


Applies to: ✅ Microsoft FabricAzure Data Explorer

Calculate various probabilities and related metrics for a pair of categorical variables.

The function pair_probabilities_fl() is a UDF (user-defined function) that calculates the following probabilities and related metrics for a pair of categorical variables, A and B, as follows:

  • P(A) is the probability of each value A=a
  • P(B) is the probability of each value B=b
  • P(A|B) is the conditional probability of A=a given B=b
  • P(B|A) is the conditional probability of B=b given A=a
  • P(A∪B) is the union probability (A=a or B=b)
  • P(A∩B) is the intersection probability (A=a and B=b)
  • The lift metric is calculated as P(A∩B)/P(A)*P(B). For more information, see lift metric.
    • A lift near 1 means that the joint probability of two values is similar to what is expected in case that both variables are independent.
    • Lift >> 1 means that values cooccur more often than expected under independence assumption.
    • Lift << 1 means that values are less likely to cooccur than expected under independence assumption.
  • The Jaccard similarity coefficient is calculated as P(A∩B)/P(A∪B). For more information, see Jaccard similarity coefficient.
    • A high Jaccard coefficient, close to 1, means that the values tend to occur together.
    • A low Jaccard coefficient, close to 0, means that the values tend to stay apart.


pair_probabilities_fl(A, B, Scope)

Learn more about syntax conventions.


Name Type Required Description
A scalar ✔️ The first categorical variable.
B scalar ✔️ The second categorical variable.
Scope scalar ✔️ The field that contains the scope, so that the probabilities for A and B are calculated independently for each scope value.

Function definition

You can define the function by either embedding its code as a query-defined function, or creating it as a stored function in your database, as follows:

Define the function using the following let statement. No permissions are required.


A let statement can't run on its own. It must be followed by a tabular expression statement. To run a working example of pair_probabilities_fl(), see Example.

let pair_probabilities_fl = (tbl:(*), A_col:string, B_col:string, scope_col:string)
let T = materialize(tbl | extend _A = column_ifexists(A_col, ''), _B = column_ifexists(B_col, ''), _scope = column_ifexists(scope_col, ''));
let countOnScope = T | summarize countAllOnScope = count() by _scope;
let probAB = T | summarize countAB = count() by _A, _B, _scope | join kind = leftouter (countOnScope) on _scope | extend P_AB = todouble(countAB)/countAllOnScope;
let probA  = probAB | summarize countA = sum(countAB), countAllOnScope = max(countAllOnScope) by _A, _scope | extend P_A = todouble(countA)/countAllOnScope;
let probB  = probAB | summarize countB = sum(countAB), countAllOnScope = max(countAllOnScope) by _B, _scope | extend P_B = todouble(countB)/countAllOnScope;
| join kind = leftouter (probA) on _A, _scope           // probability for each value of A
| join kind = leftouter (probB) on _B, _scope           // probability for each value of B
| extend P_AUB = P_A + P_B - P_AB                       // union probability
       , P_AIB = P_AB/P_B                               // conditional probability of A on B
       , P_BIA = P_AB/P_A                               // conditional probability of B on A
| extend Lift_AB = P_AB/(P_A * P_B)                     // lift metric
       , Jaccard_AB = P_AB/P_AUB                        // Jaccard similarity index
| project _A, _B, _scope, bin(P_A, 0.00001), bin(P_B, 0.00001), bin(P_AB, 0.00001), bin(P_AUB, 0.00001), bin(P_AIB, 0.00001)
, bin(P_BIA, 0.00001), bin(Lift_AB, 0.00001), bin(Jaccard_AB, 0.00001)
| sort by _scope, _A, _B
// Write your query to use the function here.


The following example uses the invoke operator to run the function.

To use a query-defined function, invoke it after the embedded function definition.

let pair_probabilities_fl = (tbl:(*), A_col:string, B_col:string, scope_col:string)
let T = materialize(tbl | extend _A = column_ifexists(A_col, ''), _B = column_ifexists(B_col, ''), _scope = column_ifexists(scope_col, ''));
let countOnScope = T | summarize countAllOnScope = count() by _scope;
let probAB = T | summarize countAB = count() by _A, _B, _scope | join kind = leftouter (countOnScope) on _scope | extend P_AB = todouble(countAB)/countAllOnScope;
let probA  = probAB | summarize countA = sum(countAB), countAllOnScope = max(countAllOnScope) by _A, _scope | extend P_A = todouble(countA)/countAllOnScope;
let probB  = probAB | summarize countB = sum(countAB), countAllOnScope = max(countAllOnScope) by _B, _scope | extend P_B = todouble(countB)/countAllOnScope;
| join kind = leftouter (probA) on _A, _scope           // probability for each value of A
| join kind = leftouter (probB) on _B, _scope           // probability for each value of B
| extend P_AUB = P_A + P_B - P_AB                       // union probability
       , P_AIB = P_AB/P_B                               // conditional probability of A on B
       , P_BIA = P_AB/P_A                               // conditional probability of B on A
| extend Lift_AB = P_AB/(P_A * P_B)                     // lift metric
       , Jaccard_AB = P_AB/P_AUB                        // Jaccard similarity index
| project _A, _B, _scope, bin(P_A, 0.00001), bin(P_B, 0.00001), bin(P_AB, 0.00001), bin(P_AUB, 0.00001), bin(P_AIB, 0.00001)
, bin(P_BIA, 0.00001), bin(Lift_AB, 0.00001), bin(Jaccard_AB, 0.00001)
| sort by _scope, _A, _B
let dancePairs = datatable(boy:string, girl:string, dance_class:string)[
    'James',   'Mary',      'Modern',
    'James',   'Mary',      'Modern',
    'Robert',  'Mary',      'Modern',
    'Robert',  'Mary',      'Modern',
    'Michael', 'Patricia',  'Modern',
    'Michael', 'Patricia',  'Modern',
    'James',   'Patricia',  'Modern',
    'Robert',  'Patricia',  'Modern',
    'Michael', 'Patricia',  'Modern',
    'Michael', 'Patricia',  'Modern',
    'James',   'Linda',     'Modern',
    'James',   'Linda',     'Modern',
    'Robert',  'Linda',     'Modern',
    'Robert',  'Linda',     'Modern',
    'James',   'Linda',     'Modern',
    'Robert',  'Mary',      'Modern',
    'Michael', 'Patricia',  'Modern',
    'Michael', 'Patricia',  'Modern',
    'James',   'Linda',     'Modern',
    'Robert',  'Mary',      'Classic',
    'Robert',  'Linda',     'Classic',
    'James',   'Mary',      'Classic',
    'James',   'Linda',     'Classic'
| invoke pair_probabilities_fl('boy','girl', 'dance_class')


Let's look at list of pairs of people dancing at two dance classes supposedly at random to find out if anything looks anomalous (meaning, not random). We'll start by looking at each class by itself.

The Michael-Patricia pair has a lift metric of 2.375, which is significantly above 1. This value means that they're seen together much more often that what would be expected if this pairing was random. Their Jaccard coefficient is 0.75, which is close to 1. When the pair dances, they prefer to dance together.

A B scope P_A P_B P_AB P_AUB P_AIB P_BIA Lift_AB Jaccard_AB
Robert Patricia Modern 0.31578 0.42105 0.05263 0.68421 0.12499 0.16666 0.39583 0.07692
Robert Mary Modern 0.31578 0.26315 0.15789 0.42105 0.59999 0.49999 1.89999 0.37499
Robert Linda Modern 0.31578 0.31578 0.10526 0.52631 0.33333 0.33333 1.05555 0.2
Michael Patricia Modern 0.31578 0.42105 0.31578 0.42105 0.75 0.99999 2.375 0.75
James Patricia Modern 0.36842 0.42105 0.05263 0.73684 0.12499 0.14285 0.33928 0.07142
James Mary Modern 0.36842 0.26315 0.10526 0.52631 0.4 0.28571 1.08571 0.2
James Linda Modern 0.36842 0.31578 0.21052 0.47368 0.66666 0.57142 1.80952 0.44444
Robert Mary Classic 0.49999 0.49999 0.24999 0.75 0.49999 0.49999 0.99999 0.33333
Robert Linda Classic 0.49999 0.49999 0.24999 0.75 0.49999 0.49999 0.99999 0.33333
James Mary Classic 0.49999 0.49999 0.24999 0.75 0.49999 0.49999 0.99999 0.33333
James Linda Classic 0.49999 0.49999 0.24999 0.75 0.49999 0.49999 0.99999 0.33333