

GetPDFData Method in Class SMS_PDF_Package

The GetPDFData Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class method, in Configuration Manager, produces SMS_Package Server WMI Class and SMS_Program Server WMI Class objects from a loaded package definition file.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and defines the method.


SInt32 GetPDFData(  
     UInt32 PDFID,  
     SMS_Package PackageData,  
      SMS_Program ProgramData[]  


Data type: UInt32

Qualifiers: [in]

ID of the package definition file to be retrieved. Get this value from the SMS_PDF_Package Server WMI Class class.

Data type: SMS_Package

Qualifiers: [out]

An SMS_Package Server WMI Class object produced from the package definition file.

Data type: SMS_Program Array

Qualifiers: [out]

SMS_Program Server WMI Class objects produced from the package definition file.

Return Values

An SInt32 data type that is one of the following bit-field warning flags.

Flag Description
WARN_BAD_RUN (0) Invalid run information specified.
WARN_BAD_RESTART (1) Invalid restart information specified.
WARN_BAD_CANRUNWHEN (2) Invalid CanRunWhen information specified.
WARN_BAD_ASSIGNMENT (3) Invalid assignment information specified.
WARN_BAD_DEPENDPROG (4) Invalid DependentProgram information specified.
WARN_BAD_SPECIFYDRIVE (5) Invalid SpecifyDrive information specified.
WARN_BAD_ESTDISKSPACE (6) Invalid EstimatedDiskSpace information specified.
WARN_NO_SUPPCLINFO (7) No SupportedClients information specified.
WARN_BAD_SUPPCLINFO (8) Invalid SupportedClients information specified.
WARN_VER1PDF (9) Version 1.0 file used.
WARN_REMPRONOUKEY(10) The remove program is set, but no uninstall Key is given.

Example Code

For an example that uses this method, see How to Create a Package Using a PDF Template.


Runtime Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.

Development Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.

See Also

SMS_PDF_Package Server WMI Class