

Propose and post the impairment amount on a cash generating unit

For Japan, after the calculation of the impairment amount, you can propose and post it in a fixed asset journal.

This procedure walks you through proposing and posting impairment amounts that are recognized and calculated on cash generating unit.

In order to complete this task, the Fixed Asset configuration key must be selected.

Also, you will need to create and confirm a recognition test before running this task.

This procedure was created using the demo data company JPMF.

  1. Go to Fixed assets > Journal entries > Fixed assets journal.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Name field, type or select a value.
  4. Click Lines.
  5. Click Proposals.
  6. Click Impairment proposal.
  7. In the Impairment test ID field, enter the ID of the recognition test that you want to post.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click Post.