

Update rollup for Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager version 2207

Applies to: Configuration Manager (current branch, version 2207)

Summary of KB15152495

This article describes issues that are fixed in this update rollup for Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager current branch, version 2207. This update applies both to customers who opted in through a PowerShell script to the early update ring deployment, and customers who installed the globally available release. For more information on changes in Configuration Manager version 2207, see:

Issues that are fixed

  • The upgrade process for remote distribution points can stall, resulting in content distribution failures. When this issue occurs, messages resembling the following are recorded in the distmgr.log file.
    DP Thread: Attempting to add or update package {Package_ID} on DP ["Display=\\{distribution_point}\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=PR1"]\\{distribution_point}\
    The distribution point ["Display=\\{distribution_point}\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=PR1"]\\{distribution_point}\ is not installed or upgraded yet.

The last entries in the smsdpprov.log on affected distribution points resemble the following.

DoUpdatePortsInIIS::update poot command:  set site /site.name...
Successfully updated the  port list in IIS.
DoUpdatePortsInIIS:: start site command:  start site ""
  • The Configuration Manager OneTrace log viewing tool is revised to include multiple improvements. Changes include improvements to log file group handling, status message viewing, and general error handling.
  • Azure Application Insights data can still be uploaded from sites that aren't using any cloud or tenant attach features. Additional information on data that was previously collected is available in the Tenant attach data collection document.
  • Administrators are unable to perform offline servicing of Windows 11 22H2-based images as no updates show as available.
  • The New-CMOperatingSystemImageUpdateSchedule PowerShell cmdlet is unable to apply relevant updates to Microsoft Windows Server 2022-based images. A message resembling the following is displayed after running the cmdlet.
    WARNING: 0 of # Software Updates will be added to the update schedule.
  • A small handle leak in the CCMExec.exe process on a management point is corrected. This leak occurred during the client registration process.
  • The Configuration Manager console may terminate unexpectedly under any of the following conditions:
    • When the computer resumes from a sleep or standby state.
    • After entering sign-in credentials during creation of a new cloud management gateway. The SMSAdminUI.log file contains a reference to a "Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalUiRequiredException" error condition.
    • After selecting a folder with a non-default security scope that was created by another administrator.

Hotfixes that are included in this update

Known issues in this release

  • Localized (non-English) versions of the Configuration Manager console may fail to install this update. The following error message is recorded in the ConfigMgrAdminUISetup.log

    Installation failed with error code 1638

    Note the text of error code 1638 is "Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel."

    To work around this issue, first uninstall the localized version of the Configuration Manager console, then install it again using the version from this update rollup.

Update information for Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager current branch, version 2207

This update is available in the Updates and Servicing node of the Configuration Manager console for environments that were installed by using early update ring or globally available builds of version 2207.

Members of the Configuration Manager Technology Adoption Program (TAP) must first apply the private TAP rollup before this update is displayed.

To verify which build is in use, look for a Package GUID by adding the Package GUID column to the details pane of the Updates and Servicing node in the console. The update applies to installations from packages that have the following GUIDs:

  • 91959D25-96B7-47FA-A36E-E958F2454CE3
  • 10EC7E16-A17A-4D0C-A145-4831F89E4829
  • 1C02A325-C78B-438B-8A08-B9D0D45E136E

The update is also applicable to TAP builds with the private TAP rollup (02DFEA46-318E-4005-BA56-BFCFA3BC41FA) installed.

Restart information

This update doesn't require a computer restart but will initiate a site reset after installation.

Additional installation information

After you install this update on a primary site, pre-existing secondary sites must be manually updated. To update a secondary site in the Configuration Manager console, select Administration > Site Configuration > Sites > Recover Secondary Site, and then select the secondary site. The primary site then reinstalls that secondary site by using the updated files. Configurations and settings for the secondary site aren't affected by this reinstallation. The new, upgraded, and reinstalled secondary sites under that primary site automatically receive this update.

Run the following SQL Server command on the site database to check whether the update version of a secondary site matches that of its parent primary site:

select dbo.fnGetSecondarySiteCMUpdateStatus ('SiteCode_of_secondary_site')

If the value 1 is returned, the site is up to date, with all the hotfixes applied on its parent primary site.

If the value 0 is returned, the site has not installed all the fixes that are applied to the primary site, and you should use the Recover Secondary Site option to update the secondary site.

Version information

The following major components are updated to the versions specified:

Component Version
Configuration Manager console 5.2207.1048.2600
Client 5.0.9088.1025

File information

File information is available in the downloadable KB15152495_FileList.txt text file.

Release history

  • November 10, 2022: Initial hotfix release


Updates and servicing for Configuration Manager