
Sort a visual by a target data field

In Power BI, you can change how a visual looks by sorting it by different data fields. By changing how you sort a visual, you can highlight the information you want to convey. Whether you're using numeric data (such as sales figures) or text data (such as state names), you can sort your visuals as desired. Power BI provides lots of flexibility for sorting, and quick menus for you to use. To learn more, see Change how a chart is sorted in a Power BI report

Screenshot that shows a Power B I visual with the options menu open and highlighted the sort commands.

You can use the visual.sortBy API to change how you sort a visual by one of its data fields. You can also control the direction of the sort.

How to sort a visual

The Power BI Client VisualDescriptor class defines a sortBy method as:

visual.sortBy(request: ISortByVisualRequest): Promise<void>

The ISortByVisualRequest interface includes a definition for the sort request:

export interface ISortByVisualRequest {
    orderBy: ITarget;
    direction: SortDirection;
  • orderBy, the target data field of the sort. Data fields that the visual can be sorted by, are found in the visual’s option menu under the Sort by menu command, Learn more about Use targets to select which data field to act on.

    Screenshot that shows a Power B I visual with the options menu open and the 'sort by' sub menu is expanded.

  • direction, the direction of the sort. The SortDirection enum defines the sort direction as Ascending or Descending.

    enum SortDirection {
        Ascending = 1,
        Descending = 2,


To get the pages of a report, find the active page, and get the visuals. The visual is found with the unique name VisualContainer1 and sorted descending by Total Category Volume measure on the SalesFact table:

let pages = await report.getPages();

// Retrieve active page
var activePage = pages.find(function (page) { return page.isActive });

let visuals = await activePage.getVisuals();

// Retrieve target visual (replace "VisualContainer1" with requested visual name)
var visual = visuals.find(function (visual) { return visual.name === "VisualContainer1" });

const request = {
    // Set the target data field of the sort
    orderBy: {
        table: "SalesFact",
        measure: "Total Category Volume"
    direction: models.SortDirection.Descending

await visual.sortBy(request);

To sort a visual by a column target:

const request = {
  // Set the target data field of the sort
    orderBy: {
        table: "Store",
        column: "Name"
    direction: models.SortDirection.Ascending

await visual.sortBy(request);