

generalProductPostingGroup resource type

Represents a general product posting group in Business Central.


For information about enabling APIs for Business Central see Enabling the APIs for Dynamics 365 Business Central.


Method Return Type Description
GET generalProductPostingGroup generalProductPostingGroup Gets a general product posting group object.


Property Type Description
id GUID The unique ID of the general product posting group. Non-editable.
code string The code of the general product posting group.
description string Specifies the description of the general product posting group.
defaultVATProductPostingGroup string
autoInsertDefault boolean
lastModifiedDateTime datetime The last datetime the general product posting group was modified. Read-Only.

JSON representation

Here is a JSON representation of the generalProductPostingGroup resource.

    "id": "GUID",
    "code": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "defaultVATProductPostingGroup": "string",
    "autoInsertDefault": "boolean",
    "lastModifiedDateTime": "datetime"

GET generalProductPostingGroup