

How to Acquire a Lock on a SEDO-Enabled Object

To Acquire an Explicit Lock on a SEDO-enabled Object

  1. Create an instance of the SMS_ObjectLock WMI class

  2. Get the method parameters object for the RequestLock method.

  3. Assign the object path of the object you wish to lock to the ObjectRelPath property.

  4. Set the RequestTransfer property to true.

  5. Create an InvokeMethodOptions object instance. On the Context property, add a name/value pair. The name must be "ObjectLockContext" and the value must be a unique value such as a Guid. Add another name/value pair with "MachineName" and the name of the computer requesting the lock.

  6. Call InvokeMethod on the SMS_ObjectLock instance.

  7. InvokeMethod will return a SMS_ObjectLockRequest instance. Check the RequestState and LockState properties to get more information on the success or failure of the request.


The following example requests an explicit lock on a SMS_ConfigurationItem object instance.

 class Program  
     static void Main(string[] args)   
         ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"\\siteservername\root\sms\site_ABC");  

     public static void RequestLock(ManagementScope scope)   
         ManagementPath path = new ManagementPath("SMS_ObjectLock");  
         ManagementClass objectLock = new ManagementClass(scope, path, null);   

         ManagementBaseObject inParams = objectLock.GetMethodParameters("RequestLock");  
         inParams["ObjectRelPath"] = "SMS_ConfigurationItem.CI_ID=30";  
         inParams["RequestTransfer"] = true;   

         InvokeMethodOptions options = new InvokeMethodOptions();  
         options.Context.Add("ObjectLockContext", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());  
         options.Context.Add("MachineName", "RequestingComputer");  

         ManagementBaseObject result = objectLock.InvokeMethod("RequestLock", inParams, options);     


The SMS_ObjectLockRequest object contains the following properties:

Property Description
RequestID Unique identifier of the request.
ObjectRelPath The path of the object for which the lock is requested.
RequestState Indicates the success or failure of the request.
LockState Indicates the current state of the requested lock.
AssignedUser Indicates the currently assigned user of the requested lock.
AssignedObjectLockContext Indicates ObjectLockContext the lock is currently assigned to.
AssignedMachine Indicates the currently assigned computer of the requested lock.
AssignedSiteCode Indicates the currently site of the requested lock.
AssignedTimeUTC Indicates the time at which the requested lock was assigned.

The table below displays the possible request state values. Request states Granted, GrantedAfterTimeout and GrantedLockWasOrphaned indicate a successful request and the user can then make and save modifications to the object. All other requests indicate error.

RequestStateID RequestStateName
0 Unknown
2 Requested
3 RequestedCanceled
4 ResponseReceived
10 Granted
11 GrantedAfterTimeout
12 GrantedLockWasOrphaned
20 DeniedLockAlreadyAssigned
21 DeniedInvalidObjectVersion
22 DeniedLockNotFound
23 DeniedLockNotLocal
24 DeniedRequestTimedOut
50 Error
52 ErrorRequestNotFound
53 ErrorRequestTimedOut

The table below displays the possible lock state values.

LockStateID LockStateName
0 Unassigned
1 Assigned
2 Requested
3 PendingAssignment
4 TimedOut
5 NotFound

Compiling the Code

The C# example requires:





Robust Programming

For more information about error handling, see About Configuration Manager Errors.

See Also

Configuration Manager SEDO