
Simplified Power Automate approval flow experience


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Sep 1, 2023 Oct 3, 2023

Business value

Approving documents or data changes in a modern company must be straightforward. We listen to feedback and continue to improve this area, making sure this experience matches business users' expectations.

Feature details

In the previous release, we introduced several new templates and a simplified approval experience based on Power Automate. With this wave, we improve this area by introducing several new changes:

  • We automatically set the environment and company in approval templates so that the user doesn't need to choose those every time.
  • We've added the requestor to the request for approval and confirmation emails, making it clear who requested and who approved the change.
  • The Approval step in our templates now includes "Requested by" to indicate the proper requestor.
  • We correctly handle the "cancel approval request" decision on the Power Automate side.
  • An optional adaptive card can be posted to a chosen Teams channel (or user) with information that a given document was approved.

We welcome your feedback on these improvements as we continue to innovate.

Tell us what you think

Help us improve Dynamics 365 Business Central by discussing ideas, providing suggestions, and giving feedback. Use the forum at https://aka.ms/bcideas.

See also

Use Power Automate Flows in Business Central (docs)