

ICorRuntimeHost::NextDomain Method

Gets an interface pointer to the next domain in the enumeration.


HRESULT NextDomain (  
    [in] HCORENUM hEnum,  
    [out] void** pAppDomain  


[in] The enumerator that was obtained through a call to EnumDomains.

[out] An interface pointer to the System._AppDomain type that represents the next domain in the enumeration, or null, if no more domains exist.

Return Value

HRESULT Description
S_OK The operation was successful.
S_FALSE The operation failed to complete, or there are no more domains in the enumeration.
E_FAIL An unknown, catastrophic failure occurred. If a method returns E_FAIL, the common language runtime (CLR) is no longer usable in the process. Subsequent calls to any hosting APIs return HOST_E_CLRNOTAVAILABLE.
HOST_E_CLRNOTAVAILABLE The CLR has not been loaded into a process, or the CLR is in a state in which it cannot run managed code or process the call successfully.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: MSCorEE.h

Library: Included as a resource in MSCorEE.dll

.NET Framework Versions: 1.0, 1.1

See also