

Integrating with COM+ Applications

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) provides a rich environment for creating distributed applications. If you have a substantial investment in component-based application logic hosted in COM+, you can use WCF to extend your existing logic rather than having to rewrite it. The topics within this section describe how to use COM+ with WCF.

In This Section

Integrating with COM+ Applications Overview
Gives an overview of when and how to integrate COM+ components.

How to: Use the COM+ Service Model Configuration Tool
Explains how to use the COM+ Service Model Configuration command-line tool (ComSvcConfig.exe) to configure the application interfaces that you want exposed as WCF services.

How to: Configure COM+ Service Settings
Explains how to configure a COM+ object as a WCF service.

How to: Deploy a COM+ Integration Application
Explains how to move a COM+ integration application.



See also