


The TrnsDT function is called to translate a string from one code page to another.


PASSSTRUCT far* PassParm);  


Supplied parameter. A pointer to a PASSSTRUCT structure containing members that must be supplied as well as members that are returned by the function.

Return Value

The TrnsDT function returns zero on success. On failure, possible values returned by this function are as follows:


This error is returned if the TrnsDT table files (*.tbl) could not be found. Normally TrnsDT uses the conversion tables located in the Host Integration Server\System directory on Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows 11, and Windows 10. If TrnsDT cannot find these tables, it searches for them in the current directory.


This error is returned if a bad value was passed for one or more of the members of the PassParm structure. Invalid parameters can include not zeroing the exit_code member, passing an in_length for the input source string of zero or less or greater than 65535 bytes, passing an out_length for the output string buffer of zero or less, passing in_page or out_page members containing undefined codepage values.


This error is returned if the output buffer is too small for the converted output string. In such cases, the out_length member returns with the necessary value in bytes for the output buffer. This error is also returned if the length of the output buffer needed to convert the source string would exceed 65535 bytes.


This error is returned if memory could not be allocated for use by the TrnsDT DLL.