

IEnumDefinitionIdentity Interface

Serves as the enumerator for a collection of IDefinitionIdentity objects.


IEnumDefinitionIdentity : IUnknown {  
    HRESULT Clone (  
        [out] IEnumDefinitionIdentity **ppIEnumDefinitionIdentity  
    HRESULT Next (  
        [in]  ULONG               celt,  
        [out, length_is(celt), size_is(*pceltWritten)]  
              IDefinitionIdentity *rgpIDefinitionIdentity[],  
        [out] ULONG               *pceltWritten  
    HRESULT Reset ();  
    HRESULT Skip (  
        [in] ULONG celt  


Method Description
IEnumDefinitionIdentity::Clone Gets an interface pointer to a new IEnumDefinitionIdentity object that contains the same members as this IEnumDefinitionIdentity.
IEnumDefinitionIdentity::Next Gets the specified number of IDefinitionIdentity objects, starting at the current position.
IEnumDefinitionIdentity::Reset Moves the instruction pointer to the beginning of this IEnumDefinitionIdentity.
IEnumDefinitionIdentity::Skip Moves the instruction pointer forward by the specified number of elements, starting at the current position.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: Isolation.h

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 2.0

See also