

Preparing closing statements

Business Central offers standard reports that can help you gather the information you need to prepare your company's closing statements. The following table describes the reports.

To See this report
Print a trial balance report with balances and net changes for general ledger accounts. Trial Balance
Get an overview of accounts receivables. The age of the amounts is calculated from the due date, posting date, or document date. Aged Accounts Receivable
Get an overview of accounts payable. The age of amounts is calculated from the due date, posting date or document date. Aged Accounts Payable
Compare the trial balance with a budget. Trial Balance/Budget
Print a trial balance report with balances and net changes for general ledger accounts calculated for a series of periods. Trial Balance by Period
Print a financial report to analyze figures in general ledger accounts or compare actual general ledger entries with general ledger budget entries. Financial Report
Check whether customer and vendor ledger entries balance with corresponding general ledger entries. Reconcile Cust. and Vend. Accs

To find a report, choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, type the name as it appears in the table, and then choose the related link.

See also

Closing Years and Periods
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