeChatLink - A link to native chat is selected.

  • navActivity- Navigate to the activity feeds page.

  • navBookmark - A user navigates to the Saved tab or app on the bottom bar or app tray.

  • navCalendar - Measures if a user navigates to a calendar.

  • navCallingSettings - A user navigates to the calling settings.

  • navCalls - Calls tab tapped.

  • navCamera - A user navigates to the Camera tab or app on the bottom bar or app tray.

  • navChat - A user navigates to the Chat tab or app on the bottom bar or app tray.

  • navContacts - A user navigates to the Contacts or People tab or app on the bottom bar or app tray.

  • navDashboardTab - A user navigates to the Dashboard tab within a conversation.

  • navDynamics365 - Triggered when the Dynamics 365 app is opened.

  • navFiles - Files app is selected, tracks if a user can launch the files app in the app tray (iOS).

  • navFilesTab - Files app is selected, tracks if a user can launch the files app in the bottom nav bar (iOS).

  • navMeetings - Calendar tab tapped.

  • navNotes - Triggered when the Notes app is opened.

  • navOrganization - Triggered when the Organization app is opened.

  • navOrgChart - Triggered when the Orgchart app is opened.

  • navPeople - Event is triggered when the People app is opened.

  • navPeopleSettings - Triggered when you navigate to the People category in the Settings menu.

  • navPersonalFiles - Files app is selected, tracks if a user can launch the files app in the bottom nav bar (Android).

  • navPhotoTab - Photo tab.

  • navSaved - A user navigates to the Saved tab or app on the bottom bar or app tray.

  • navSelectPlan - When a user selects a shared plan to navigate to from home view.

  • navSelectPersonalList - When a user selects a personal plan to navigate to from home view.

  • navSelectSmartList - When a user selects a smart plan to navigate to from home view.

  • navTasks - Triggered when the Tasks app is opened.

  • navTeams - Tap See all.

  • navVideocamera - A user navigates to the Camera tab or app on the bottom bar or app tray.

  • navVideoTab - Video tab.

  • navVoicemail - A user navigates to the voicemail page.

  • navWalkieTalkie A user has opened the walkie talkie app.

  • navWiki - Triggered when the Wiki app is opened.

  • newChat - A user creates a chat.

  • newCall - Taps New call button.

  • newCallDialPad - Taps the Dialpad button on tab.

  • newCallPeople - Taps the People button on tab.

  • noBGActivityDetected - Exceeds the threshold for background activity failures.

  • notBlockedDevice - A user doesn't reach the threshold for background activity failures in 30 days.

  • notNow - Not now is selected in reminder.

  • notNowUpdate - UpdateDefer.

  • notification/ notification_clicked – Triggered when a notification is tapped.

  • notificationNavChannelConversation - Launch the app using a notification for a channel conversation.

  • notificationNavChannelThreadConversation - Launch the app using a notification for a specific message in a channel conversation.

  • notificationSettingTurnedOff - Turn off push notifications for the Teams Android app.

  • notificationNavPreCall - A user gets a notification of a meeting starts that navigates them to the precall screen on selection.

  • ocvFeedback - Relating to the performance of the OCV feedback form.

  • ocvFormCancelled - An event sent when the OCV feedback form is canceled and the user returns to the app.

  • ocvFormOpened - An event sent when the OCV form is opened.

  • ocvFormSubmit - An event sent when the user clicks submit on the OCV feedback form.

  • offerRecipientClicked - Only logged if the request being sent is an offer. The user enters the team member picker to offer a shift. Offering means to offer a shift time off.

  • offerSwapShiftFromL1 - The type of shift a user tries to offer or swap from a shifts list. iOS action is a SwipedRight and Android action is LongPressed.

  • offerSwapShiftFromL1Triggered - A user offers to swap a shift with another user.

  • officeLens - Fires when the app launches the officeLens camera feature, either when:

    • A user tries to attach a photo to their message
    • A user tries to take a photo and upload directly to the gallery.
  • officeLens or cameraImage - Camera picture selected - standard camera or office lens.

  • onBackClicked - Whenever the back arrow is selected to navigate back a page.

  • oneNote - When a user opens the OneNote app.

  • open - Notification Settings tap.

  • open edit - Wiki usage telemetry - User selects to edit the wiki.

  • openApp - Opening a personal app.

  • openAppDrawer - More is selected at the bottom bar to open the app drawer.

  • openEditMeetingForm - The Edit button is selected from the Meeting Details page.

  • openFile - Helps:

    • To identify that a file was able to be opened in the chat successfully.
    • To identify that a file was able to be opened from a files listing.
    • To check if files can be opened from a OneDrive list.
    • To identify open files can be opened from a channel list.
    • Determining if files can be opened from group chats.
    • Determining if a file can be successfully opened from files app.
    • Determining if a message file can be opened from the chicklet successfully.
    • Determining if files from recent list can be opened successfully.
    • Determining if a file from file list can be opened successfully.
    • Determining if a file can be opened from a messages file chicklet.
    • Determining if files can be opened successfully from a file list.
  • openInAppClicked - Option inside task item more options list, only available for personal tasks.

  • opensCalendarView - Tapping on Open shifts from the Schedule tab.

  • openContactCard - A user taps on a Contact icon or a contact in the people app to launch the profile card of that contact.

  • openContactCard_ReactionSummary - Navigate to contact card from the reaction summary page.

  • openFileInApp - Helps to identify if user opted to open files outside of Teams versus inside of Teams.

  • openHamburgerMenu - The Hamburger icon (top-left) is selected to open the side menu for access to settings, presence, and tenant switcher.

  • openInStream - Open a video in Stream.

  • openMeetingDetails - Open the meeting details or the Open Meeting details page of a particular meeting.

  • openModalityPicker - X = ChatsAndChannels for chats and channels.

  • openNewMeetingForm - Confirms a personal subtask has been successfully updated.

  • openNewMeetingForm - Open the scheduler while setting up a new meeting.

  • openPhotoLibrary - Select a photo library.

  • openQuietDays - Navigate to Quiet Days page.

  • openQuietHours - Navigate to Quiet Hours Page.

  • openReactionHoverBubble - Press the Add reaction button on the reaction summary page.

  • openReactionSummary - Invoke reaction summary drawer.

  • openSettingsSetUpInstructions - Open Settings from instructions.

  • openSharedLink - When a user opens a link from the dashboard links tile or the links gallery.

  • openShiftsClicked - How many people tap the Calendar icon.

  • orgChart - No AS assigned - Basic usage telemetry for org chart.

  • pageEntered - A user entered a page.

  • parental_consent_grant - A user grants permission for a minor in their MSFamily to use the Live Location feature in TFL.

  • parental_consent_remove - A user revokes permission for a minor in their MSFamily to use the Live Location feature in TFL.

  • pauseVoicemail - Pause tapped on a voicemail item.

  • peoplePickerDismissed - Indicates the People Picker has been dismissed.

  • peoplePickerInvoked - People Picker is used across seven places in Teams mobile, including (but not limited to):

    • New chat picker.
    • Forward a message.
    • add participant to a meeting.
  • personalAppNavBotChat - Navigate to the bot within personal app.

  • personalAppNavTab - Navigate to tabs within personal app.

  • photoLibraryPicker - Open photo library tapped inside image picker.

  • pickGalleryPhoto - Pick a photo from the gallery.

  • pickParticipantChatDetails - Pick a user from the list.

  • pickRecentPhoto - Chooses a recent image to share.

  • pinChannel - Pin a channel to show it above the teams and channels list.

  • pinSelf - Pin myself from the action sheet.

  • pinUser - Pin a user from the action sheet.

  • place_created - The user created a shared place.

  • place_deleted - The user deleted a shared place.

  • place_edited - The user edited a shared place.

  • play - Play the recording.

  • playVoicemail - Play tapped on voicemail item.

  • plusButtonClicked - Selecting the plus button (+).

  • pptNextSlide - Next slide as a presenter or in private viewing.

  • pptPreviousSlide - Previous slide as a presenter or in private viewing.

  • pptReturnToPresenter - Go to the Live slide (the one that the presenter and everyone else is on).

  • pptStopPresenting - Stop presenting.

  • pptTakeControl - Take control.

  • preJoinAddRoom - The Add a room button is selected in pre-join dropdown, Join is selected in the Add a room scenario.

  • preJoinAudioOff - The Audio off button is selected in pre-join dropdown.

  • preJoinAutoAddRoom - Join now is selected when a room is nearby.

  • preJoinBack - Back or Close button selected.

  • preJoinDenied - A user is unable to join a meeting.

  • preJoinDeviceAudio - Join with device audio is selected from dropdown.

  • preJoinDialIn - The Dial in button is selected in the pre-join dropdown.

  • preJoinDialInCall - A user confirms the Dial in request on prejoin.

  • preJoinDialInCancel - A user cancels the Dial in request on prejoin.

  • preJoinDialOut - The Call me back button is selected the in pre-join dropdown.

  • preJoinDialOutCall - A user confirms the Call me back request on prejoin.

  • preJoinDialOutCancel - A user cancels the Call me back request on prejoin.

  • preJoinPSTNOptions - A user selects a dropdown for other join options.

  • priorityChange - Triggers when priority filter is applied while viewing a tasklist.

  • priorityPickerClicked - Triggers when a user navigates to a priority filter picker from the task list filter screen.

  • privateMeetingJoin - Meeting Join button tapped from Private meeting chat.

  • processInBG - Process incoming notification in the background (Android).

  • processInFG - Process incoming notification in the foreground (Android).

  • profileNameSaved - Profile name was updated.

  • progressItemClicked - Confirms a user has successfully opened the progress picker for a task.

  • promotedToPresenter - User promotes an attendee - Change button in the dialog box.

  • provideFeedbackDismiss - Dismiss the prompt that asks whether the user would like to send feedback about why they didn't like the app.

  • provideFeedbackNo - Respond no to prompt that asks whether the user would like to send feedback about why they didn't like the app.

  • provideFeedbackYes - Respond yes to prompt that asks whether the user would like to send feedback about why they didn't like the app.

  • provideRatingDismiss - Dismiss the prompt that asks whether the user would like to rate us on the app store after saying they liked the app.

  • provideRatingNo - Respond no to the prompt that asks whether the user would like to rate us on app store after saying they liked the app.

  • provideRatingYes - Respond yes to the prompt that asks whether the user would like to rate us on app store after saying they liked the app.

  • proximityPermissionDismissed - Permission banner is dismissed.

  • proximityPermissionGranted - Permission is given on the pop-up.

  • proximityPermissionViewed - Permission banner is tapped.

  • pushNotification - Triggering events are:

    • Launch via notification.
    • Push notification selected.
    • Reconnecting push notification is tapped.
    • Reconnect failed push notification is tapped.
  • quickNotificationAction - When a user interacts with one of the quick action responses on a notification (such as the ability to like a message directly from the push notification).

  • quickSelectImagePicker - Quick select.

  • quickStartLiveEventJoin - Quick start live event is joined by a user.

  • quietHoursValues - Capture Quiet Hours State on back button navigation.

  • quotedReplySent - A user sent a reply message with context type.

  • reactAngry_CM - React with angry from the context menu.

  • reactAngry_HB - React with angry from the hover bubble.

  • reactHeart_CM - React with heart from the context menu.

  • reactHeart_HB - React with heart from the hover bubble.

  • reactLaugh_CM - React with laugh from the context menu.

  • reactLaugh_HB - React with laugh from the hover bubble.

  • reactLike_CM - React with like from context menu or like a bot message.

  • reactLike_doubleTap - React with like from the double tap.

  • reactLike_HB - React with like from the hover bubble.

  • reactSad_CM - React with sad from the context menu.

  • reactSad_HB - React with sad from the hover bubble.

  • reactSurprised_CM - React with surprise from the context menu.

  • reactSurprised_HB - React with surprise from the hover bubble.

  • reactRemoved_HB - When a user removes a reaction through the reaction summary page experience.

  • readReceipts - User enabled feature.

  • redeemInvite - In app redemption.

  • redeemLinkInAppStart - User initiated redeem of invite link from within Teams application.

  • refreshCalendarList - Pull down to refresh agenda view.

  • refreshLinksGallery - When a user swipes down to refresh the links gallery.

  • removeAssignee - Confirms that an assignee is removed from the assignment picker view (as opposed to assignmentRemoved which triggers when selecting x outside of assignment picker view).

  • removeMeeting - Select Remove from Calendar from the Meeting Details page of a canceled meeting.

  • removeParticipantFromEditMeeting - Remove a participant after selecting Edit meeting from the Meeting Details page.

  • removeParticipantFromNewMeeting - Remove a participant from the scheduler page while setting up a new meeting.

  • removeReplyObject - A user removed reply object from compose.

  • removeUser - Confirms that an assignee is removed from within the assignment picker view (as opposed to assignmentRemoved which triggers when selecting x outside of assignment picker view).

  • removeUser_CM - When a user removes someone via the chat participant list.

  • removeUserConfirm - A user confirmed a remove user dialog.

  • removeUserContextMenu - A user removed a participant via context menu.

  • removeUserSwipe - A user removed a participant via swipe.

  • reorderChannelItem - A user reorders pinned channels.

  • reportAbuseConfirmation - When a user selects the Done button on the confirmation screen.

  • reportAbuseOpen The number of times the Report a concern button is selected in the context menu.

  • reportAbuseSend - When a user selects the Report button, the telemetry should store the type of report selected.

  • replyChain - Selected New message button or textbox in reply chain (thread).

  • replyChannel - Selected Reply button in channels.

  • replyNavigation - Reply object was selected to navigate to referenced post.

  • replySendMessage - Send channel reply.

  • replyViaMsgOptions - User started reply via context menu.

  • replyViaSwipe - User started reply via swipe.

  • requestActedOn - Triggered when a manager acts on open shift requests.

  • requestActionClicked - When a user requests an action, such as when the request for a shift is selected (either a Frontline Worker (FLW) manager viewing or a Frontline Worker.

  • requestDetailsClicked - When the request for a shift is selected (either a Frontline Worker (FLW) manager viewing or Frontline Worker).

  • requestJoinTeam - Request button pressed.

  • requestSent - Logs if there was a request sent.

  • requestToJoinTeam - Request to join team (public or private).

  • requestToJoinTeamError - Error with join request.

  • requestTypeClicked - Determining the type of request people select from the requests picker.

  • resolveIssue - Resolve is selected in the notification troubleshooter flyout to navigate to the blocker app.

  • responseClicked - A user selects a response page.

  • retryButtonClicked - The Retry button is selected.

  • returnToMessage - The Return button is selected to navigate back to the message.

  • runningLate - The user is running late.

  • safeLink - Link verified as safe.

  • saveEditMeeting - Select the Save button while on the meeting scheduler page after updating a meeting.

  • saveNewMeeting - Select the Save button while on the meeting scheduler page. To log successfully saved meetings and the percentage of meetings that failed to create due to a client side or service error.

  • savePlanClicked - Triggers Create is selected in the new plan creator from the default opening of the app.

  • scenarioChannelDashboard - The user navigates to a tile on the dashboard.

  • scenarioDashboardNav - The user navigates to the dashboard tab within a conversation (sibling of the chat tab).

  • scheduledMeetingJoin - The Meeting Join button is selected from the scheduled meeting object.

  • scrollCalendarList - Measures scrolls in calendar.

  • scrollDatePicker - Scroll through the calendar date picker control.

  • searchAbandoned - Determines if search was abandoned.

  • searchCancelled - Determine if:

    • Search was successful or if the user abandoned search.
    • A search query was successful.
  • searchContacts - Search from the Call List.

  • searchInitiated - Determines if search can be triggered, and the source of search trigger.

  • searchMeetingParticipants - Search for participants to add within the scheduler form. To distinguish between the number of appointments created versus the number of meetings created.

  • searchResultsClicked - Determines:

    • If relevant results can be found successfully.
    • If search results were from the All tab versus an individual domain.
  • searchTabClicked - Determines:

    • Domain information of the search result - for people, chat, messages, and files.
    • If the relevant results are found successfully.
  • seeAllMeetingParticipants - Select See All from the meeting details page, or view all participants. Logs user data across the calendar funnel, where calendar meeting details play an important role; this property helps validate selections for Dial ins, Teams meetings, RSVPs, etc.

  • seeMeetingDescription - Opening the Meeting Details page or selecting See More on the Meeting description from the Meeting Details page. Data is logged across the calendar funnel, where calendar meeting details play an important role; this property helps validate selections for Dial ins, Teams meetings, RSVPs, etc.

  • seeRsvpMeetingOptions - Select Notify Organizer from the RSVP pop up, or select Rsvp options from the Meeting Details page.

  • selectActivityType - Captures select gestures on feed item.

  • selectCalendarDate - Select a specific date on the calendar date picker control.

  • selectDevice - Selecting a particular device in the displays app.

  • selectGeneralSetting - Go to general settings.

  • selection - Device contact selected, or company contact selected.

  • selectMeetingChicklet | Meeting.

  • selectMeetingRsvpOption - Select the RSVP button to choose an option.

  • selectMeetingRsvpOptions - Select the RSVP button to choose an option.

  • selectPersonalList - Confirms that the user successfully navigated to a personal task list by tapping it.

  • selectPlannerList - Confirms that the user successfully navigated to a shared task list by tapping it.

  • selectSettingOption - Go to the Settings tab from the hamburger menu.

  • selectTheme - Enable dark theme.

  • selectUser - Confirms that an assignee was successfully selected for a task.

  • selfLongPress - Long press on myself.

  • Send_earlycancelledCQF - A user submits feedback on CQF early canceled call form.

  • send_map_pin_clicked - A user sends a static location.

  • Send_ratemycallCQF - A user submits feedback on CQF rate my call form.

  • Send_ratemyliveeventCQF - A user submits feedback on CQF rate my live event form.

  • sendForward - A user confirms to send a forward message from the forward picker.

  • sendImage - Send image.

  • sendLocation - Send location.

  • sendMsg - Select Send in reply.

  • sendRequestBulkClicked - This property helps logging once for each bulk request send.

  • sendRequestClicked - Shift request sent is selected.

  • sendVoiceMessage - Record button is released.

  • Setting/Dismiss - Device contacts setting.

  • settingsNavReadReceiptNotice - User went to settings from the feature notice.

  • settingsOpened - This option is triggered when the user's device time zone doesn't match the team time zone, and the user goes to Settings.

  • shareCharmCompleted - User completed sharing of an invite link via application share charm.

  • shareCharmOpened - User initiated sharing of an invite link via application share charm.

  • shareFile - Triggered when Share file is selected. Also helps to check if:

    • The user was able to initiate share file operation.
    • The user can share a file successfully.
  • shareHistory - Share history picker selected.

  • shareInto - A user shares something from another app into Teams.

  • sharePlanToChat - A shared list is manually shared from the tasks app to the group chat as a chicklet, check chicklet sent via the backend messaging service.

  • sharePPTFromChannels - Teams and Channels is selected.

  • sharePPTFromOneDrive - OneDrive is selected.

  • shareRecording - Share a recording.

  • shareScreen - Start or stop a screen share.

  • shareShift - The information that is given when a shift is shared.

  • shareShiftsClicked - The details of an open shift.

  • shareTray - Share... is selected in the action sheet.

  • shiftAssigneeClicked - The Shifts Calendar view showing the particular shifts details.

  • shiftDetails - This property allows you to see the details of a shift.

  • shiftDetailsCalendar - User goes to shift details.

  • shiftDetailsMyShifts - Tapping on Calendar from the Schedules tab.

  • shiftDetailsTodaysCoworkers - On the clock in screen, the Start or End break button is selected.

  • shortCircuitContactCount - The number of address book matched short circuited contacts received from a contacts fetch.

  • showBanner - Number of times the WiFi Connected, No Internet banner appears.

  • showCard - Tap on card buttons. Cards are key platform constructs and measuring their usage and pattern is necessary to understand platform usage and to look out for potential issues on the client side.

  • shownReadReceiptNotice - The user shown feature notice with settings options.

  • signIn - Sign in is selected on welcome page, or the Sign In button is tapped.

  • SignInWithOTP - User selects the option to sign in as a guest with one time passcode (OTP).

  • signUp - Create a free account or Sign up for free is selected.

  • SignUpFromSignIn- User taps on Create a new account option from sign-in.

  • simultaneousCallForward - Triggered when:

    • Simultaneous call forward target is set.
    • Simultaneous call forwarding is enabled (Calls ring me is enabled & Also ring is set).
  • skipVerificationForLink - The user chose to skip verification.

  • smartReply - Smart reply toggle button is clicked.

  • SMSSendMessage - The user sends an SMS message.

  • sortChanged - Triggers when user changes sort order while viewing a tasklist.

  • SSOAccountListItem: Triggered when the user taps on an SSO account to sign in.

  • startEditing - Edit button selected.

  • startPresentPhoto - Start presenting photo.

  • startPresentVideo - Start presenting video.

  • startPSTNCall - Triggered due to:

    • A PSTN Result in Global Search (People).
    • A PSTN call placed from Device contactCard.
    • A PSTN Call placed from callList.
    • A DialPSTN Number using DialPad.
  • startRecording - Start recording.

  • startVoicemailCall - Change voicemail greeting selected.

  • static_place_selected - A user drags map to select a static place.

  • statusCheckBoxClicked - Triggers when task item is either completed or incomplete.

  • statusMsgCancel - A user cancels change to status message.

  • statusMsgExpiry - A user sets the expiry time.

  • statusMsgSet - A user sets a new status message.

  • statusPageViaContactCard - A user enters the status compose experience via a contact card.

  • statusPageViaHamburger - A user enters the status compose experience via the hamburger.

  • stop_location_sharing_logout - A user signs out of the app.

  • stopMeetingButton - The number of times a user leaves the lobby without being admitted into the meeting.

  • stopPresentPhoto - Stop presenting photo.

  • stopPresentVideo - Stop presenting video.

  • stopRecording - Stop recording.

  • structuredMeetingsBannerDismiss - a user dismisses the banner that informs them about their meeting role.

  • stuckOnConnectingDialInSelected - Dial in is selected on the drawer.

  • stuckOnConnectingRetrySelected - Retry is selected on the drawer.

  • stuckOnConnectingShownDismissed - A user dismissed the drawer.

  • suggested_place_selected - A user shares a static location by selecting a suggested place.

  • Switching- Tenant or account is switched from the app. This property is required to measure account/tenant switch issues proactively and provides a smooth account/tenant switch experience.

  • switchTeamAction - A user switches teams within the time clock. This property should fire after the user selects which team they want to switch to.

  • switchTeamsDialogTriggered - A user views the Shifts tab.

  • tabActionCopyLink - How users discover and use the tab copy link on mobile.

  • tabActionMoreOptions - Understand ellipsis (...) usage from within a tab.

  • tabActionOpenInBrowser - Open in browser usage. This property is necessary to understand if users prefer opening a tab outside Teams.

  • tabActionOpenInBrowserFromTab - Understand open in browser usage from within a Tab for more option - discoverability and usage.

  • tabActionOpenInTeams - Open in usage. This property is the key in understanding if the tab can be by default set to open in Teams.

  • tabActionRemove - Understand how discoverable the delete option is and the usage of the feature.

  • tabActionRename - Understand how discoverable rename is and the usage of the feature.

  • tabActionSetting, Android - fix - How users discover and use tab config on mobile.

  • table - Select a table.

  • tabListMoreOptions - Understand the usage of the more options for a tab.

  • tabOpen - Notes success in opening tabs, or if there are issues in the way tabs open.

  • tabViewed - Only logged if the request being sent is a swap, for entries into the Team Shift picker.

  • takePhoto - Take a photo.

  • takePhotoPicker - Take photo selected inside the image picker.

  • tapChicletExpand - How users preview cards on mobile.

  • tapDatePickerHandle - Expand the calendar date picker control.

  • tapSettings - The number of users reconfiguring apps on mobile.

  • tasksAppLaunchAdaptiveCard - The Tasks app is opened from an adaptive card in a group chat, check the app launch via the URL of the IC3 service.

  • tasksAppLaunchComposeExtension - The Tasks app is opened from the compose extension in a group chat, check the app launch via the MT service.

  • tasksAppLaunchDashboard - The Tasks app is opened from the dashboard tile or specific plan, check the app launch via the MT service.

  • tasksAppLaunchDashboardSeeAll - The Tasks app is opened from the dashboard See all button on the dashboard, check the app launch via the MT service.

  • tasksAppLaunchDefault - The Tasks app is opened from the bottom drawer, check the app launch via the MT service.

  • tabCalendarClicked - A user has chosen a team from the team picker.

  • teamChannelChanged - Triggered when a user selects and navigates to a plan from plan list. Only sent to appInsights, not Aria.

  • teamCreate - A user selects the option to create a new team.

  • teamEdit - A user edits some aspect of a team that they own or administer.

  • teamNav - View menu options for a team.

  • teamsDeviceCallResumed - A user with a bluetooth connected peripheral (mobile phone dock) reactivates a call from hold.

  • teamSelectedClicked - When a user selects Team selected for a timesheet.

  • teamShiftPickerClicked - When a user adds a new break entry. The event is logged once the user saves the changes.

  • tenantSwitch - On Switch Tenant. Feature success metrics for MTMA (multiple tenant and multiple account) feature; this property helps identify and fix issues proactively and provide a smooth switching experience.

  • tenantSwitchUnsupportedError - Tenant Unsupported Error (when a user sees the error). Feature success metrics for MTMA (multiple tenant and multiple account), provides telemetry around account or tenant switch errors, so we can identify and fix issues proactively and provide a smooth switching experience.

  • timeClockClicked - A user selects the Time clock button on the My Shifts tab.

  • timeOffReasonClicked - Determining if a reason for time off is cited.

  • timesheetAddClicked - When a user adds a note to their break edits. The event is logged once the user saves the changes. timesheetBreakAdded - Adding a new clock entry. The event is logged once the changes are saved.

  • timesheetBreakEdited - When a user confirms their timesheet. The event is logged when the user hits confirm in the modal.

  • timesheetBreakNoteAdded - When a user deletes their timesheet. The event is logged when the user confirms the delete in the modal.

  • timesheetClockAdded - When a user selects Edit for a timesheet.

  • timesheetClockEdited When a user selects Save on an edited timesheet.

  • timesheetConfirmed - When a user adds a note to their timesheet edits. The event is logged once the user saves the changes.

  • timesheetDeleted - If a user does or doesn't have a shift reminder set, and the number of minutes before a shift a user wants to be alerted.

  • timesheetEditClicked - User Configuration telemetry.

  • timesheetEditSaved - A user taps on a time sheet from a user's profile to open that user's time sheet.

  • timesheetNoteAdded - To view an approved time off request.

  • titleChanged - Triggers when a task item title changes, triggers on every character change.

  • toast - In-app toast is selected.

  • toggleChannelsInChat - Turn feature on or off. Feature success metrics for unified chats and channel experience.

  • toggleClicked - A toggle is selected.

  • transferNow - Triggered when:

    • A user selects Transfer > Transfer now.
    • Transfer target is set to a Person.
    • Transfer target is set to a Phone Number.
  • translateFailed - Translation failed (excluding offline). Feature success metrics for message translation feature.

  • trigger_created - The user created a geofence.

  • trigger_deleted - The user deleted a geofence.

  • unansweredCallForward - An unanswered call forward target is set. Also enables unanswered call forwarding (Calls ring me is enabled and If unanswered is enabled).

  • unblockCaller - Unblock:

    • Contact or number from the action sheet.
    • Contact or number from a contact card.
    • Number from settings.
  • unblockChat - Unblock a bot chat.

  • unpinChannel - Unpin a channel.

  • unpinSelf - Unpin yourself from the action sheet.

  • unpinUser - Unpin a user from the action sheet.

  • unsafeLink - A link was determined to be unsafe.

  • updatePersonalTask - Confirms a personal task has been successfully updated.

  • updatePlaybackSpeedVoicemail - Voicemail playback speed value is changed.

  • updateTask - Confirms update tasks action failed.

  • updateTaskState - Confirms that the task state has been updated. action.

  • upgrade - Selecting the Upgrade button in the More menu.

  • uploadFile - A user selects Upload from device.

  • uploadSelectedFile - Triggered under these circumstances:

    • Upload files in channel successfully.
    • Upload files in chat successfully.
    • Upload files in the reply window.
    • Upload files successfully in group chat.
    • Usage of core scenario.
    • The start of upload scenario in channel.
    • The start of upload scenario in chat.
    • The start of end of upload scenario in channel.
    • Upload a file into the Files tab successfully.
    • If a prompt is acted on during file upload.
    • If a selected file is uploaded successfully.
  • uploadSelectFile - Select a file successfully; Select the Upload file button successfully.

  • urgentMessageSelect - Selects an urgent message from the priority context menu.

  • urgentMessageSend - Sends an urgent message.

  • url - URL.

  • urlPreview - URL preview.

  • urlPreviewAdd - URL preview add.

  • urlPreviewOpen - URL preview open.

  • urlPreviewRemove - URL preview removed.

  • userConfiguration - To view a pending time off request.

  • userJoinedViaShareLink - A user joined a meeting from a link.

  • userLongPress - Long press on a participant.

  • userProfileOpened - A user selects a User icon to open a user profile.

  • userTimesheetOpened** - A user selects a timesheet from a user's profile to open that person's timesheet.

  • useWifiForAudioDialog - A user selects OK while the system prompts, while an Admin has blocked audio and video calls on cellular.

  • useWifiForVideoDialog - Triggered when:

    • OK is selected while the system prompts, while an Admin has blocked video calls on cellular.
    • Trying to enable video in meeting, while an Admin has blocked it on cellular.
    • OK is selected while the system prompts, while an Admin has blocked video in meetings on cellular.
  • videoUserDoubleTap - Double tap on a video participant.

  • viewChannelMembers - View a channel members list.

  • viewContactCard - ContactCard selected from:

    • A callHistory item.
    • A voicemail item.
    • A call list.
  • viewed - A user viewed a page.

  • viewFullAllDayMeetingList - Agenda view on Mobile.

  • viewLobbyFromBanner - The number of times a user selects View lobby from a notification banner.

  • viewMeetingDetails - Select the ... menu on the Meeting Details page. Pertaining to the usage of the More menu on mobile calendars.

  • viewMeetingOccurrence - Open up the meeting details of an instance of a recurring meeting. Telemetry to log user data across the calendar funnel - where calendar meeting details play an important role - that helps validate Selects Dial ins, Teams meetings, RSVPs, and so on.

  • viewMeetingSeries - To log the successful rendering of a meeting series in the following circumstances:

    • When switching from an instance to the series meeting detail page.
    • When selecting View series from the meeting details page.
  • viewOrgChart - Basic usage telemetry for an org chart.

  • viewRequests - The View requests button is pressed.

  • voiceDataCollectionOptOut - A user opts-out of the recording from mobile by clicking the banner.

  • voicemail - No AS Assigned - A speaker taps on a voicemail item.

  • whiteboardUsed - A user annotates on a whiteboard (any action on the webview).

  • wiki - No AS assigned - Wiki usage telemetry.

  • poorNetworkBanner - Poor network banner shown.

  • badNetworkBanner - Bad network banner shown.



For information on the properties of PanelView events, see Properties sent with panelview events.

  • appInstall: Triggered when a user opens the app for the first time after installation.
  • fileDeleteFailed - Triggered when a file delete operation fails.
  • fileDeleteSuccess - Triggered when a file delete operation succeeds.
  • filePreview - Triggered in following scenarios:
    • When share option is tapped in file preview screen.
    • When copy option is tapped in file preview screen.
    • When download option is tapped in file preview screen.
    • When a file preview is successfully loaded.
  • files - Triggered in following scenarios:
    • When a file is previewed within Teams app.
    • When file upload option is tapped in OneDrive files screen.
    • When "Copy Link" option is tapped in file preview screen.
    • When the file sharing screen is dismissed.
    • When files options menu is opened or when one of the options in that menu is tapped.
    • When "in-call" files screen is opened.
    • When a file is tapped to open.
  • filesChannel - Triggered when channel files screen is opened.
  • fileSources - Triggered when files options menu is opened or when one of the options in that menu is tapped.
  • filesPersonal - Triggered when a batch of files is loaded in OneDrive or recent files screen.
  • fileUploadDeleteTriggered - Triggered when a file attachment is deleted or detached from message area.
  • fileUploadFailed - Triggered when a file upload operation fails.
  • fileUploadIndividualNotification - Triggered when the contents of file upload notification change or when the notification is interacted with. The interactions may include gestures like swiping to dismiss the notification or tapping the notification etc.
  • fileUploadSuccess - Triggered when a file upload operation succeeds.
  • fileUploadSummaryNotification - Triggered when the contents of file upload summary notification change or when the notification is interacted with. The interactions may include gestures like swiping to dismiss the notification or tapping the notification etc.
  • meetingFiles - Triggered when meeting files screen is opened.
  • meetNowActionSheet - Triggered when user creates a Meet Now meeting.
  • navPersonalFiles - Triggered when navigation to files screen is performed.
  • signInSSOPage: Triggered when the user views a single sign-on page while signed in. -- signInError: Triggered when the user hits any error while signed in. This property is needed to proactively identify and fix issues that users face during sign-in. -- TfLSignInSuccessful: Triggered when the user successfully signs in to a personal Microsoft account. This property is needed to understand sign-in and sign-up reliability and proactively identify and fix issues. -- TfWFreemiumSignInSuccessful: Triggered when the user successfully signs in to a freemium account. This property is needed to understand sign-in and sign-up reliability and proactively identify and fix issues. -- TfWSignInSuccessful: Triggered when the user successfully signs in to a work or school account. This property is needed to understand sign-in and sign-up reliability and proactively identify and fix issues.
  • appDrawer - Triggered when app drawer is opened successfully.
  • appPolicyChange - Triggered when a user resets and save new tabs order locally.
  • app_stageview - Triggered when a stage view is successfully rendered.



For information on the properties of PanelAction events, see Properties sent with scenario events.

  • acquire_resource_token_interactive- Required service call that's triggered when an authentication token is acquired by interactive sign-in.
  • acquire_resource_token_silent- Required service call that's triggered when an authentication token is acquired by silent sign-in.
  • add_buddy - Captures status of adding a contact.
  • app_crash2 – Triggered when the app is crashed unexpectedly. Provides information on how frequently the Teams app is crashing.
  • app_incremental_sync_launch - Confirms that the pill count gets updated successfully for cold launch.
  • app_incremental_sync_resume - Confirms that the pill count gets updated successfully for warm/hot launch.
  • app_start_cold - To monitor cold app launch (Android only).
  • app_start_hot - To monitor hot app launch (Android only).
  • app_start_warm - To monitor warm app launch (Android only).
  • auth_adal_tokens- Required service call to do silent authentication. Triggered when a user starts the app, or the token is refreshed on expiry.
  • chat_add_giphy - Confirms that the Giphy GIF rendering action succeeded or failed.
  • chat_send_message_sfc- Triggered when a chat message is sent in SfC interop chat.
  • create_default_plan_and_nav_to_view - Confirms successful creation of a default shared task list and how long it took for a user to land on the resulting view after action.
  • create_new_chat_thread_sfc- Triggered when a new chat thread is created for an SfC interop chat.
  • create_personal_plan_and_nav_to_view - Confirms successful creation of a personal task list and how long it took for a user to land on the resulting view after action.
  • create_personal_task - Confirms successful creation of a personal task item.
  • create_planner_plan_and_nav_to_view - Confirms successful creation of shared task list and how long it took for a user to land on resulting view after action.
  • create_planner_task - Confirms successful creation of shared task item.
  • forwardExistingAmsObject Confirms that the media forward action succeeded or failed.
  • delete_personal_plan - Confirms the successful deletion of a personal task list.
  • delete_personal_task - Confirms the successful deletion of a personal task item.
  • delete_planner_plan - Confirms the successful deletion of a shared task list.
  • delete_planner_task - Confirms the successful deletion of a shared task item.
  • json_parse_failure- Provides information on the frequently of JSON parsing issues.
  • fetch_me_profile - The users profile creation status.
  • getProfilePicture- Necessary service call to get user profile picture.
  • get_resource_token_async: Required service call to acquire tokens for Microsoft Entra resources asynchronously.
  • get_resource_token_sync: Required service call to acquire tokens for Microsoft Entra resources synchronously.
  • get_sender_sub_scenario - Get sender sub scenario in activity.
  • interactiveAuthNopa2 – Triggered when no password user is interrupted to do interactive authentication.
  • load_chat_plans_list - Confirms the successful fetching of planner plans for a chat's plan view.
  • load_home_page - Confirms the successful fetching of both personal and shared tasklists for the main home view.
  • load_personal_task_list - Confirms the successful fetching of a personal tasklist's tasks for the tasklist view.
  • load_shared_task_list - Confirms the successful fetching of a shared tasklist's tasks for the tasklist view.
  • load_smart_task_list - Confirms the successful fetching of a smart tasklist's tasks for the tasklist view.
  • meetingAttachmentRender - Confirms the render of meeting attachments.
  • meetingInsightFetch - Confirms the fetch of meeting related content.
  • meetingInsightLocatorRender - Confirms the render of meeting related content locator tip.
  • meetingInsightRender - Confirms the render of meeting related content.
  • meetingInsightVisible - Confirms the visibility of meeting related content.
  • open_image Confirms that the full screen image rendering succeeded or failed.
  • rename_personal_plan - Confirms the successful renaming of a personal task list.
  • rename_planner_plan - Confirms the successful renaming of a shared task list.
  • save_image Confirms that the image-save action succeeded or failed.
  • saveMeProfile- Required service call that gets triggered when user saves the profile
  • share_image - Confirms that the image share action succeeded or failed.
  • smart_reply_enabled - Confirms that smart reply is enabled for current user.
  • smart_reply_received - Confirms that a smart reply suggestion is received.
  • smart_reply_banned - Confirms that smart reply can't be displayed for current user.
  • park_call_for_hold_v2 - Confirms that putting call on hold succeeded or failed using call park.
  • unpark_call_for_hold_v2 - Confirms that resuming call succeeded or failed using call unpark.
  • update_planner_task_and_nav_to_view - Confirms the successful updating of a shared task item and how long it took for a user to land on resulting view after action.
  • update_personal_task_and_nav_to_view - Confirms the successful updating of a personal task item and how long it took for a user to land on resulting view after
  • updatePlannerTask - Confirms that a user has successfully updated a task in a shared task list.
  • upload_images Confirms that the image upload action succeeded or failed.
  • upload_voice_messages Confirms that the voice message upload action succeeded or failed.
  • voiceMessageUpload Confirms that the voice message upload action succeeded or failed.
  • cancel_channel_meeting Confirms that the cancellation of a channel meeting has succeeded or failed.
  • cancel_meeting Confirms that the cancellation of a meeting has succeeded or failed.
  • cancel_private_meeting Confirms that the cancellation of a private meeting has succeeded or failed.
  • edit_channel_meeting Confirms that the edit operation of a channel meeting has succeeded or failed.
  • edit_meeting Confirms that the edit operation of a meeting has succeeded or failed.
  • server_fetch_agenda_view Confirms that the calendar event sync using the Middle Tier API has succeeded or failed.
  • server_fetch_date_picker_view Confirms that the calendar event sync using the Outlook REST API has succeeded or failed.
  • server_fetch_agenda_view_group Confirms that the calendar event sync using the Middle Tier API for the TFL group has succeeded or failed.
  • server_fetch_date_picker_view_incremental Confirms that the calendar event incremental sync using the Outlook REST API has succeeded or failed.
  • meeting_details - Confirms that the meeting details sync has succeeded or failed.
  • show_meeting_participants - Confirms that showing the meeting participant list has succeeded or failed.
  • search - Confirms that the whole search session has succeeded or failed.
  • time_based_retention_shared_channel – Captures performance data for pruning the database.
  • toggle_searchability - Captures status of network call for stamping/unstamping an alias.
  • sync_user_entitlements_and_app_definitions - Required service call to fetch aggregatedEntitlements.
  • bots_load_mediacards - Captures instanced when Connector cards are configured in chat and channel.
  • bots_load_one_card - Captures if at least one card is present and loaded when chatting with a bot.
  • load_assignments - Captures exceptional handling for loading assignment app.
  • load_channel_tab - Captures loading of channel tab. (Android only)
  • load_messaging_extension_results - Captures loading of messaging extension search/query result. (Android only)
  • load_static_tab - Captures loading of static tab. (Android only)
  • app_authenticated - Confirms that the authentication is successful and a token is fetched. (Android only)
  • blocked_by_conditional_access - When receive conditional access blocked error code in authentication. (we try to force refresh the primary token in that case). (Android only)
  • get_resource_token_sync - Triggered when we attempt to fetch token for app resources synchronously. (Android only)
  • get_resource_token_async - Triggered when we attempt to fetch token for app resources asynchronously. (Android only)

OnePlayer events


For OnePlayer events, only properties listed in Property lists for OnePlayer events apply.

OnePlayer user action events

  • PlayerPlay - Confirms if the user taps on the play button in the OnePlayer view.
  • PlayerPause - Confirms if the user taps on the pause button in the OnePlayer view.
  • PlayerSeek - Confirms if the user seeks the video either using the seek bar or forward/backward buttons in the OnePlayer view (iOS only).
  • VideoPlayerSeekForward - Confirms if the user seeks the video either using the seek bar or forward buttons in the OnePlayer view (Android only).
  • VideoPlayerSeekBackward - Confirms if the user seeks the video either using the seek bar or backward buttons in the OnePlayer view (Android only).
  • ChangePlaybackSpeed - Confirms if the user has selected a new playback speed.
  • changePlaybackQuality - Confirms if the user has selected a new video quality for playback.
  • ShareVideo - Confirms if the user has tapped on the share icon.
  • PlayerClose - Confirms if the user has tapped on the close icon.
  • VideoCaptionsOn - Confirms if the user has switched on the captions.
  • VideoCaptionsOff - Confirms if the user has switched off the captions.
  • ChangePlayerOrientation - Confirms if the user has changed the orientation of the device.
  • OpenPlayerSettingsMenu - Confirms if the user has opened the settings menu.
  • OpenPlaybackSpeedMenu - Confirms if the user has opened the playback speed menu.
  • PlayerAction - Custom action provided by the host app.

OnePlayer playback events

  • PlayerHeartbeat - Recurring event that sends the current status of the player and playback to a log.

Property lists

Properties sent with all events

Property name Description
EventInfo_Time Event generation time
EventInfo_Name Event name - Used to differentiate between event types
EventInfo_BaseType/name Event type - Used to differentiate between event types in an event
EventInfo_Source Source of the event generation
AppInfo_Language App language
AppInfo_ETag Experiment ID assigned to a user
DeviceInfo_OsBuild Build version of the OS
UserInfo_Mri Type a user ID
Session_RunId Type of a session ID
DeviceInfo_DetailModel Model of the device
UserInfo_TimeZone Time zone of the user
DeviceInfo_OsName Device OS name
DeviceInfo_NetworkProvider Device network provider
DeviceInfo_Model Device Model
DeviceInfo_NetworkType Device network type
UserInfo_Language User language - similar to app language
client_ring/UserInfo_Ring User ring that helps to release features to early adopters
UserInfo_Id User ID
UserInfo_TenantId Tenant ID
EventInfo_SdkVersion SDK version used to generate the event
DeviceInfo_Id Device ID provided by device OS
eventpriority Priority of an event
DeviceInfo_Make Device manufacturer
AppInfo_Version Version of the app
DeviceInfo_OsVersion Device OS version
Session_Id/SessionId Session ID of the request
Session_Environment Session Environment
isNetworkIssue Captures info if there was a network issue while serving the request
UserRole User role in a tenant
Tenant_Model Captures if the account is a freemium or enterprise account
licenseType/UserInfo_LicenseType License type assigned to the user
UserLocale Locale in which app is being accessed
Intune_sdkVersion Version of the Intune SDK
Intune_sdkBundleVersion Detailed version of the Intune SDK
AppInfo_Environment Environment in which the app is being access

Properties sent with panelaction events

Property name Description
Action_DestinationUri Uri of the resource being accessed by user action
Panel_Uri Uri of the panel delivered to the user
Action_Gesture Type of gesture performed by user on the app
Action_ScenarioType Feature grouping that relates to business metric for feature
Panel_Type Panel type accessed by the user
Action_Outcome Outcome of the action performed by user
Team_Id ID of the team in which action was performed by the user
Module_Type Type of the module that hosted user action
Module_Name Name of the module that hosted user action
Module_Summary Summary of the module that hosted user action
Thread_Id ID of the thread that was accessed by user
Panel_PreviousUri URI of the previous panel
Panel_Region Region where the panel was hosted in the app
Panel_LaunchMethod Method through which the panel was launched
Panel_PreviousType Type of the previous panel
Thread_Type Type of thread accessed by user
Module_State State of the module accessed by user
Action_Scenario Feature inside a group of features that relates to business metric
Panel_LaunchSource Source information of the panel that was launched
Tab_Type Type of the tab accessed by user
Team_Type Type of team accessed by user

Properties sent with panelview events

Panel_Uri Uri of the panel delivered to the user
Panel_Type Panel type accessed by the user
Team_Id ID of the team in which action was performed by the user
Thread_Id ID of the thread that was accessed by user
Panel_PreviousUri URI of the previous panel
Panel_Region Region where the panel was hosted in the app
Panel_LaunchMethod Method through which the panel was launched
Panel_PreviousType Type of the previous panel
Thread_Type Type of thread accessed by user
Panel_LaunchSource Source information of the panel that was launched
Tab_Type Type of the tab accessed by user
Team_Type Type of team accessed by user

Properties sent with scenario events

Property name Description
Scenario_Status Status of a scenario - Abandon/OK/ERROR
Scenario_Step When a scenario contains multiple steps with different failure points, this property captures details about the step
Scenario_StatusCode Property records status code of the scenario based on scenario success or failure

Properties sent with trace events

Property name Description
Trace_message Contains error string and details about the reasons due to which a failure might have happened

Property lists for OnePlayer events

1. Properties sent with all OnePlayer events

1.1 Standard properties
Property name Description
eventType Type of event (AppLogic, ErrorAlert, Performance, UserAction)
accountType Type of user account (for example, business)
component OnePlayer
language Locale/language of the app
platform Platform of OnePlayer (iOS/Android)
tenantId Tenant ID
version Version of the OnePlayer being used
aadUserId User ID
1.2 Player properties
Property name Description
engineName Underlying player name (AVFoundation for iOS/ExoPlayer for Android)
engineVersion Operating System version
loadMode Load mode of the player
playbackSessionId Session ID for playback
1.3 Host properties
Property name Description
hostIntegrationType Host integration type (for example, Package, OneUp)
hostPlatform Platform for host app
hostProperties Host properties, if any (iOS only)
hostApp Name of the host app
hostVersion Version of the host app
1.4 Experimentation properties
Property name Description
ring Ring to which the user belongs
hostSettings Attributes set by the host app (moreOptionsEnabled, shareFeatureEnabled, playbackQualityFeatureEnabled, playbackSpeedFeatureEnabled)
flightFilters Description
flightsOverridden Bool for flights overridden or not
1.5 Service properties
Property name Description
contentType Type of content being served
environment Environment name
mediaService Which media service is being used (SPO, ODB, ODC, IC3-AMS, Unknown)
mediaType Type of the media being played
playbackTech Playback tech of the media
correlationId Correlation ID for the media, if any

2. Properties sent with all OnePlayer User Action Events

Property name Description
actionType Type of action being performed, such as tap, drag, and flick(iOS only)
isIntentional Boolean value if the action is intentional or not (iOS only)

2.1 Properties sent with changePlaybackQuality Event

Property name Description
currentPlaybackQuality current playback quality

2.2 Properties sent with ChangePlaybackSpeed Event

Property name Description
previousPlaybackRate Previous playback rate of the video (iOS only)
currentPlaybackRate Current playback rate of the video

2.3 Properties sent with PlayerSeek Event (iOS only)

Property name Description
seekSource Source of seek (seekbar, forwardButton, backwardButton)
seekValue Seek position

3. Properties sent with OnePlayer Heartbeat Event

Property name Description
mediaCurrentTime Current playback time of the media (iOS only)
isLoaded Is media loaded
loadTimeMs Load time taken in milliseconds
numberOfStalls Number of stalls during playback (iOS only)
bufferingCount Number of stalls during playback (Android only)
observedBitrate Observed bit rate during playback (iOS only)
avgBitrateBitsPerSecond Observed bit rate during playback (Android only)
playedSeconds Played seconds till the event
rebufferingSeconds Rebuffering seconds during playback
timeSinceSourceSetMs Time since source was set (ms)
triggerType Trigger type (buffering, error, errorLog, canPlayThrough, intervalHeartbeat, sourceset, unload)
errorId Error ID for the error, if any
errorCorrelationId Error correlation ID for the error, if any
errorLog Error log for the error, if any
errorType Error type for the error, if any
errorMessage Error message for the error, if any
errorStack Extended error info for the error, if any
metaUrl Meta URL for media
odspDocId ODSP doc ID for media
siteId Site ID for media
teamsCallId Teams call ID for media, if any