

.NET runtime tiered compilation events

The events described in this article collect information about tiered compilation. For more information about how to use these events for diagnostic purposes, see logging and tracing .NET applications.

TieredCompilationSettings event

The following table shows the keyword and level.

Keyword for raising the event Level
CompilationKeyword (0x1000000000) Informational (4)

The following table shows the event information.

Event Event ID Raised when
TieredCompilationSettings 280 Provides information about tiered compilation settings.

The following table shows the event data.

Field name Data type Description
ClrInstanceID win:UInt16 Unique ID for the instance of CoreCLR.
Flags win:UInt32 Flags that indicate various settings. Multiple flags may be provided with bitwise-OR, and a value of 0x0 indicates that no flags were provided.

0x1 - Quick JIT is enabled. If a method does not have precompiled code, for the first tier it will be JIT-compiled quickly but with fewer optimizations.

0x2 - Quick JIT is enabled for methods containing loops.

0x4 - Tiered PGO is enabled. Methods may be profiled before they are optimized.

0x8 - ReadyToRun is enabled. Methods that have precompiled ReadyToRun code will use that for the first tier.

TieredCompilationPause event

The following table shows the keyword and level.

Keyword for raising the event Level
CompilationKeyword (0x1000000000) Informational (4)

The following table shows the event information.

Event Event ID Raised when
TieredCompilationPause 281 Tiered compilation was paused. Tiered compilation may be paused due to startup-like activities, such as a new method being called for the first time, to reduce overhead during application startup, such as call-counting and background JIT-compilation. It resumes after startup-like activities cease for a short duration.

The following table shows the event data.

Field name Data type Description
ClrInstanceID win:UInt16 Unique ID for the instance of CoreCLR.

TieredCompilationResume event

The following table shows the keyword and level.

Keyword for raising the event Level
CompilationKeyword (0x1000000000) Informational (4)

The following table shows the event information.

Event Event ID Raised when
TieredCompilationResume 282 Tiered compilation was resumed.

The following table shows the event data.

Field name Data type Description
ClrInstanceID win:UInt16 Unique ID for the instance of CoreCLR.
NewMethodCount win:UInt32 The number of new methods called for the first time while tiered compilation was paused.

TieredCompilationBackgroundJitStart event

The following table shows the keyword and level.

Keyword for raising the event Level
CompilationKeyword (0x1000000000) Informational (4)

The following table shows the event information.

Event Event ID Raised when
TieredCompilationBackgroundJitStart 283 Background JIT-compilation has started.

The following table shows the event data.

Field name Data type Description
ClrInstanceID win:UInt16 Unique ID for the instance of CoreCLR.
PendingMethodCount win:UInt32 The number of methods pending background JIT-compilation.

TieredCompilationBackgroundJitStop event

The following table shows the keyword and level.

Keyword for raising the event Level
CompilationKeyword (0x1000000000) Informational (4)

The following table shows the event information.

Event Event ID Raised when
TieredCompilationBackgroundJitStop 284 Background JIT-compilation has stopped.

The following table shows the event data.

Field name Data type Description
ClrInstanceID win:UInt16 Unique ID for the instance of CoreCLR.
PendingMethodCount win:UInt32 The number of methods still pending background JIT-compilation.
JittedMethodCount win:UInt32 The number of methods that were JIT-compiled in the background since background JIT-compilation last started.