

SYSLIB diagnostics for p/invoke source generation

The following table shows the diagnostic IDs for platform-invoke (p/invoke) source-generation analyzers in .NET 7 and later versions. SYSLIB1054 automatically alerts you to places that you can use source generation to generate p/invoke marshalling code at compile time. The remaining diagnostics alert you to errors related to usage of the source generator.

Diagnostic ID Title Descriptions
SYSLIB1050 Invalid LibraryImportAttribute usage. - Method '{0}' should be 'static', 'partial', and non-generic when marked with 'LibraryImportAttribute'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'.
- Method '{0}' is contained in a type '{1}' that is not marked 'partial'. P/Invoke source generation will ignore method '{0}'.
- The configuration of 'StringMarshalling' and 'StringMarshallingCustomType' on method '{0}' is invalid.
SYSLIB1051 The specified type is not supported by source-generated p/invokes. - The generated source will not handle marshalling of parameter '{1}'.
- The generated source will not handle marshalling of the return value of method '{1}'.
SYSLIB1052 The specified configuration is not supported by source-generated p/invokes. - The configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes. If the specified configuration is required, use a regular DllImport instead.
- The specified configuration for parameter '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes.
- The specified configuration for the return value of method '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes.
- The specified value for '{1}' is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes.
- The specified marshalling configuration is not supported by source-generated P/Invokes.
SYSLIB1053 The specified LibraryImportAttribute arguments cannot be forwarded to DllImportAttribute. '{0}' has no equivalent in 'DllImportAttribute' and will not be forwarded.
SYSLIB1054 Use LibraryImportAttribute instead of DllImportAttribute to generate p/invoke marshalling code at compile time.
SYSLIB1055 Invalid CustomMarshallerAttribute usage.
SYSLIB1056 The specified native type is invalid.
SYSLIB1057 The marshaller type does not have the required shape.
SYSLIB1058 Invalid NativeMarshallingAttribute usage.
SYSLIB1059 The marshaller type does not support an allocating constructor.
SYSLIB1060 The specified marshaller type is invalid.
SYSLIB1061 The marshaller type has incompatible method signatures.
SYSLIB1062 The project must be updated with <AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks>.

For more information about source generation for p/invoke, see Source generation for platform invokes and Tutorial: Use custom marshallers in source-generated P/Invokes.

See also