

Tracking Events Reference

During execution a workflow in .NET Framework 4.6.1 raises tracking events as it moves through various stages in its lifetime. The host can subscribe to these events and keep updated on the status of the workflow’s progress during its lifetime. The tracking events raised are discussed in this section.

Event Reference

Event ID Event Level Event Message Keywords
100 - WorkflowInstanceRecord Information TrackRecord= WorkflowInstanceRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, State = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7 EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
101 - WorkflowInstanceUnhandledExceptionRecord Error TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceUnhandledExceptionRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, SourceName = %5, SourceId = %6, SourceInstanceId = %7, SourceTypeName=%8, Exception=%9, Annotations= %10, ProfileName = %11 EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
102 - WorkflowInstanceAbortedRecord Warning TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceAbortedRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, Reason = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7 EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
103 - ActivityStateRecord Information TrackRecord = ActivityStateRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber=%2, EventTime=%3, State = %4, Name=%5, ActivityId=%6, ActivityInstanceId=%7, ActivityTypeName=%8, Arguments=%9, Variables=%10, Annotations=%11, ProfileName = %12 EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
104 - ActivityScheduledRecord Information TrackRecord = ActivityScheduledRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, Name = %4, ActivityId = %5, ActivityInstanceId = %6, ActivityTypeName = %7, ChildActivityName = %8, ChildActivityId = %9, ChildActivityInstanceId = %10, ChildActivityTypeName =%11, Annotations=%12, ProfileName = %13 EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
105 - FaultPropagationRecord Warning TrackRecord = FaultPropagationRecord, InstanceID=%1, RecordNumber=%2, EventTime=%3, FaultSourceActivityName=%4, FaultSourceActivityId=%5, FaultSourceActivityInstanceId=%6, FaultSourceActivityTypeName=%7, FaultHandlerActivityName=%8, FaultHandlerActivityId = %9, FaultHandlerActivityInstanceId =%10, FaultHandlerActivityTypeName=%11, Fault=%12, IsFaultSource=%13, Annotations=%14, ProfileName = %15 EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
106 - CancelRequestRecord Information TrackRecord = CancelRequestedRecord, InstanceID=%1, RecordNumber=%2, EventTime=%3, Name=%4, ActivityId=%5, ActivityInstanceId=%6, ActivityTypeName = %7, ChildActivityName = %8, ChildActivityId = %9, ChildActivityInstanceId = %10, ChildActivityTypeName =%11, Annotations=%12, ProfileName = %13 EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
107 -- BookmarkResumptionRecord Information TrackRecord = BookmarkResumptionRecord, InstanceID=%1, RecordNumber=%2,EventTime=%3, Name=%4, SubInstanceID=%5, OwnerActivityName=%6, OwnerActivityId =%7, OwnerActivityInstanceId=%8, OwnerActivityTypeName=%9, Annotations=%10, ProfileName = %11 EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
108 - CustomTrackingRecordInfo Information TrackRecord = CustomTrackingRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber=%2, EventTime=%3, Name=%4, ActivityName=%5, ActivityId=%6, ActivityInstanceId=%7, ActivityTypeName=%8, Data=%9, Annotations=%10, ProfileName = %11 UserEvents, EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
110 - CustomTrackingRecordWarning Warning TrackRecord = CustomTrackingRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber=%2, EventTime=%3, Name=%4, ActivityName=%5, ActivityId=%6, ActivityInstanceId=%7, ActivityTypeName=%8, Data=%9, Annotations=%10, ProfileName = %11 UserEvents, EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
111 - CustomTrackingRecordError Error TrackRecord = CustomTrackingRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber=%2, EventTime=%3, Name=%4, ActivityName=%5, ActivityId=%6, ActivityInstanceId=%7, ActivityTypeName=%8, Data=%9, Annotations=%10, ProfileName = %11 UserEvents, EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
112 - WorkflowInstanceSuspendedRecord Information TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceSuspendedRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, Reason = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7 EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
113 - WorkflowInstanceTerminatedRecord Error TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceTerminatedRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, Reason = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7 EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
114 - WorkflowInstanceRecordWithId Information TrackRecord= WorkflowInstanceRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, State = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7, WorkflowDefinitionIdentity = %8 HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
115 - WorkflowInstanceAbortedRecordWithId Warning TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceAbortedRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, Reason = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7, WorkflowDefinitionIdentity = %8 HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
116 - WorkflowInstanceSuspendedRecordWithId Information TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceSuspendedRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, Reason = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7, WorkflowDefinitionIdentity = %8 HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
117 - WorkflowInstanceTerminatedRecordWithId Error TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceTerminatedRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, Reason = %5, Annotations = %6, ProfileName = %7, WorkflowDefinitionIdentity = %8 HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
118 - WorkflowInstanceUnhandledExceptionRecordWithId Error TrackRecord = WorkflowInstanceUnhandledExceptionRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, SourceName = %5, SourceId = %6, SourceInstanceId = %7, SourceTypeName=%8, Exception=%9, Annotations= %10, ProfileName = %11, WorkflowDefinitionIdentity = %12 HealthMonitoring, WFTrackingHealthMonitoring, WFTracking
119 - WorkflowInstanceUpdatedRecord Information TrackRecord= WorkflowInstanceUpdatedRecord, InstanceID = %1, RecordNumber = %2, EventTime = %3, ActivityDefinitionId = %4, State = %5, OriginalDefinitionIdentity = %6, UpdatedDefinitionIdentity = %7, Annotations = %8, ProfileName = %9 HealthMonitoring, WFTracking
225 - TraceCorrelationKeys Information Calculated correlation key '%1' using values '%2' in parent scope '%3'. Troubleshooting WFServices
440 - StartSignpostEvent1 Information Activity boundary. Troubleshooting WFServices
441- StopSignpostEvent1 Information Activity boundary. Troubleshooting WFServices
1001 - WorkflowApplicationCompleted Information WorkflowInstance Id: '%1' has completed in the Closed state. WFRuntime
1002 - WorkflowApplicationTerminated Information WorkflowApplication Id: '%1' was terminated. It has completed in the Faulted state with an exception. WFRuntime
1003 - WorkflowInstanceCanceled Information WorkflowInstance Id: '%1' has completed in the Canceled state. WFRuntime
1004 - WorkflowInstanceAborted Information WorkflowInstance Id: '%1' was aborted with an exception. WFRuntime
1005 - WorkflowApplicationIdled Information WorkflowApplication Id: '%1' went idle. WFRuntime
1006 - WorkflowApplicationUnhandledException Error WorkflowInstance Id: '%1' has encountered an unhandled exception. The exception originated from Activity '%2', DisplayName: '%3'. The following action will be taken: %4. WFRuntime
1007 - WorkflowApplicationPersisted Information WorkflowApplication Id: '%1' was Persisted. WFRuntime
1008 - WorkflowApplicationUnloaded Information WorkflowInstance Id: '%1' was Unloaded. WFRuntime
1009 - ActivityScheduled Information Parent Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3' scheduled child Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. WFRuntime
1010 - ActivityCompleted Information Parent Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3' scheduled child Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. WFRuntime
1011 - ScheduleExecuteActivityWorkItem Verbose An ExecuteActivityWorkItem has been scheduled for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. WFRuntime
1012 - StartExecuteActivityWorkItem Verbose Starting execution of an ExecuteActivityWorkItem for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. WFRuntime
1013 - CompleteExecuteActivityWorkItem Verbose An ExecuteActivityWorkItem has completed for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. WFRuntime
1014 - ScheduleCompletionWorkItem Verbose A CompletionWorkItem has been scheduled for parent Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. Completed Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. WFRuntime
1015 - StartCompletionWorkItem Verbose Starting execution of a CompletionWorkItem for parent Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. Completed Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. WFRuntime
1016 - CompleteCompletionWorkItem Verbose A CompletionWorkItem has completed for parent Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. Completed Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. WFRuntime
1017 - ScheduleCancelActivityWorkItem Verbose A CancelActivityWorkItem has been scheduled for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. WFRuntime
1018 - StartCancelActivityWorkItem Verbose Starting execution of a CancelActivityWorkItem for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. WFRuntime
1019 - CompleteCancelActivityWorkItem Verbose A CancelActivityWorkItem has completed for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. WFRuntime
1020 - CreateBookmark Verbose A Bookmark has been created for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. BookmarkName: %4, BookmarkScope: %5. WFRuntime
1021 - ScheduleBookmarkWorkItem Verbose A BookmarkWorkItem has been scheduled for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. BookmarkName: %4, BookmarkScope: %5. WFRuntime
1022 - StartBookmarkWorkItem Verbose Starting execution of a BookmarkWorkItem for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. BookmarkName: %4, BookmarkScope: %5. WFRuntime
1023 - CompleteBookmarkWorkItem Verbose A BookmarkWorkItem has completed for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. BookmarkName: %4, BookmarkScope: %5. WFRuntime
1024 - CreateBookmarkScope Verbose A BookmarkScope has been created: %1. WFRuntime
1025 - BookmarkScopeInitialized Verbose The BookmarkScope that had TemporaryId: '%1' has been initialized with Id: '%2'. WFRuntime
1026 - ScheduleTransactionContextWorkItem Verbose A TransactionContextWorkItem has been scheduled for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. WFRuntime
1027 - StartTransactionContextWorkItem Verbose Starting execution of a TransactionContextWorkItem for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. WFRuntime
1028 - CompleteTransactionContextWorkItem Verbose A TransactionContextWorkItem has completed for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. WFRuntime
1029 - ScheduleFaultWorkItem Verbose A FaultWorkItem has been scheduled for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. The exception was propagated from Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. WFRuntime
1030 - StartFaultWorkItem Verbose Starting execution of a FaultWorkItem for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. The exception was propagated from Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. WFRuntime
1031 - CompleteFaultWorkItem Verbose A FaultWorkItem has completed for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. The exception was propagated from Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. WFRuntime
1032 - ScheduleRuntimeWorkItem Verbose A runtime work item has been scheduled for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. WFRuntime
1033 - StartRuntimeWorkItem Verbose Starting execution of a runtime work item for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. WFRuntime
1034 - CompleteRuntimeWorkItem Verbose A runtime work item has completed for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. WFRuntime
1035 - RuntimeTransactionSet Verbose The runtime transaction has been set by Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. Execution isolated to Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. WFRuntime
1036 - RuntimeTransactionCompletionRequested Verbose Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3' has scheduled completion of the runtime transaction. WFRuntime
1037 - RuntimeTransactionComplete Verbose The runtime transaction has completed with the state '%1'. WFRuntime
1038 - EnterNoPersistBlock Verbose Entering a no persist block. WFRuntime
1039 - ExitNoPersistBlock Verbose Exiting a no persist block. WFRuntime
1040 - InArgumentBound Verbose In argument '%1' on Activity '%2', DisplayName: '%3', InstanceId: '%4' has been bound with value: %5. WFActivities
1041 - WorkflowApplicationPersistableIdle Information WorkflowApplication Id: '%1' is idle and persistable. The following action will be taken: %2. WFRuntime
1101 - WorkflowActivityStart Information WorkflowInstance Id: '%1' E2E Activity WFRuntime
1102 - WorkflowActivityStop Information WorkflowInstance Id: '%1' E2E Activity WFRuntime
1103 - WorkflowActivitySuspend Information WorkflowInstance Id: '%1' E2E Activity WFRuntime
1104 - WorkflowActivityResume Information WorkflowInstance Id: '%1' E2E Activity WFRuntime
1124 - InvokeMethodIsStatic Information InvokeMethod '%1' - method is Static. WFRuntime
1125 - InvokeMethodIsNotStatic Information InvokeMethod '%1' - method is not Static. WFRuntime
1126 - InvokedMethodThrewException Information An exception was thrown in the method called by the activity '%1'. %2 WFRuntime
1131 - InvokeMethodUseAsyncPattern Information InvokeMethod '%1' - method uses asynchronous pattern of '%2' and '%3'. WFRuntime
1132 - InvokeMethodDoesNotUseAsyncPattern Information InvokeMethod '%1' - method does not use asynchronous pattern. WFRuntime
1140 - FlowchartStart Information Flowchart '%1' - Start has been scheduled. WFActivities
1141 - FlowchartEmpty Warning Flowchart '%1' - was executed with no Nodes. An exception was thrown in the method called by the activity '%1'. %2 WFActivities
1143 - FlowchartNextNull Information Flowchart '%1'/FlowStep - Next node is null. Flowchart execution will end. WFActivities
1146 - FlowchartSwitchCase Information Flowchart '%1'/FlowSwitch - Case '%2' was selected. WFActivities
1147 - FlowchartSwitchDefault Information Flowchart '%1'/FlowSwitch - Default Case was selected. WFActivities
1148 - FlowchartSwitchCaseNotFound Information Flowchart '%1'/FlowSwitch - could find neither a Case activity nor a Default Case matching the Expression result. Flowchart execution will end. WFActivities
1150 - CompensationState Information CompensableActivity '%1' is in the '%2' state. WFActivities
1223 - SwitchCaseNotFound Information The Switch activity '%1' could not find a Case activity matching the Expression result. WFActivities
1449 - WfMessageReceived Information Message received by workflow WFServices
1450 - WfMessageSent Information Message sent from workflow WFServices
2021 - ExecuteWorkItemStart Verbose Execute work item start WFRuntime
2022 - ExecuteWorkItemStop Verbose Execute work item stop WFRuntime
2023 - SendMessageChannelCacheMiss Verbose SendMessageChannelCache miss WFRuntime
2024 - InternalCacheMetadataStart Verbose InternalCacheMetadata started on activity '%1'. WFRuntime
2025 - InternalCacheMetadataStop Verbose InternalCacheMetadata stopped on activity '%1'. WFRuntime
2026 - CompileVbExpressionStart Verbose Compiling VB expression '%1' WFRuntime
2027 - CacheRootMetadataStart Verbose CacheRootMetadata started on activity '%1' WFRuntime
2028 - CacheRootMetadataStop Verbose CacheRootMetadata stopped on activity %1. WFRuntime
2029 - CompileVbExpressionStop Verbose Finished compiling VB expression. WFRuntime
2576 - TryCatchExceptionFromTry Information The TryCatch activity '%1' has caught an exception of type '%2'. WFActivities
2577 - TryCatchExceptionDuringCancelation Warning A child activity of the TryCatch activity '%1' has thrown an exception during cancellation. WFActivities
2578 - TryCatchExceptionFromCatchOrFinally Warning A Catch or Finally activity that is associated with the TryCatch activity '%1' has thrown an exception. WFActivities
3501 - InferredContractDescription Information ContractDescription with Name='%1' and Namespace='%2' has been inferred from WorkflowService. WFServices
3502 - InferredOperationDescription Information OperationDescription with Name='%1' in contract '%2' has been inferred from WorkflowService. IsOneWay=%3. WFServices
3503 - DuplicateCorrelationQuery Warning A duplicate CorrelationQuery was found with Where='%1'. This duplicate query will not be used when calculating correlation. WFServices
3507 - ServiceEndpointAdded Information A service endpoint has been added for address '%1', binding '%2', and contract '%3'. WFServices
3508 - TrackingProfileNotFound Verbose TrackingProfile '%1' for the ActivityDefinitionId '%2' not found. Either the TrackingProfile is not found in the config file or the ActivityDefinitionId does not match. WFServices
3550 - BufferOutOfOrderMessageNoInstance Information Operation '%1' cannot be performed at this time. Another attempt will be made when the service instance is ready to process this particular operation. WFServices
3551 - BufferOutOfOrderMessageNoBookmark Information Operation '%2' on service instance '%1' cannot be performed at this time. Another attempt will be made when the service instance is ready to process this particular operation. WFServices
3552 - MaxPendingMessagesPerChannelExceeded Warning The throttle 'MaxPendingMessagesPerChannel' limit of '%1' was hit. To increase this limit, adjust the MaxPendingMessagesPerChannel property on BufferedReceiveServiceBehavior. Quota WFServices
3557 - TransactedReceiveScopeEndCommitFailed Information The call to EndCommit on the CommittableTransaction with id = '%1' threw a TransactionException with the following message: '%2'. WFServices
4201 - EndSqlCommandExecute Verbose End SQL command execution: %1 WFInstanceStore
4202 - StartSqlCommandExecute Verbose Starting SQL command execution: %1 WFInstanceStore
4203 - RenewLockSystemError Error Failed to extend lock expiration, lock expiration already passed or the lock owner was deleted. Aborting SqlWorkflowInstanceStore. WFInstanceStore
4205 - FoundProcessingError Error Command failed: %1 WFInstanceStore
4206 - UnlockInstanceException Error Encountered exception %1 while attempting to unlock instance. WFInstanceStore
4207 - MaximumRetriesExceededForSqlCommand Information Giving up retrying a SQL command as the maximum number of retries have been performed. Quota WFInstanceStore
4208 - RetryingSqlCommandDueToSqlError Information Retrying a SQL command due to SQL error number %1. WFInstanceStore
4209 - TimeoutOpeningSqlConnection Error Timeout trying to open a SQL connection. The operation did not complete within the allotted timeout of %1. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. WFInstanceStore
4210 - SqlExceptionCaught Warning Caught SQL Exception number %1 message %2. WFInstanceStore
4211 - QueuingSqlRetry Warning Queuing SQL retry with delay %1 milliseconds. WFInstanceStore
4212 - LockRetryTimeout Warning Timeout trying to acquire the instance lock. The operation did not complete within the allotted timeout of %1. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. WFInstanceStore
4213 - RunnableInstancesDetectionError Error Detection of runnable instances failed due to the following exception WFInstanceStore
4214 - InstanceLocksRecoveryError Error Recovering instance locks failed due to the following exception WFInstanceStore
39456 - TrackingRecordDropped Warning Size of tracking record %1 exceeds maximum allowed by the ETW session for provider %2 WFTracking
39457 - TrackingRecordRaised Information Tracking Record %1 raised to %2. WFRuntime
39458 - TrackingRecordTruncated Warning Truncated tracking record %1 written to ETW session with provider %2. Variables/annotations/user data have been removed WFTracking
39459 - TrackingDataExtracted Verbose Tracking data %1 extracted in activity %2. WFRuntime
39460 - TrackingValueNotSerializable Warning The extracted argument/variable '%1' is not serializable. WFTracking
57398 - MaxInstancesExceeded Warning The system hit the limit set for throttle 'MaxConcurrentInstances'. Limit for this throttle was set to %1. Throttle value can be changed by modifying attribute 'maxConcurrentInstances' in serviceThrottle element or by modifying 'MaxConcurrentInstances' property on behavior ServiceThrottlingBehavior. WFServices