

Deliver sales invoices with French specifics

This article explains how to set up and work with sales invoice information that is specific to France.

Create a new customer

When you create a new customer in France, some specific information must be included. To create the Customer card correctly, on the Invoicing FastTab, enter a value in the SIREN No. field. This number is required to print sales invoices.

If the new Customer card is created from an existing Contact card, the value in the SIREN No. field is copied from the contact.

Work with the sales documents

When you create a new sales document, you can select whether to print value-added tax (VAT) that has been paid on debts. To print this information, on the Invoice Details FastTab, enable the VAT Paid on Debts field.

When you print sales documents, Dynamics 365 Business Central automatically indicates, in the comment, whether a sales invoice includes only goods, only services, or both goods and services. This determination is based on the value of the Type field on the Item card (Inventory or Service), the resources that are used, or the general ledger account.


If you use an alternative address in the sales invoice, Dynamics 365 Business Central automatically shows this address in the comment of the printed report.

You can find training information about sales invoices on Microsoft Learn.

See also

Financial Management
Work with Business Central

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