
Deploy and configure Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data preparation in healthcare data solutions

Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data preparation enables you to connect Customer Insights - Data to your OneLake on Fabric for creating patient or member lists for outreach. You can deploy and configure this capability after deploying healthcare data solutions to your Fabric workspace and the healthcare data foundations capability

Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data preparation is an optional capability under healthcare data solutions in Microsoft Fabric. You have the flexibility to decide whether or not to use it, depending on your specific needs or scenarios.


Deploy Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data preparation

You can deploy the capability using the setup module explained in Healthcare data solutions: Deploy healthcare data foundations. In the settings page, provide the optional value for your Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 shortcut name. To learn more about this parameter, see Customer Insights notebook.

If you didn't use the setup module to deploy the capability and want to use the capability tile instead, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the healthcare data solutions home page on Fabric.

  2. Select the Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data preparation tile.

    A screenshot displaying the capability tile.

  3. On the capability page, select Deploy to workspace.

    A screenshot displaying how to deploy the capability to your workspace.

  4. The deployment can take a few minutes to complete. Don't close the tab or the browser while deployment is in progress. While you wait, you can work in another tab.

    After the deployment completes, you can see a notification on the message bar.

  5. Select Manage capability from the message bar to go to the Capability management page.

    Here, you can view, configure, and manage the artifacts deployed with the capability.


The capability installs a lakehouse, a notebook, and a data pipeline in your healthcare data solutions environment.

Artifact Type Description
healthcare#_msft_customerinsights Lakehouse Custom-built lakehouse for Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data preparation.
healthcare#_msft_ci_silver_customerinsights_transformation Notebook Flattens selected FHIR resources in the silver lakehouse and inserts the resulting data into a specified location in the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage account.
healthcare#_msft_customer_insights Data pipeline Sequentially runs a series of notebooks to ingest, flatten, and process clinical FHIR NDJSON data for integration with Dynamics 365 Customer Insights.

Customer Insights notebook

The Customer Insights notebook healthcare#_msft_ci_silver_customerinsights_transformation uses the SilverIngestionService module in the healthcare data solutions library to flatten selected Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) resources in the healthcare#_msft_silver lakehouse. It then inserts the resulting data into the specified folder in the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage account, making it available for later use in Customer Insights - Data.

Optionally, the notebook also registers the resulting dataset as tables in the healthcare#_msft_customerinsights lakehouse. Tools such as SQL endpoints can use it for reporting in Fabric.

This notebook deploys with preconfigured values required to run the associated data pipeline. Some configuration parameters inherit from the global configuration. By default, you aren't expected to make any changes to the notebook configuration files. If needed, you can open the notebook and review the configuration.

Before you run the data pipeline, make sure you create a shortcut to your storage account in the healthcare#_msft_customerinsights lakehouse. For instructions, see Create an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 shortcut. Name the shortcut main, so you can easily reference it in the notebook.

To learn more about the data pipeline execution, see Use Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data preparation in healthcare data solutions.