


Applies to: ✅ Microsoft FabricAzure Data ExplorerAzure MonitorMicrosoft Sentinel

The function plotly_gauge_fl() is a user-defined function (UDF) that allows you to customize a plotly template to create a gauge chart.

The function accepts few parameters to customize the gauge chart and returns a single cell table containing plotly JSON. Optionally, you can render the data in an Azure Data Explorer dashboard tile. For more information, see Plotly (preview).

The function accepts few parameters to customize the gauge chart and returns a single cell table containing plotly JSON. Optionally, you can render the data in a Real-Time dashboard tile. For more information, see Plotly (preview).


Extract the required 'gauge' template from the publicly available PlotlyTemplate table. Copy this table from the Samples database to your database by running the following KQL command from your target database:

.set PlotlyTemplate <| cluster('help.kusto.windows.net').database('Samples').PlotlyTemplate


T | invoke plotly_gauge_fl(value, max_range, mode, chart_title, font_color, bar_color, bar_bg_color, tick_color, tick_width)

Learn more about syntax conventions.


Name Type Required Description
value real ✔️ The number to be displayed.
max_range range The maximum range of the gauge.
mode string Specifies how the value is displayed on the graph. Default is 'gauge+number'.
chart_title string The chart title. The default is empty title.
font_color string The chart's font color. Default is 'black'.
bar_color string The gauge's filled bar color. Default is 'green'.
bar_bg_color string The gauge's not filled bar color. Default is 'lightgreen'.
tick_color string The gauge's ticks color. Default is 'darkblue'.
tick_width int The gauge's ticks width. Default is 1.

Plotly gauge charts support many parameters, still this function exposes only the above ones. For more information, see indicator traces reference.

Function definition

You can define the function by either embedding its code as a query-defined function, or creating it as a stored function in your database, as follows:

Define the function using the following let statement. No permissions are required.


A let statement can't run on its own. It must be followed by a tabular expression statement. To run a working example of plotly_gauge_fl(), see Example.

let plotly_gauge_fl=(value:real, max_range:real=real(null), mode:string='gauge+number', chart_title:string='',font_color:string='black',
                    bar_color:string='green', bar_bg_color:string='lightgreen', tick_color:string='darkblue', tick_width:int=1)
    let gauge_chart = toscalar(PlotlyTemplate | where name == "gauge" | project plotly);
    print plotly = gauge_chart
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$VALUE$', tostring(value))
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$MAX_RANGE$', iff(isnull(max_range), 'null', tostring(max_range)))
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$MODE$', mode)
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$TITLE$', chart_title)
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$FONT_COLOR$', font_color)
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$BAR_COLOR$', bar_color)
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$BAR_BG_COLOR$', bar_bg_color)
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$TICK_COLOR$', tick_color)
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$TICK_WIDTH$', tostring(tick_width))
    | project plotly
// Write your query to use your function here.


The following example uses the invoke operator to run the function.

To use a query-defined function, invoke it after the embedded function definition.

let plotly_gauge_fl=(value:real, max_range:real=real(null), mode:string='gauge+number', chart_title:string='',font_color:string='black',
                    bar_color:string='green', bar_bg_color:string='lightgreen', tick_color:string='darkblue', tick_width:int=1)
    let gauge_chart = toscalar(PlotlyTemplate | where name == "gauge" | project plotly);
    print plotly = gauge_chart
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$VALUE$', tostring(value))
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$MAX_RANGE$', iff(isnull(max_range), 'null', tostring(max_range)))
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$MODE$', mode)
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$TITLE$', chart_title)
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$FONT_COLOR$', font_color)
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$BAR_COLOR$', bar_color)
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$BAR_BG_COLOR$', bar_bg_color)
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$TICK_COLOR$', tick_color)
    | extend plotly=replace_string(plotly, '$TICK_WIDTH$', tostring(tick_width))
    | project plotly
plotly_gauge_fl(value=180, chart_title='Speed', font_color='purple', tick_width=5)
| render plotly


The output is a Plotly JSON string that can be rendered in an Azure Data Explorer dashboard tile. For more information on creating dashboard tiles, see Visualize data with Azure Data Explorer dashboards.

The output is a Plotly JSON string that can be rendered in a Real-Time dashboard tile. For more information on creating dashboard tiles, see Real-Time dashboards.

Screenshot of gauge chart with random data.