

ISOSDacInterface Interface

Provides helper methods to access data from SOS.


This API was originally designed for internal use in the runtime. Although it is now supported for 3rd party use, we recommend working with ICorDebug and ICorProfiler APIs when possible.


Method Description
GetMethodDescData Gets the data for the given MethodDesc pointer.
GetMethodDescPtrFromIP Retrieves the pointer of the MethodDesc corresponding the method containing the given native instruction address.
GetModuleData Fetches the data corresponding to the module loaded at a given address.


This interface lives inside the runtime and is not exposed through any headers or library files. However, it's a COM interface that derives from IUnknown with GUID 436f00f2-b42a-4b9f-870c-e73db66ae930 that can be obtained through the usual COM mechanisms.


Platforms: See System Requirements.
Header: None
Library: None
.NET Framework Versions: Available since 4.7

See also