

Set up extended user control in the Czech version

This feature in User Setup in combination with new User Setup Lines table allows setting and providing the following control:

  • Assigning user to Employee No.
  • Set Cash Resp. Ctr. Filter for Cash desk operations
  • Check Document Date at posting against work date or system date
  • Check Posting Date at posting against work date or system date
  • Check access to Payment Orders – checks allowed Bank Accounts for payment orders (set in lines)
  • Check access to Bank Statements – checks allowed Bank Accounts for bank statements (set in lines)
  • Check Bank Accounts allowed for posting (set in lines)
  • Check access to Journal Templates – check allowed Journal Templates for all Journal types (set in lines)
  • Check Dimension Values allowed for posting (set in lines)
  • Check Location Code allowed for posting separately for quantity increase and quantity decrease (set in lines)
  • Check Location Code allowed for document release separately for quantity increase and quantity decrease (set in lines)
  • Check the usage of Whse. Net Change Templates at posting in Item Journals
  • Allow Posting to Closed Period
  • Allow Complete Job
  • Allow Item Un-apply functionality

See also

Core Localization Pack for Czech
Czech Local Functionality

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