

Comparing Transactions in COM+ and ServiceModel

This topic discusses how to simulate the behavior of a transactional COM+ service using the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) attributes the System.ServiceModel namespace provides.

Emulating COM+ Using ServiceModel Attributes

The following table compares the TransactionOption enumeration used to create an EnterpriseServices transaction and how they correlate to the WCF attributes the System.ServiceModel namespace provides.

COM+ attribute WCF attributes
RequiresNew TransactionFlowAttribute is set to NotAllowed.

TransactionScopeRequired is true.

The TransactionFlow attribute in the binding element is false.
Required TransactionFlowAttribute is set to Allowed.

TransactionScopeRequired is true.

The TransactionFlow attribute in the binding element is true.
Supported There is no direct equivalent. In general, you should adopt the behavior specified for Required instead.
NotSupported TransactionScopeRequired is false.

The TransactionFlow attribute in the binding element is false.
Disabled There is no direct equivalent. In general, you should adopt the behavior specified for NotSupported instead.