
Module 5 - Data Deletion

Rule Execution Steps Expected Result
RSC-501 Delete Candidate Related Entities Test.
    1. Select a candidate.
      2. Delete that candidate's notes.
        3. Delete that candidate.
        1. Ensure that the deleted notes no longer appear in the Enhanced In-ATS Indicator for that candidate. ul> 2. Ensure that the Enhanced In-ATS indicator no longer appears for that candidate.
        Relevant Documentation: Delete Candidate Notes & Delete Candidates
        RSC-502 Delete Entire Candidate Test. Select a candidate, delete this candidate in your ATS. 1.Ensure that the deleted notes no longer appear in the Enhanced In-ATS Indicator for that candidate.
          2.Ensure that the Enhanced In-ATS indicator no longer appears for that candidate.
          Relevant Documentation: Delete Candidates
          RSC-503 Delete Application Related Entities Test. Select an application and delete the following:
            - Application notes
              - Application stages
                - Application interview feedback
                  - Application
                  1. Ensure that the application's notes no longer appear in the Enhanced In-ATS Indicator.
                    2. Ensure that the application's stages no longer appear in the Enhanced In-ATS Indicator.
                      3. Ensure that the application's interview feedback no longer appears in the Enhanced In-ATS Indicator.
                        4. Ensure that the application no longer appears in the Enhanced In-ATS Indicator.
                          Relevant Documentation: Delete Application Notes, Delete Application Stages, Delete Application Interview Feedback & Delete Applications
                          RSC-504 Delete Entire Application Test.
                            Select an application and delete it.
                            1. Ensure that the application's notes no longer appear in the Enhanced In-ATS Indicator.
                              2. Ensure that the application's stages no longer appear in the Enhanced In-ATS Indicator.
                                3. Ensure that the application's interview feedback no longer appears in the Enhanced In-ATS Indicator.
                                  4. Ensure that the application no longer appears in the Enhanced In-ATS Indicator.
                                    Relevant Documentation: Delete Applications
                                    RSC-505 Support for version API. Demonstrate or explain what changes will need to take place to facilitate migration to versioned endpoints. Versioning migration path clearly understood by LinkedIn. Switching consumption to versioned endpoints requires minimal development support.