

Data Access Tool Overview

The Data Access Tool enables you to define and test connections to remote IBM DB2 relational database servers and IBM host file systems. You can view configured data sources in a scope (folder browser) and results (list item details) pane. You can use an intuitive Data Source Wizard that guides you through the process of defining, test-verifying, and storing connection information.

The following list describes the user interface tasks that you can perform by using the Data Access Tool.

  • Importing an IBM DB2 Connect configuration

  • Creating a New Data Source for DB2 or Host Files

  • Editing a Data Source

  • Displaying a Connection String

  • Testing a Connection

  • Creating Packages for DB2

  • Running a Sample Query

  • Opening a File

  • Cut, copy and paste a Data Source

  • Change a Password for DB2

To Start the Data Access Tool

  1. Click the Data Access Tool shortcut in the Host Integration Server program folder.

  2. Or click Start, Programs, Host Integration Server, and then click Data Access Tool.

    Data Source Browser, Data Source Folder and Data Source Item

    The Data Access window is divided into the following three parts:

  • A scope pane (folder browser) that offers a tree view of data sources, with separate folders for DB2 and Host Files.

  • A results pane (list item details) that offers a list view of data sources, with common details such as platform and date modified.

  • A result pane view that displays either the output of a command or current connection string.

    Menu commands

    Commands can be accessed through the main menu and context-sensitive menu, which appears when you right-click items displayed in the browser or details panes. For example, when you right-click a data source item, you can view, edit, test, delete, or rename that data source item.. In addition, the F5 key updates the tree view, the Delete key deletes the currently selected item, and the F1 key opens the online Help.

    Creating a Data Source

    To launch the Data Source Wizard, click New Data Source from the File or context menu.

  1. In the Data Access Tool window, click the File menu.

  2. Click NewData Source. The Data Source Wizard appears.

    Opening a Data Source

    You can use the Open Data Source command on the File menu) to select a Universal Data Link (*.udl) file using the Windows File Open dialog box. This command opens the data source for editing within the Data Source Wizard.

  3. In the Data Access Tool window, click the File menu.

  4. Click Open Data Source. The File Open dialog box appears.

  5. Find the data source that you want, and then click Open. The Data Source Wizard appears.

    Importing a Data Source

    You can use the Import DB2 Connect File command (File menu) to import a configuration defined for use with IBM DB2 Connect.

  6. In the Data Source Browser, click the File menu.

  7. Click Import, and then select the file that you want.

  8. Click file, and the click Open to view item in Data Source Wizard. The Data Source Wizard appears.

    For more information about IBM DB2 Connect files, see the IBM DB2 Connect documentation.

    Editing a Data Source

    You can use the Edit Data Source command from the Action or context menu to select a Universal Data Link (*.udl) file. This command opens the data source for editing in the Data Source Wizard.

  9. In the Data Source Browser window, click the Actions menu.

  10. Click Edit Data Source. The Data Source Wizard appears.

    Testing a Connection

    The Test Connection command on the Action or context menu enables you to verify the data source, and to display information such as the host platform and version.

    Successfully connected to data source 'DB2DSN1'.

    Server class: DB2/z/OS

    Server version: 09.01.0005

    If you did not persist the user name and password into the connection configuration, an Authentication dialog box will appear, prompting you to enter a valid user name and password.

    Running a Sample Query

    You can use the Sample Query command on the Action and context menu to execute a sample query against the remote data source. The sample query retrieves a list of tables from the system catalog by using the default schema property configured in the data source.

  11. In the Data Source Browser window, select the data source and click the Actions menu.

  12. Click Sample Query. The Output window and Grid window display the results of the sample query

    Successfully retrieved 1000 rows from data source 'DB2DSN1'.

    Creating Packages

    You can use the Create Packages command on the Actions and context menu to create packages on a remote DB2 relational database server.

  13. In the Data Source Browser window, select the data source and then click the Actions menu.

  14. Click Create Packages. The Output window displays the results of the sample query.

    If you did not persist the user name and password into the connection configuration, an Authentication dialog box appears, prompting you to enter a valid user name and password.

    Displaying a Connection String

    When you select a data source in the Data Source Browser, the Output pane displays the Connection String dialog box. You can copy the connection string from the dialog box and paste it into other applications. You can use this technique in SQL Server Management Studio to define a Linked Server for use with the Query Processor.

    Change Password

    You can replace your current password using Change Password command on the Actions and context menu to access the DB2 password change management (PCM) function.

  15. In the Data Source Browser window, select the data source, and then click the Actions menu.

  16. Click Change Password. The Authentication dialog appears.

  17. Enter the current credentials in the User name and Password text boxes.

  18. Enter the new password in both the New password and Confirm password text boxes. The Output window displays the results of the Change Password command.

    Successfully changed the password on data source 'DB2DSN1'.


    The Locate command on the context menu enables you to navigate to a Universal Data Link (*.udl) file using the Windows Explorer dialog box.


    You can use the Options dialog on the View menu to specify the directory that the Data Access Tool uses to view, edit and save Universal Data Link (*.udl) files.


    You can use the Help command on the context menu and Dynamic Help on the Help menu to load the product documentation to learn more about using the Data Access Tool.

    Other Tasks

    In addition to the tasks described in the previous topics, you can also use the Edit, View and Help menus to perform the actions described in the following table.

Menu Action
Edit Undo, Cut, Copy, or Paste strings, and to Delete or Rename data sources.
View Refresh the browser or view the Options dialog box.
Help Access context-sensitive dynamic help, HIS DevCenter (MSDN), HIS TechCenter (TechNet), HIS Forum, HIS Feedback (Connect), and About (version and license).

See Also

Data Integration (Configuration)