

Application Installation

Applies to: Configuration Manager (current branch)

Before you continue, please review Application deployment client components to understand DCM and CI Agent job processing.

Application installation is performed by DCM Agent and CI Agent components when the deployment is enforced. The enforcement time differs for Available and Required deployments. To understand when the assignment is enforced, see the Application Deployment to Device Collections or Application Deployment to User Collections articles.

Enforcement Initiation

Application installation is initiated by the CI Agent component on the client during the StateEnforcingCIs phase. This process is the same, regardless of whether the application is deployed to a Device Collection or a User collection.

  • For Available deployments, the application is installed when the user initiates the application installation from Software Center.
  • For Required deployments, the application is installed at deployment deadline. However, the user can initiate the installation from Software Center before the deadline.

When CI Agent initiates the application installation, it creates a task that is handled by the CI Task Manager component. CI Task Manager then initiates the installation. This activity can be tracked in the CITaskMgr.log by using the Deployment Type Unique ID.

Initiating task Enforce for CI ScopeId_B63CEBE7-8A69-4FBE-994F-5AD0A8488D27/DeploymentType_1d49ef88-cf3b-42fa-b198-388d220ccb44.2 (ConfigMgr Toolkit - Windows Installer (*.msi file)) for target: , consumer: {9BC3154A-98F1-4595-A967-173D536A3F94}
Initiated application enforcement. : CITask(ScopeId_B63CEBE7-8A69-4FBE-994F-5AD0A8488D27/DeploymentType_1d49ef88-cf3b-42fa-b198-388d220ccb44.2..Install.Enforce)

Application Enforcement

After the application enforcement is initiated, the client performs the application detection again to ensure the application isn't already installed. Once it's determined that the application isn't installed, the application installation is initiated. This activity can be tracked in the AppEnforce.log on the client using the Deployment Type Unique ID.

+++ Starting Install enforcement for App DT "ConfigMgr Toolkit - Windows Installer (*.msi file)" ApplicationDeliveryType - ScopeId_B63CEBE7-8A69-4FBE-994F-5AD0A8488D27/DeploymentType_1d49ef88-cf3b-42fa-b198-388d220ccb44, Revision - 2, ContentPath - C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\2, Execution Context - System
    Executing Command line: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe" /i "ConfigMgrTools.msi" /q /qn with user context
    Process 7292 terminated with exitcode: 0
Status is switching to Success

Installation Verification

After the application is installed, the application detection method is used again to ensure that the application was detected as installed.

Performing detection of app deployment type ConfigMgr Toolkit - Windows Installer (*.msi file)(ScopeId_B63CEBE7-8A69-4FBE-994F-5AD0A8488D27/DeploymentType_1d49ef88-cf3b-42fa-b198-388d220ccb44, revision 2) for system.
+++ Discovered MSI application [AppDT Id: ScopeId_B63CEBE7-8A69-4FBE-994F-5AD0A8488D27/DeploymentType_1d49ef88-cf3b-42fa-b198-388d220ccb44, Revision: 2, MSI Product code: {4FFF7ECC-CCF7-4530-B938-E7812BB91186}, MSI Product version: ]
++++++ App enforcement completed (3 seconds) for App DT "ConfigMgr Toolkit - Windows Installer (*.msi file)" [ScopeId_B63CEBE7-8A69-4FBE-994F-5AD0A8488D27/DeploymentType_1d49ef88-cf3b-42fa-b198-388d220ccb44], Revision: 2, User SID: ] ++++++

Finally, after enforcement is complete, CI Agent receives the task complete notification and the CI Agent job moves to the next phase.

CIAgentJob({2BF84225-C9E8-49A6-A308-A160C4B799D3}): CAgentJob::HandleEvent(Event=CITaskComplete, CurrentState=StateEnforcingCIs)

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