

Data Apple sends to Intune

When any of the following Apple services are enabled on a device, Microsoft Intune establishes a connection with Apple to share user and device information:

Before Microsoft Intune can establish a connection, you must create an Apple account for each of the Apple services.


Consistent with Microsoft and Apple policy, we do not sell any data collected by our service to any third parties for any reason.

The following table lists the data that an Apple device sends to Intune. Intune also sends data to Apple.

Service Message Data sent to Intune Used for
APNs Authenticate MessageType The message type: authenticate.
APNs Authenticate Topic The topic the device will listen to.
APNs Authenticate MesUDID The devices UDID.
APNs Authenticate OSVersion The device's OS version.
APNs Authenticate BuildVersion The device's build version.
APNs Authenticate ProductName The device's product name.
APNs Authenticate SerialNumber The device's serial number.
APNs Authenticate IMEI The device's International Mobile Station Equipment Identity.
APNs Authenticate MEID The device's Mobile Equipment Identifier
APNs TokenUpdate Topic The topic the device will listen to.
APNs TokenUpdate UDID The device's UDID.
APNs TokenUpdate Token The push token for the device. The server should use this updated token when sending push notifications to the device.
APNs TokenUpdate PushMagic The magic string that must be included in the push notification message.
APNs TokenUpdate UnlockToken A data blob that can be used to unlock the device.
APNs TokenUpdate AwaitingConfiguration If set to true, the device is awaiting a DeviceConfigured MDM command before proceeding through Setup Assistant.
APNs Checkout MessageType The type of message: checkout.
APNs Checkout Topic The topic the device will listen to.
APNs Checkout UDID The device's UDID
APNs MDM Protocol Status Status.
APNS MDM Protocol UDID The device's UDID.
APNs MDM Protocol CommandUUID UUID of the command that this response is for.
APNs MDM Protocol ErrorChain Array of dictionaries representing the chain of errors that occurred.
ASM/DEP Enrollment Program token Serial number The device's serial number.
ASM/DEP Enrollment Program token model The device's model name.
ASM/DEP Enrollment Program token Description A description of the device.
ASM/DEP Enrollment Program token Color The color of the device.
ASM/DEP Enrollment Program token Asset tag The device's asset tag.
ASM/DEP Enrollment Program token Profile status The status of the profile installation.
ASM/DEP Enrollment Program token Profile UUID The UUID of the assigned profile.
ASM/DEP Enrollment Program token Profile assign time A time stamp in ISO 8601 format indicating when a profile was assigned to the device.
ASM/DEP Enrollment Program token Profile push time A time stamp in ISO 8601 format indicating when a profile was pushed to the device.
ASM/DEP Enrollment Program token Device assigned date A time stamp in ISO 8601 format indicating when the device was enrolled in the Device Enrollment Program.
ASM/DEP Enrollment Program token Device assigned by The email of the person who assigned the device.
ASM/DEP Enrollment Program token OS The device's operating system.
ASM/DEP Enrollment Program token Device family The device's Apple product family.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token Apple User ID A user ID generated by Apple.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token application description The description of a VPP application.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token application icon The URL of an Apple hosted icon for a VPP app.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token Application ID Apple Application ID, also known as adamsId.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token application name The name of a VPP application.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token assignedCount The number of assigned licenses for an app.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token availableCount The number of unassigned licenses for an app.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token bundleId The bundleId of an app.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token copyright The copyright info of an app.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token CountryCode The country code of a VPP program.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token deviceAssignable Apple returns true if the admin can assign a device license for an app. If not, false is returned.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token facilitatorMemberId The member ID of a VPP account facilitator.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token genres The genres of an app.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token Intune UserId guid The GUID generated by Intune.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token isIrrevocable Apple returns true if the license can't be revoked. If it can be revoked, false is returned.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token License ID The ID generated by apple to identify a specific license.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token Location Location stored in apple VPP config data.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token Managed AppleId UPN The AppleID email for user, admin, and facilitator member.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token OrganizationId The Apple assigned organization ID.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token pricingParam The Apple pricing type for an app.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token productType The product type of a VPP application.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token retiredCount The number of retired licenses for an app.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token totalCount The total number of licenses purchased for an app.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token url The iTunes store URL of an app.
VPP Apple Business Manager location token User Status The user status in apple VPP programs.

To stop using Apple services with Microsoft Intune and delete the data, you must both disable the Microsoft Intune Apple token and also delete your Apple account. Refer to Apple account how to perform account management.