

Microsoft 365 Enterprise architecture design principles

Understand the key principles you need to understand networking, identity, security, and multi-national architectures.

Expert Subject About the expert
Alex Shteynberg on enterprise identity architecture. Identity Alex Shteynberg, Principal Technical Architect at Microsoft's New York Microsoft Technology Center, takes a step back to describe guiding principles and baseline topics around identity for enterprise organizations adopting Microsoft 365 and Azure in To identity and beyond.
Kozetta Garrett on security design principles. Security Kozeta Garrett, Cybersecurity Architect at Microsoft, describes the top security challenges she encounters at enterprise organizations and recommends approaches you can take in Security hurdles you can sail over.
Ed Fisher on networking design principles. Networking Ed Fisher, Security & Compliance Architect at Microsoft, describes how to optimize your network for cloud connectivity by avoiding the most common pitfalls in Networking up (to the cloud).

Get resources for architecture design diagrams: Microsoft 365 architecture icons and templates.

Find architecture diagrams for Microsoft 365: Microsoft cloud for IT architects illustrations