Denmark local functionality
The following articles describe the local functionality in the Danish version of Business Central.
Feature availability
- Compliance with the bookkeeping act in Denmark Available Now
- 5-years keeping data compliance Available Now
- Mandatory digital vouchers as attachments Available Now
- Export the SAF-T audit file format Available Now
- Standard Chart of Account Available Now
- Upload of CSV file with accounting data to Regnskab Basis Available Now
- Print VAT Reconciliation Reports Available Now
- VAT-VIES Reporting Available Now
- VAT Registration Number Setup for Intrastat Available Now
- E-submission of VAT return Available Now
Banking & Payments
- The Payments and Reconciliations (DK) Extension Available Now
- FIK Details in the Payment Reconciliation Journal Available Now
Electronic Invoicing
- Overview of OIOUBL Electronic Invoicing Available Now
- Set Up OIOUBL Electronic Invoicing Available Now
- Set Up Customers for OIOUBL Available Now
- The OIOUBL Extension for Electronic Invoicing Available Now
- Create Electronic Documents in an OIOUBL Format Available Now
- Registration for the Nemhandelsregisteret Available Now
- Notification for the Nemhandelsregisteret registration Available Now
- Electronic invoicing with NemHandel Available Now
- Payroll Data Definitions (DK) Available Now
Future legislation requirements being investigated
Currently, there are no additional upcoming regulatory features or requirements. For any additional upcoming regulatory features, submit a Regulatory Feature Alert.