

System tables

This article contains the documentation available for the System classes.


This article is not a complete list of the System table members. You can find a complete list of tables and their members in the Application Explorer.


The Common table is the base class for all tables. It does not contain any data. It is primarily used in X++ code to refer to any table in a polymorphic way.


Method Description
aosValidateDelete Validates on the server that the specified record can be deleted from a table.
aosValidateInsert Validates on the server that the specified record can be inserted.
aosValidateRead Validates on the server that the specified record can be read.
aosValidateUpdate Validates on the server that the specified record can be updated.
buf2con Packs the table buffers of an xRecord instance into an X++ container.
canSubmitToWorkflow Indicates whether submission to workflow is possible.
caption Gets and sets the caption property of a table.
checkInvalidFieldAccess Gets and sets invalid field access.
checkRecord Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to check mandatory fields.
checkRestrictedDeleteActions Gets and sets the property that indicates whether a record can be deleted.
clear Removes all rows from the table buffer.
company Gets and sets the property that indicates a legal entity for the record.
con2buf Unpacks a container into the table buffers.
concurrencyModel Gets and sets the default concurrency model to use to update records.
context Gets and sets the context property.
data Retrieves a row from the table.
dataSource Retrieves the data source of the table.
dbOpInTransaction Makes sure that database operations are correctly closed if they fail.
defaultField Populates default values in a field in the table.
defaultRow Populates default values in fields in the table in the non-interactive case.
delete Deletes the current record from the table.
disableCache Gets and sets the property that indicates whether caching is disabled.
dispose Releases resources that are used by the xRecord object.
doClear Removes all rows from the table buffer and bypasses any additional logic in the clear method of the table.
doDelete Deletes the current record from the table and bypasses any additional logic in the delete method of the table.
doInsert Inserts the record into the table and bypasses any additional logic in the insert method of the table.
doUpdate Updates the current record and bypasses any additional logic in the update method of the table.
doValidateDelete Performs the action to validate that a record can be deleted.
equal Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current one.
fieldAccessRight Returns the field access right.
fieldBufferAccessRight Returns the field access right for the current record.
fieldState Sets or returns the state of a field in the table buffer.
getAllowRedefault Returns the list of fields that are allowed to re-default.
getDefaultingDependencies Returns the container that holds defaulting dependencies.
getExtension Returns the table extension.
getFieldValue Gets the value of the specified field from a table buffer.
getInstanceRelationType Returns the table name that corresponds to the InstanceRelationType ID.
getPhysicalTableName Return the physical table name, which, in the case of the SQL Temp DB table, is the table instance name.
getPresenceFieldData Retrieves the PresenceInfo value from the specified field.
getSQLStatement Gets the SQL statement that is used to return records from the database.
getTableType Indicates the type of the table.
helpField Retrieves a string that contains the Help text for the specified field.
initValue Initializes a field to the default value.
inputStatus Sets or returns the current input status of the table buffer.
insert Inserts the record into the table.
interactiveContext Sets or returns the current interactive context of the table buffer.
isFieldDataRetrieved Checks whether the data of the given field has been retrieved.
isFieldSet Checks whether a field has a Set or Defaulted state.
isFormDataSource Indicates whether the data source is a form.
isNewRecord Returns true if the record is a new record that hasn’t been persisted yet.
isTempDb Indicates whether the type of the table is SQL TempDB.
isTmp Indicates whether this is a temporary table.
joinChild Finds the join child of the current record.
joinParent Finds the join parent of the current record.
linkPhysicalTableInstance Checks whether there is a link for the physical table instance for the record.
merge Merges the current table with the specified table.
modifiedField Modifies the specified field to the original.
modifiedFieldValue Modifies the specified field to the original value.
orig Retrieves the original values of the current record.
overwriteSystemfields Gets and sets the property that indicates whether system fields can be overwritten.
postLoad Is executed after a record is read.
queryTimedOut Indicates whether the query exceeded the time limit for execution.
queryTimeout Gets and sets the property that indicates the time limit for the execution of a query.
readPast Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip rows that are locked by other processes when a record is read.
recordLevelSecurity Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to apply security on a record level.
relatedTable Sets or returns the related buffer of a link of a table buffer.
hasRelatedTable Indicates whether a foreign key constraint buffer is linked with the table.
renamePrimaryKey Renames the foreign keys in other tables according to the change of the corresponding primary key value in this table.
reread Rereads the record from the table.
RowCount Retrieves the number of rows in the table.
selectForUpdate Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to select records for update when they are read.
selectLocked Indicates whether to select locked records.
selectRefRecord Selects the record by referenced field ID.
selectWithRepeatableRead Gets and sets the property that indicates whether repeatable read is enabled.
setConnection Sets the user connection for this table.
setCrossPartition Sets or resets cross-partitioning for the table.
setFieldValue Sets the field value in the record buffer.
setSQLTracing Enables or disables SQL tracing mode.
setTmp Sets the table so that it is not persisted to the database.
setTmpData Sets the contents of the temporary table to the specified data.
setXDSContext Sets new XDS context.
skipDatabaseLog Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip database log requests.
skipDataMethods Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to discard overloaded methods.
skipDeleteActions Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip delete actions on the table.
skipDeleteMethod Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to discard overloaded methods.
skipEvents Provides an option to turn off calling the Application.event* methods for the lifetime of an xRecord object.
skipPostLoad Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip executing the xRecord.postLoad method on the table.
skipTTSCheck Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip the check to determine whether the record is selected for update.
suppressWarnings Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to suppress warnings for this pointer.
tableAccessRight Returns the table access right.
tableBufferAccessRight Returns the table access right for the current record.
toolTipField Retrieves the HelpText value for the specified field.
toolTipRecord Retrieves the ToolTip value for the current record.
ttsabort Aborts a transaction that was started by a call to the ttsbegin method.
ttsbegin Starts a transaction that can be either committed by the ttscommit method or aborted by the ttsabort method.
ttscommit Commits a transaction that was started by a call to the ttsbegin method.
update Updates the current record.
validateDelete Determines whether the current record is valid and ready to be deleted from the database.
validateField Determines whether the specified field is valid.
validateWrite Determines whether the current record is valid and ready to be written.
validTimeStateUpdateMode Sets a valid time state update mode on the cursor.
wasCached Specifies the location from which the data was retrieved.
write Updates a record if it exists; otherwise, inserts a record.
xml Retrieves an XML string that represents the current object.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
CreatedBy String CreatedBy
CreatedDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
CreatedTransactionId Int64 CreatedTransactionId
dataAreaId String DataAreaId
DEL_CreatedTime Int DEL_CreatedTime
DEL_ModifiedTime Int DEL_ModifiedTime
ModifiedBy String ModifiedBy
ModifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
ModifiedTransactionId Int64 ModifiedTransactionId
Partition Int64 Partition
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
RelationType Int64 RelationType
RowNumber Int RowNumber
SequenceNum Int64 SequenceNum
TableId Int TableId
UnionAllBranchId Int UnionAllBranchId


Relation Table
dataAreaId DataArea


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecId No

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table


The DataArea table contains a list of companies that have been created in the database.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
alwaysNative Enum boolean
id String DataAreaId ID for an area of data
isVirtual Enum boolean
name String UserIdStr Name
Partition Int64 Partition (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
timeZone Enum Timezone


Relation Table
id DataArea
Partition Partitions


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
Id No
IdOnly Yes

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table DataArea Table


The DatabaseLog table stores configuration information for the SysDatabaseLog table.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
dEL_CreatedTime Integer DEL_CreatedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
dEL_ModifiedTime Integer DEL_ModifiedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
domainId String DomainId ID for the domain
logField Integer FieldId ID for the field
logTable Integer TableId ID for the table
logType Enum DatabaseLogType
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion

Field Groups

Field Group Fields


Relation Table
Relation_DatabaseLog DEL_DomainInfo


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
Loglist No
RecId No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table DatabaseLog Table


Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
accessType Enum AccessType
accessTypeFkeyUse Enum AccessType
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
dEL_CreatedTime Integer DEL_CreatedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
dEL_ModifiedTime Integer DEL_ModifiedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
domainId String DomainId ID for the domain
elementName String UtilElementName Name of the application element.
groupId String UserGroupId ID for the user group
id Int
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
parentId Int
RecId Int64 RecId
recordType Enum AccessRecordType
recVersion Integer RecVersion


Relation Table
Relation_AccessRightsList1 UtilIdElements
Relation_AccessRightsList2 UtilIdElements
Relation_AccessRightsList3 DEL_DomainInfo
Relation_AccessRightsList4 DEL_UserGroupInfo


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
Element Yes
Group No
RecId No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table DEL-AccessRightsList Table


The CompanyDomainList table contains associations between the DomainInfo and DataArea tables. Security rights are granted per domain.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
companyId String SelectableDataArea ID for the company you can select
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
dEL_CreatedTime Integer DEL_CreatedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
dEL_ModifiedTime Integer DEL_ModifiedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
domainId String DomainId ID for the domain
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion


Relation Table
companyId DataArea
domainId DEL_DomainInfo


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
Company No
Domain No
RecId No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table DEL_CompanyDomainList Table


Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
id String DomainId ID for the domain
name String UserIdStr Name
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion


Relation Table
id DEL_DomainInfo


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
Id No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table DEL_DomainInfo Table


The UserGroupInfo table contains the list of available user groups.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
id String UserGroupId ID for the user group
name String UserIdStr Name
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion


Relation Table
id UserGroupInfo


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
Id No

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table DEL_UserGroupInfo Table


The UserGroupList table contains the list of users associated with each user groups.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
dEL_CreatedTime Integer DEL_CreatedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
dEL_ModifiedTime Integer DEL_ModifiedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
groupId String UserGroupId ID for the user group
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
userId String UserId ID for the user


Relation Table
Relation_UserGroupList1 DEL_UserGroupInfo
Relation_UserGroupList2 UserInfo


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
GroupId No
RecId No
UserId No

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table DEL_UserGroupList Table


The ModelSecPolRuntimeEx table stores the runtime metadata that is necessary to apply security policies.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
ConstrainedTable String
ContextString String
ContextType Int
DEL_ElementHandle Int
DEL_IsEnabled Int
DEL_LayerId Int
ElementHandle Int
IsDirty Int
IsEnabled Int
IsModeled Int
LayerId Int
ModeledQueryDebugInfo String
ModeledQueryPackData Container
Name String
Operation Int
PrimaryTableAOTName String
QueryObjectAOTName String
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
ConstrainedTableIdx Yes ConstrainedTable
RecIDIdx No RecId

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table ModelSecPolRuntimeEx Table


The ModelSecPolRuntimeView view shows the runtime metadata for the currently active security policies.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
ConstrainedTable String
ContextString String
ContextType Int
ElementHandle Int
IsDirty Int
IsModeled Int
LayerId Int
ModeledQueryDebugInfo String
ModeledQueryPackData Container
Name String
Operation Int
PrimaryTableAOTName String
QueryObjectAOTName String
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table ModelSecPolRuntimeView Table


The Partitions table contains the list of data partitions in the system.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
createdBy String CreatedBy (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
dEL_CreatedTime Integer DEL_CreatedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
dEL_ModifiedTime Integer DEL_ModifiedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
name String UserIdStr Name (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
PartitionKey String PartitionKey Partition Key (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
RecId Int64 RecId (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
recVersion Integer RecVersion (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))

Field Groups

Field Group Fields


Relation Table
PartitionKey Partitions


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
PartitionIdx No
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table Partitions Table


The PrintJobHeader table contains information regarding the current print job


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
dataAreaId String DataAreaId
dEL_CreatedTime Integer DEL_CreatedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
deviceName String
format Enum PrintFormat
jobDescription String
jobStatus Enum PrintJobStatus
jobType String
numberOfPages Int
Partition Int64 Partition (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
printedBy String UserId ID for the user
printedDate date
printedTime Int
printerInfo Container
printFromPage Int
printNumcopies Int
printOnServer Enum boolean
printToPage Int
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
unlimitedPageHeight Enum boolean


Relation Table
dataAreaId DataArea
Partition Partitions
printedBy UserInfo


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
CreatedBy Yes
CreatedDate Yes
JobType Yes
RecId No

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table PrintJobHeader Table


The PrintJobPages table contains information regarding the currently printing page of a print job


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
dataAreaId String DataAreaId
numberOfLines Int
pageContents Container
pageNo Int
pagesHeaderRecId Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
Partition Int64 Partition (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion


Relation Table
dataAreaId DataArea
pagesHeaderRecId PrintJobHeader
Partition Partitions
Relation_PrintJobPages1 PrintJobHeader


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
PageNo No
RecId No

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table PrintJobPages Table


The SecurableObject table contains all security artifacts reference by the security framework.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
ChildName String SecurableChildName The child name of the securable object.
Name String SecurableName The name of the securable object.
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
Type Enum SecurableType

Field Groups

Field Group Fields


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
NameChildTypeIdx No
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurableObject Table



Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Identifier String SecurityDutyIdentifier
Name String SecurityDutyName
Description String SecurityDutyDescription

Field Groups

Field Group Fields
AutoIdentification Name


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No RecId
IdentifierIdx No Identifier
NameIdx Yes Name

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityDuty Table



Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
EntryPointName String SecurableName
Type Enum SecurableType
TableName String SecurableName
AllowEdit Enum boolean
AllowCreate Enum boolean
AllowDelete Enum boolean
ValidTimeStateUpdate Enum ValidTimeStateUpdate


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No RecId
EntryPointTableIdx No EntryPointName, Type, TableName, ValidTimeStateUpdate

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityEntryPointInferredTables Table

The SecurityEntryPointLink table contains the entry point to securable object mapping that has been specified on the AOT nodes of menu items and web menu items.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
EntryPoint Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
PermissionOwner Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
ValidFrom UtcDateTime
ValidTo UtcDateTime


Relation Table
Relation_SecurityEntryPointLink1 SecurableObject
Relation_SecurityEntryPointLink2 SecurableObject


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
EntryPointIdx No
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityEntryPointLink Table


The SecurityPermission table contains the list of permissions that have been specified on the AOT nodes of forms, reports, security code permissions, and service operations.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Access Enum AccessRight
Group Enum AccessRight
Owner Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
SecurableObject Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
ValidFrom UtcDateTime
ValidTo UtcDateTime


Relation Table
Relation_SecurityPermission1 SecurableObject
Relation_SecurityPermission2 SecurableObject


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
OwnerGroupObjectIdx No
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityPermission Table



Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Identifier String SecurityPrivilegeIdentifier
Name String SecurityPrivilegeName
Description String SecurityPrivilegeDescription

Field Groups

Field Group Fields
AutoIdentification Name


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No RecId
IdentifierIdx No Identifier
NameIdx Yes Name

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityPrivilege Table


The SecurityRole table reflects the list of roles defined by the security AOT role node.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
AllowCurrentRecords Enum AccessRight
AllowFutureRecords Enum AccessRight
AllowPastRecords Enum AccessRight
AotName String SecurityRoleAotName The name of the role in the AOT.
ContextString String
DEL_AllowCurrentRecords Enum AccessRight
DEL_AllowFutureRecords Enum AccessRight
DEL_AllowPastRecords Enum AccessRight
DEL_IsEnabled Enum boolean
Description String SecurityRoleDescription Description of the security role.
IsEnabled Enum boolean
Name String SecurityRoleName The name of the security role.
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
UserLicenseType Enum UserLicenseType

Field Groups

Field Group Fields


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
AotNameIdx No
NameIdx Yes
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityRole Table


Rules for dynamically assigning users to role


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
MembershipRuleDescription String MembershipRuleDescription Description of the automatic role membership rule
MembershipRuleName String MembershipRuleName Name of the automatic role membership rule
Partition Int64 Partition (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
RuleQuery Container
SecurityRole Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
ValidFrom UtcDateTime
ValidTo UtcDateTime


Relation Table
Partition Partitions
SecurityRole SecurityRole
SecurityRoleRelationShip SecurityRole


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
AlternateKey No
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityRoleAssignmentRule Table



Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
SecurityRole Int64 RecId
SecurityDuty Int64 RecId


Relation Table
SecurityRole SecurityRole
SecurityDuty SecurityDuty


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No RecId
RoleDutyIdx No SecurityRole, SecurityDuty

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityRoleDutyExplodedGraph Table


The SecurityRoleExplodedGraph table contains all role relationships, direct or indirect, as defined by the AOT sub role nodes of the security role nodes.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
RefCount Int
SecurityRole Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
SecuritySubRole Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database


Relation Table
Relation_SecurityRole1 SecurityRole
Relation_SecurityRole2 SecurityRole
SecurityRole SecurityRole
SecuritySubRole SecurityRole


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No
RoleSubRoleIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityRoleExplodedGraph Table


The SecurityRolePermissionOverride table contains the list of permissions that have been specified on the security role AOT nodes.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Access Enum AccessRight
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
SecurableObject Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
SecurityRole Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
ValidFrom UtcDateTime
ValidTo UtcDateTime


Relation Table
Relation_SecurityRolePermissionOverride1 SecurityRole
Relation_SecurityRolePermissionOverride2 SecurableObject


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No
RoleObjectIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityRolePermissionOverride Table



Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
SecurityRole Int64 RecId
SecurityPrivilege Int64 RecId


Relation Table
SecurityRole SecurityRole
SecurityPrivilege SecurityPrivilege


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No RecId
RolePrivilegeIdx No SecurityRole, SecurityPrivilege

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityRolePrivilegeExplodedGraph Table



Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
SecurityRole Int64 RecId
Name String SecurableName
ChildName String SecurableChildName
Type Enum SecurableType
CreateAccess Int
ReadAccess Int
UpdateAccess Int
DeleteAccess Int
CorrectAccess Int
InvokeAccess Int
PastCreateAccess Int
PastReadAccess Int
PastUpdateAccess Int
PastDeleteAccess Int
PastCorrectAccess Int
PastInvokeAccess Int
CurrentCreateAccess Int
CurrentReadAccess Int
CurrentUpdateAccess Int
CurrentDeleteAccess Int
CurrentCorrectAccess Int
CurrentInvoke Int
FutureCreateAccess Int
FutureReadAccess Int
FutureUpdateAccess Int
FutureDeleteAccess Int
FutureCorrectAccess Int
FutureInvokeAccess Int

Field Groups

Field Group Fields
AutoIdentification Name, ChildName, Type


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No RecId
RoleIDIdx Yes SecurityRole
SecurableObjectIdx Yes Type, Name, ChildName

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityRoleRuntime Table


The SecurityRoleTaskGrant table contains the list of role to duty mappings and role to privilege mappings as defined by the AOT security role node.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
SecurityRole Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
SecurityTask Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database


Relation Table
Relation_SecurityRoleTaskGrant1 SecurityRole
Relation_SecurityRoleTaskGrant2 SecurityTask


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No
RoleTaskIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityRoleTaskGrant Table


The SecuritySegregationOfDutiesConflict table stores information about segregation of duties conflicts that result from attempted assignments of users to roles, and resolutions to the conflicts provided by authorized users.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
AssignmentMode Enum RoleAssignmentMode
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
dEL_CreatedTime Integer DEL_CreatedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
DEL_ExistingTask Int64 RecId
dEL_ModifiedTime Integer DEL_ModifiedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
DEL_NewTask Int64 RecId
ExistingDuty Int64 RecId
ExistingRole Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
ExistingTask Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
NewDuty Int64 RecId
NewRole Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
NewTask Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
Partition Int64 Partition (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
ReasonForOverride VarString SegregationOfDutiesOverrideComment Comment explaining the reason for overriding the segregation of duties violation
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
Resolution Enum SegregationOfDutiesResolution
SegregationOfDutiesRule Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
User String UserId ID for the user


Relation Table
ExistingDuty SecurityDuty
ExistingRole SecurityRole
ExistingRoleRelationship SecurityRole
ExistingTaskRelationship SecurityTask
NewDuty SecurityDuty
NewRole SecurityRole
NewRoleRelationship SecurityRole
NewTaskRelationship SecurityTask
Partition Partitions
Relation_SecuritySegregation7 UserInfo
SecuritySODRuleRelationship SecuritySegregationOfDutiesRule
SegregationOfDutiesRule SecuritySegregationOfDutiesRule
User UserInfo


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
AlternateKey No
ExistingDutyIdx Yes ExistingDuty
ExistingRoleIdx Yes
ExistingTaskIdx Yes
NewDutyIdx Yes NewDuty
NewRoleIdx Yes
NewTaskIdx Yes
RecIDIdx No
UserInfoIdx Yes

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecuritySegregationOfDutiesConflict Table


The SecuritySegregationOfDutiesRule table stores the rules governing segregation of duties.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
DEL_FirstSecurityTask Int64 RecId
DEL_SecondSecurityTask Int64 RecId
FirstDuty Int64 RecId
FirstSecurityTask Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
Mitigation String SecurityMitigation Mitigation for the risk associated with violating the segregation of duties rule
Name String SegregationOfDutiesRuleName Name of the segregation of duties rule
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
Risk String SecurityRisk Risk associated with violating the segregation of duties rule
SecondDuty Int64 RecId
SecondSecurityTask Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
Severity Enum SegregationOfDutiesSeverity
ValidFrom UtcDateTime
ValidTo UtcDateTime

Field Groups

Field Group Fields


Relation Table
FirstDuty SecurityDuty
FirstSecurityTaskRelationship SecurityTask
SecondDuty SecurityDuty
SecondSecurityTaskRelationship SecurityTask


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
AlternateKey No
FirstSecurityDuty Yes FirstDuty
NameIdx No
RecIDIdx No
SecondSecurityDuty Yes SecondDuty
SecondSecurityTask Yes

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecuritySegregationOfDutiesRule Table


The SecuritySubRole table contains all sub roles that have been specified on the security role AOT nodes.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
SecurityRole Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
SecuritySubRole Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
ValidFrom UtcDateTime
ValidTo UtcDateTime


Relation Table
Relation_SecuritySubRole1 SecurityRole
Relation_SecurityTaskPermission2 SecurityRole
SecurityRole SecurityRole
SecuritySubRole SecurityRole


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No
RoleSubRoleIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecuritySubRole Table


The SecuritySubTask table contains the duty to privilege mappings that have been specified on the security duty AOT nodes.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
SecuritySubTask Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
SecurityTask Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
ValidFrom UtcDateTime
ValidTo UtcDateTime


Relation Table
Relation_SecuritySubTask1 SecurityTask
Relation_SecuritySubTask2 SecurityTask


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No
TaskSubTaskIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecuritySubTask Table


The SecurityTask table contains the list of duties and privileges that have been defined by the AOT security duty and security privilege nodes.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
AotName String SecurityTaskAotName The name of the task in the AOT.
Description String SecurityTaskDescription Description of the process cycle, duty, or privilege.
IsEnabled Enum boolean
IsPermissionSet Enum boolean
Name String SecurityTaskName The name of the process cycle, duty, or privilege.
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
Type Enum SecurityTaskType

Field Groups

Field Group Fields


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
AotNameIdx No
NameIdx Yes
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityTask Table


The SecurityTaskEntryPoint table contains the list of privilege to entry point mappings that have been specified on the AOT security privilege node.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
EntryPoint Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
PermissionGroup Enum AccessRight
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
SecurityTask Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
ValidFrom UtcDateTime
ValidTo UtcDateTime


Relation Table
Relation_SecurityTaskEntryPoint1 SecurityTask
Relation_SecurityTaskEntryPoint2 SecurableObject


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No
TaskEntryPointIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityTaskEntryPoint Table


The SecurityTaskExplodedGraph table contains the duty to privilege mappings that have been specified on the security duty AOT nodes.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
RefCount Int
SecuritySubTask Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
SecurityTask Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database


Relation Table
Relation_SecurityTaskExplodedGraph1 SecurityTask
Relation_SecurityTaskExplodedGraph2 SecurityTask


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No
SubTaskIdx Yes
TaskSubTaskIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityTaskExplodedGraph Table


The SecurityTaskPermission table is obsolete.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Access Int
Level Int
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
SecurableObject Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
SecurityTask Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database


Relation Table
Relation_SecurityTaskPermission1 SecurityTask
Relation_SecurityTaskPermission2 SecurableObject


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No
TaskObjectIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityTaskPermission Table


The SecurityTaskPermissionOverride table contains the list of permissions that have been specified on the security privilege AOT nodes.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Access Enum AccessRight
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
SecurableObject Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
SecurityTask Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
ValidFrom UtcDateTime
ValidTo UtcDateTime


Relation Table
Relation_SecurityTaskPermissionOverride1 SecurityTask
Relation_SecurityTaskPermissionOverride2 SecurableObject


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No
TaskObjectIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityTaskPermissionOverride Table


The SecurityUserRole table contains the user to role mappings.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
AssignmentMode Enum RoleAssignmentMode
AssignmentStatus Enum RoleAssignmentStatus
Partition Int64 Partition (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
SecurityRole Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
User String UserId ID for the user
ValidFrom UtcDateTime
ValidTo UtcDateTime


Relation Table
Partition Partitions
Relation_SecurityRole SecurityRole
Relation_SecurityUserRole3 UserInfo
SecurityRole SecurityRole
User UserInfo


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No
UserRoleIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityUserRole Table


The SecurityUserRoleCondition table contains the list of companies that constrain a user to role mappings. If there are no entries for a particular user to role mapping then the user is granted the permissions of that role for all companies.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
ControllingKey int64
DataArea String DataAreaId ID for an area of data
Partition Int64 Partition (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
SecurityUserRole Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database


Relation Table
DataArea DataArea
Partition Partitions
Relation_SecurityUserRoleCondition1 SecurityUserRole
Relation_SecurityUserRoleCondition2 DataArea
SecurityUserRole SecurityUserRole


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No
UserRoleDataAreaIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SecurityUserRoleCondition Table


The SqlDescribe table is used to store the table and field metadata. The SqlDataDictionary::tablemetadata method populates this table by using a back end database query.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
array Int
fieldId Integer FieldId ID for the field
fieldType Enum Types
flags Int
name String UtilElementName Name of the application element.
nullable Enum boolean
numericPrecision Int
numericScale Int
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
rightJustify Enum boolean
shadow Enum boolean
sqlName String UtilElementName Name of the application element.
strSize Int
tabId Integer TableId ID for the table

Field Groups

Field Group Fields


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
Field No
RecId No
SqlName Yes

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SqlDescribe Table


The SqlDictionary table describes the current state of the database with respect to the table and field metadata. The table also contains view and table dependency information. The database synchronization engine uses the SqlDictionary table to determine the actions that are required to synchronize the AOT with the database.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
array Int
fieldId Integer FieldId ID for the field
fieldType Enum Types
flags Int
name String UtilElementName Name of the application element.
nullable Enum boolean
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
rightJustify Enum boolean
shadow Enum boolean
sqlName String UtilElementName Name of the application element.
strSize Int
tabId Integer TableId ID for the table

Field Groups

Field Group Fields


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
Field No
RecId No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SqlDictionary Table


The SqlParameters table stores database related information in the form of parameter and value pairs. This table is not used in Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2009.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
id Int
iParm Int
iValue Int
parm String
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
value String


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
Parm No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SqlParameters Table


The SqlStatistics table stores related database statistics for the user. This table is not used in Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2009.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
dEL_ModifiedTime Integer DEL_ModifiedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
indexId Integer IndexId ID for the index
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
objectType Enum SqlStatType
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
tabId Integer TableId ID for the table
userId String UserId ID for the user
value1 Int
value10 Int
value11 Int
value12 Int
value2 Int
value3 Int
value4 Int
value5 Int
value6 Int
value7 Int
value8 Int
value9 Int

Field Groups

Field Group Fields


Relation Table
Relation_SqlStats1 SqlStatistics
Relation_SqlStats2 UserInfo
tabId SqlStatistics
userId UserInfo


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
Id No
RecId No

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SqlStatistics Table


The SqlStorage table contains information about table space and its Oracle attributes.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
id Int
indexId Integer IndexId ID for the index
objectType Int
override Enum boolean
parm String
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
tabId Integer TableId ID for the table
value String

Field Groups

Field Group Fields


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
Id No

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SqlStorage Table


The SqlSyncInfo table captures messages and DDL statements during the database synchronization process. Once the synchronization process is complete the information in the table is deleted.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
ID Int
LogType Enum SqlSyncLogType
MessageType Enum SqlSyncMessageType
ParentID Int
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
Sequence Int
SyncTable Enum boolean
TableName String
Text String
WarningOk Enum boolean


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
TableName Yes

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateReadUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, read, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SqlSyncInfo Table


The Subquery table is used by position based paging functionality.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
dataAreaId String DataAreaId
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion


Relation Table
dataAreaId DataArea


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecId No

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table Subquery Table


The SysActiveTempTable table provides data about the temporary database tables that are currently created. The table is used by the framework to manage the lifetime of these tables.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
dEL_CreatedTime Integer DEL_CreatedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
InstanceId String UtilElementName Name of the application element.
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
RelationTypeId Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
ServerId Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
SessionId Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
InstanceIdIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysActiveTempTable Table


The SysBCProxyUserAccount table stores the business connector proxy information that is entered through the SysBcAliasForm security form. This table always contains one record.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
networkAlias String NetworkAlias
networkDomain String NetworkDomain
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
sid String Sid


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecID No
Sid No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysBCProxyUserAccount Table


The SysBreakpointList table contains a list of developers that have breakpoints in MorphX.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
dEL_CreatedTime Integer DEL_CreatedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
machineName String NetworkDomain
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
userId String UserId ID for the user
version Int


Relation Table
userId UserInfo


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecId No
UserId Yes

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysBreakpointList Table


The SysBreakpoints table contains a list of all the breakpoints in MorphX.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
codePath Container
lineNo Int
listRecId Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
status Int
version Int


Relation Table
listRecId SysBreakpointList
Relation_SysBreakpoints1 SysBreakpointList


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
ListRecId No

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysBreakpoints Table


The SysCacheFlush table contains data that is used for synchronization of caches across multiple AOS servers.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
ClearData Container
FlushData Container
FlushVersion Int
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
Scope String GlobalObjectCacheScope Name of an instance in the global object cache.


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
CacheScopeIdx No
RecIDIdx No

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysCacheFlush Table



Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
ClientComputer String UserIdStr Name
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
EventsContainer Container
Partition Int64 Partition (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
SessionId Int


Relation Table
Partition Partitions


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
CreatedByIdx Yes

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysClientAccessLog Table


The SysClientSessions contains the data for the client sessions that are currently active in the system.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
clientComputer String UserIdStr Name
clientType Int
DataPartition String PartitionKey Partition Key (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
DEL_company String
DEL_Login_time Int
helpLanguage String InstalledLanguageId
LoginDateTime UtcDateTime
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
ServerId Int
SessionId Int
sessionType Int
sid String Sid
Status Int
userId String UserId ID for the user
userLanguage String InstalledLanguageId
Version Int


Relation Table
DataPartition Partitions
Relation_SysClientSessions1 SysServerSessions
Relation_SysClientSessions2 UserInfo
ServerId SysServerSessions
userId UserInfo


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
ServerId Yes
SessionId No
Status Yes Status
Status_ClientType_UserId Yes

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysClientSessions Table


The SysConfig table contains license and configuration information.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
configType Enum ConfigType
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
dEL_CreatedTime Integer DEL_CreatedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
dEL_ModifiedTime Integer DEL_ModifiedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
expiration String
id Int
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
shadowValue String (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
timestamp String (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
userCount Int
value String


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
ConfigType No
RecId No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysConfig Table


The SysEncryptionKey table stores the encryption key that is used to encrypt the EP query string and post the data parameters.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
dEL_CreatedTime Integer DEL_CreatedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
dEL_ModifiedTime Integer DEL_ModifiedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
Key Container
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecID No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysEncryptionKey Table


The SysGlobalConfiguration table stores system level global setting that can be used to configure specific components.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Name String
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
ServerId String
SettingLevel Int
Value String


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
NameIdx No
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysGlobalConfiguration Table


The SysInheritanceRelations framework helper table for table inheritance. The table stores table inheritance hierarchy related information.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
MainTableId Int
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
RelatedTableId Int


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
Main No
RelatedMain No

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysInheritanceRelations Table


The SysLastValue table is storage for the usage data that is recorded as users navigate the system.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
company String SelectableDataArea ID for the company you can select
designName String UtilElementName Name of the application element.
elementName String UtilElementName Name of the application element.
isKernel Enum boolean
Partition Int64 Partition (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
RecId Int64 RecId
recordType Enum UtilElementType
recVersion Integer RecVersion
userId String UserId ID for the user
value Container


Relation Table
isVirtual_Extern DataArea
Partition Partitions
Relation_SysLastValue1 UserInfo
Relation_SysLastValue2 DataArea
userId UserInfo


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecordType Yes
UserId No

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysLastValue Table


The SysModel table contains information about installed models on the system.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
Layer Int64 LayerRecid The ID of the layer.
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
State String


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModel Table


The SysModelElement table lists the ModelElements that the installation holds.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
AxId Integer UtilElementId Unique internal identification number of the application object.
ElementType Int64 ModelElementType The ID of an ElementType
Name String
ParentId Integer UtilElementParentId The unique internal identification number of a parent application object
ParentModelElement Int64 ParentModelElementRecid The ID of a parent model element
PartOfInheritance Int
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
RootModelElement Int64 RootModelElementRecid The ID of a root model element


Relation Table
ElementType SysModelElementType
Relation_SysModelElementType SysModelElementType


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModelElement Table


The SysModelElementData table provides the Layer specific data for any SysModelElement.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
Layer Int64 LayerRecid The ID of the layer.
LegacyId Int
ModelElement Int64 ModelElementRecid The ID of a ModelElement
ModelId Integer ModelId The ID of the model.
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
SaveCount Int


Relation Table
Layer SysModelLayer
ModelElement SysModelElement
ModelId SysModel
Relation_SysModel SysModel
Relation_SysModelElement SysModelElement
Relation_SysModelLayer SysModelLayer


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModelElementData Table


The SysModelElementDataOld table provides the Layer specific data for any SysModelElementOld.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
Layer Int64 LayerRecid The ID of the layer.
LegacyId Int
ModelElement Int64 ModelElementRecid The ID of a ModelElement
ModelId Integer ModelId The ID of the model.
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
SaveCount Int


Relation Table
Layer SysModelLayerOld
ModelElement SysModelElementOld
ModelId SysModelOld
Relation_SysModelElementOld SysModelElementOld
Relation_SysModelLayerOld SysModelLayerOld
Relation_SysModelOld SysModelOld


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModelElementDataOld Table


The SysModelElementLabel table contains the label text for a given language.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Comment String
Id Int
LabelId String
Language String
Module String
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
Text String


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
ModuleLangIDIdx No
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModelElementLabel Table


The SysModelElementLabelOld table contains the label text for a given language.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Comment String
Id Int
LabelId String
Language String
Module String
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
Text String


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModelElementLabelOld Table


The SysModelElementOld table lists the ModelElements that the installation holds.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
AxId Integer UtilElementId Unique internal identification number of the application object.
ElementType Int64 ModelElementType The ID of an ElementType
Name String
ParentId Integer UtilElementParentId The unique internal identification number of a parent application object
ParentModelElement Int64 ParentModelElementRecid The ID of a parent model element
PartOfInheritance Int
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
RootModelElement Int64 RootModelElementRecid The ID of a root model element


Relation Table
ElementType SysModelElementTypeOld
Relation_SysModelElementTypeOld SysModelElementTypeOld


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModelElementOld Table


The SysModelElementSource table contains the Source Text for all SysModelElements that have source.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Layer Int64 LayerRecid The ID of the layer.
ModelElement Int64 ModelElementRecid The ID of a ModelElement
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
Source Container


Relation Table
Layer SysModelElementData
Relation_SysModelElementData SysModelElementData


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModelElementSource Table


The SysModelElementSourceOld table contains the Source Text for all SysModelElementsOld that have source.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Layer Int64 LayerRecid The ID of the layer.
ModelElement Int64 ModelElementRecid The ID of a ModelElement
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
Source Container


Relation Table
Layer SysModelElementDataOld
Relation_SysModelElementDataOld SysModelElementDataOld


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModelElementSourceOld Table


The SysModelElementType table specifies the possible SysModelElement types. Its Recid is backwards compatible with the UtilRecordType enum for the ‘old’ element types.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Name String ModelElementTypeName The name of the element type.
ParentType Int64 ModelElementType The ID of an ElementType
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
TreeNodeName String


Relation Table
Name SysModelElementType


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No
TypeNameIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModelElementType Table


The SysModelElementTypeOld table specifies the possible SysModelElementOld types. Its Recid is backwards compatible with the UtilRecordType enum for the ‘old’ element types.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Name String ModelElementTypeName The name of the element type.
ParentType Int64 ModelElementType The ID of an ElementType
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
TreeNodeName String


Relation Table
Name SysModelElementType


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModelElementTypeOld Table


The SysModelLayer table lists the possible LayerId and Name. If Model data exists in a layer it reports the aggregated version number for that layer.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
IsDirty Int
Layer Enum UtilEntryLevel
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
VersionNumber Int


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModelLayer Table


The SysModelLayerOld table lists the possible LayerId and Name. If Model data exists in a layer it reports the aggregated version number for that layer.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Layer Enum UtilEntryLevel
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
VersionNumber Int


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModelLayerOld Table


The SysModelManifest table contains the manifest information about deployed models, such as Description, Publisher and Version of a model


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Category Integer ModelManifestCategoryRecId The ID of the model category
Description String ModelDescription The description of the model.
DisplayName String ModelDisplayName The display name of the model.
Model Int64 ModelRecid The ID of the model.
Name String ModelName The name of the model in the model store.
Publisher String ModelPublisher The publisher of the model.
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
Signed Int
VersionBuildNo Int
VersionMajor Int
VersionMinor Int
VersionRevision Int

Field Groups

Field Group Fields


Relation Table
Category SysModelManifestCategory
Model SysModel
Relation_SysModel SysModel
Relation_SysModelManifestCategory SysModelManifestCategory


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
ModelNameIdx No
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModelManifest Table


The SysModelManifestCategory table contains the category aspect of the manifest information for deployed models.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Name String ModelManifestCategoryName The name of the model category.
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
NameIdx No
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModelManifestCategory Table


The SysModelManifestCategoryOld table contains the category aspect of the manifest information for deployed models.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Name String ModelManifestCategoryName The name of the model category.
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModelManifestCategoryOld Table


The SysModelManifestOld table contains the manifest information about deployed models, such as Description, Publisher and Version of a model.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Category Integer ModelManifestCategoryRecId The ID of the model category
Description String ModelDescription The description of the model.
DisplayName String ModelDisplayName The display name of the model.
Model Int64 ModelRecidOld The ID of the model (old).
Name String ModelName The name of the model in the model store.
Publisher String ModelPublisher The publisher of the model.
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
Signed Int
VersionBuildNo Int
VersionMajor Int
VersionMinor Int
VersionRevision Int

Field Groups

Field Group Fields


Relation Table
Category SysModelManifestCategoryOld
Model SysModelOld
Relation_SysModelManifestCategoryOld SysModelManifestCategoryOld
Relation_SysModelOld SysModelOld


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
ModelNameIdx No
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModelManifestOld Table


The SysModelOld table contains information about installed models on the system.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
Layer Int64 LayerRecid The ID of the layer.
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
State String


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysModelOld Table


The SysOccConfiguration table stores the global concurrency model setting and updates the conflict exception login policy.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
AutoUpdateRecVersion Enum boolean
GlobalOccMode Enum GlobalOccMode
LogHandledUpdateConflicts Enum boolean
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
UniqueIndex Int
UseReadUncommitedForAll Enum boolean


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
UniqueIndex No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysOccConfiguration Table


The SysRecordLevelSecurity table contains all the record level security restrictions that are configured by the system administrator. The restrictions are persisted on a per company, per group basis.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
_unused Enum boolean
companyId String SelectableDataArea ID for the company you can select
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
dEL_CreatedTime Integer DEL_CreatedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
DEL_groupId String UserGroupId ID for the user group
dEL_ModifiedTime Integer DEL_ModifiedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
Partition Int64 Partition (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
restriction Container
SecurityRole Int64 RecId Name of the security role
tabId Integer TableId ID for the table


Relation Table
companyId DataArea
DEL_groupId UserGroupInfo
Partition Partitions
Relation_SecurityRole SecurityRole
SecurityRole SecurityRole


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecId No
Role No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysRecordLevelSecurity Table


The SysServerSessions table is used to store information about the active AOS Servers in the system.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
AOSAccount String
AOSId String
DEL_LastUpdateTime Int
DEL_Login_time Int
Instance_Name String
LastUpdateDateTime UtcDateTime
LoadBalance Int
LoginDateTime UtcDateTime
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
ServerId Int
Status Int
Version Int
Workload Int


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
LoadBalance Yes
ServerId No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysServerSessions Table


The SysSetbasedHelper framework helper table for table inheritance set-based operations.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
CandidateRecId Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
CandidateRecIDIdx No
RecIDIdx No

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SysSetbasedHelper Table


The SystemSequences table holds the next available record ID block for each table.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
cycle Enum boolean
dataAreaId String DataAreaId
id Int
maxVal Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
minVal Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
name String
nextVal Int64 RecId Unique ID for the record in the database
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
tabId Integer TableId ID for the table


Relation Table
dataAreaId DataArea


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
Id No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table SystemSequences Table


The TableCollectionList table stores the mapping between table collections and virtual companies.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Partition Int64 Partition (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
tableCollection String UtilElementName Name of the application element.
virtualDataArea String VirtualDataArea ID for a virtual company


Relation Table
isVirtual_Extern DataArea
parentId_Extern UtilElements
Partition Partitions
Relation_CollectionList1 UtilElements
Relation_CollectionList2 DataArea


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
VirtualDataArea No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table TableCollectionList Table


The TimeZonesList table contains the list of the time zones that are supported.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
EnumName String
EnumPosition Int
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
TimeZoneKeyName String
TzEnum Enum Timezone


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
EnumPosition No
TzEnum No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table TimeZonesList Table


The TimeZonesRulesData table contains the GMT offsets and daylight saving time information for all time zones that are supported.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Bias Int
DBias Int
DDay Int
DDayOfWeek Int
DHour Int
DMinute Int
DMonth Int
DSecond Int
DYear Int
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
RuleId Int
SBias Int
SDay Int
SDayOfWeek Int
SHour Int
SMinute Int
SMonth Int
SSecond Int
SYear Int
TzEnum Enum Timezone
Year Int


Relation Table
Relation_TimeZonesRulesData1 TimeZonesList
TzEnum TimeZonesList


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RuleId No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table TimeZonesRulesData Table


The UserDataAreaFilter table contains a list of selectable companies for a user. It is populated by invoking the populateSelectableCompanies method on the SecurityRights class.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
DataArea String DataAreaId ID for an area of data
Partition Int64 Partition (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
User String UserId ID for the user


Relation Table
DataArea DataArea
Partition Partitions
Relation_DataArea DataArea
Relation_User UserInfo
User UserInfo


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
DataAreaIdx No
RecIdIdx No

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table UserDataAreaFilter Table


The UserInfo table contains a list of users and their active directory and default information.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
accountType Enum UserAccountType
autoInfo Int
autoLogOff Int
autoUpdate Int
clientAccessLogLevel Int
company String SelectableDataArea ID for the company you can select
compilerWarningLevel Enum CompilerWarningLevel
confirmDelete Int
confirmUpdate Int
credentialRecId int64
debuggerPopup Int
debugInfo Int
defaultPartition Enum boolean (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
DEL__unused1 String
DEL__unused2 String
DEL_defaultModelId Int
DEL_osAccountName String
DEL_password String
DEL_startupMenu String UtilElementName Name of the application element.
enable Enum boolean
enabledOnce Enum boolean
externalId String
externalIdType Enum ExternalIdType
externalUser Enum boolean
filterByGridOnByDefault Enum boolean
formFontName String
formFontSize Int
garbagecollectlimit Int
generalInfo Int
globalExcelExportFilePath String (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
globalExcelExportLocation Int
globalExcelExportMode Int
globalFormOpenMode Int
globalListPageLinkMode Int
helplanguage String InstalledLanguageId
historyLimit Int
homePageRefreshDuration Int
id String UserId ID for the user
IdentityProvider String NetworkDomain
infologLevel Int
issuerRecId int64
language String InstalledLanguageId
messageLimit Int
name String UserIdStr Name
networkAlias String NetworkAlias
networkDomain String NetworkDomain
notifyTimeZoneMismatch Enum boolean
Partition Int64 Partition (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
preferredCalendar Enum PreferredCalendar
PreferredLocale String PreferredLocale
preferredTimeZone Enum Timezone
propertyFontName String
propertyFontSize Int
querytimeLimit Int
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
reportBottomMargin String
reportFontName String
reportFontSize Int
reportLeftMargin String
reportRightMargin String
reportTopMargin String
showAOTLayer Int
showModelNameInAOT Int
showStatusLine Int
showToolbar Int
sid String Sid
startupProject String UtilElementName Name of the application element.
statuslineInfo Int
toolbarInfo Int
traceInfo Int

Field Groups

Field Group Fields
AutoLookup id, accountType, name, networkAlias, networkDomain, enable


Relation Table
id UserInfo
isVirtual_Extern DataArea
Partition Partitions
Relation_UserInfo DataArea


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
Id No
IdOnly Yes
Sid Yes
SidOnly Yes

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table UserInfo Table


The UserInfoStartupModel table holds the preferred startup model for each layer for each user.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
Layer Enum UtilEntryLevel
ModelId Int64 ModelRecid The ID of the model.
Partition Int64 Partition (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
UserId String UserGroupId ID for the user group


Relation Table
ModelId SysModelManifest
Partition Partitions
Relation_SysModelManifest SysModelManifest
Relation_UserInfo UserInfo
Relation_UserInfoStartupModel3 DEL_UserGroupInfo
UserId UserInfo


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
RecIDIdx No
UserID_Layer_Idx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table UserInfoStartupModel Table


The UtilElements table contains the application that is shown in the AOT.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
baseVersion Int
code Container
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
dEL_CreatedTime Integer DEL_CreatedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
dEL_ModifiedTime Integer DEL_ModifiedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
name String UtilElementName Name of the application element.
parentId Int
RecId Int64 RecId
recordType Enum UtilElementType
recVersion Integer RecVersion
saveCount Int
source Container
utilLevel Enum UtilEntryLevel
version Int


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
name No recordType, parentId, name, utilLevel
RecId No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table UtilElements Table


The UtilElementsOld table contains the application model stored in the application folder. It is used during the upgrade process.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
baseVersion Int
code Container
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
dEL_CreatedTime Integer DEL_CreatedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
dEL_ModifiedTime Integer DEL_ModifiedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
name String UtilElementName Name of the application element.
parentId Int
RecId Int64 RecId
recordType Enum UtilElementType
recVersion Integer RecVersion
saveCount Int
source Container
utilLevel Enum UtilEntryLevel
version Int


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
name No recordType, parentId, name, utilLevel
RecId No

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table UtilElementsOld Table


The UtilIdElements table contains the application model shown in the AOT.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
baseVersion Int
code Container
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
dEL_CreatedTime Integer DEL_CreatedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
dEL_ModifiedTime Integer DEL_ModifiedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
id Int
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
name String UtilElementName Name of the application element.
parentId Int
RecId Int64 RecId
recordType Enum UtilElementType
recVersion Integer RecVersion
saveCount Int
utilLevel Enum UtilEntryLevel
version Int


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
Id No
name No recordType, parentId, name, utilLevel
RecId No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table UtilIdElements Table


The UtilIdElementsOld table contains the application model stored in the application folder. It is used during the upgrade process.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
baseVersion Int
code Container
createdBy String CreatedBy
createdDateTime UtcDateTime CreatedDateTime
dEL_CreatedTime Integer DEL_CreatedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
dEL_ModifiedTime Integer DEL_ModifiedTime (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
id Int
modifiedBy String ModifiedBy
modifiedDateTime UtcDateTime ModifiedDateTime
name String UtilElementName Name of the application element.
parentId Int
RecId Int64 RecId
recordType Enum UtilElementType
recVersion Integer RecVersion
saveCount Int
utilLevel Enum UtilEntryLevel
version Int


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
Id No
name No recordType, parentId, name, utilLevel
RecId No

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table UtilIdElementsOld Table


The UtilModels table contains information about models that are installed on the system.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
CategoryId Int
Description String ModelDescription The description of the model.
DisplayName String ModelDisplayName The display name of the model.
Id Int
InstallMode Int
Layer Enum UtilEntryLevel
MarkedForRemoval Int
ModelGroupId Int
Name String ModelName The name of the model in the model store.
Publisher String ModelPublisher The publisher of the model.
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
Signed Int
State String
VersionBuildNo Int
VersionMajor Int
VersionMinor Int
VersionRevision Int


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
ModelIDIdx No
ModelNameIdx No
RecIDIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table UtilModels Table


The VirtualDataAreaList table stores the mapping between real companies and virtual companies.


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
id String SelectableDataArea ID for the company you can select
Partition Int64 Partition (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS))
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
virtualDataArea String VirtualDataArea ID for a virtual company

Field Groups

Field Group Fields


Relation Table
isVirtual_Extern DataArea
Partition Partitions
Relation_DataAreaList1 DataArea
Relation_DataAreaList2 DataArea


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
Id No
RecId No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table VirtualDataAreaList Table


The VSAssembly table contains synchronization information that describes the last time an assembly that is stored under the Visual Studio Projects node in the AOT was deployed..


Field Type Extended Type Enumeration Type Description
DeployTo Enum DeployTo
Name String AssemblyName
ProjectName String ProjectName
ProjectType String ProjectType
RecId Int64 RecId
recVersion Integer RecVersion
ServerId Int
UpdatedDate UtcDateTime


Index Allow Duplicates Fields
NameIdx No

Security Note

Use of this table could lead to an Elevation of Privileges attack or a Denial of Service attack. Therefore, the AOSAuthorization property is set to an enumeration value of CreateUpdateDelete. The Application Object Server authorizes each create, update, and delete action on the table by confirming that the current user has permission to perform the requested operation on that table. If the user who initiates the operation is not authorized to perform the operation, an exception occurs.

Inheritance Hierarchy

xRecord Class Common Table VSAssembly Table