

ICorPublish::EnumProcesses Method

Gets an enumerator for the managed processes running on this computer.


HRESULT EnumProcesses (
    [in] COR_PUB_ENUMPROCESS       Type,
    [out] ICorPublishProcessEnum   **ppIEnum


Type A value of the COR_PUB_ENUMPROCESS enumeration that specifies the type of process to be retrieved. In the current version, only COR_PUB_MANAGEDONLY is valid.

ppIEnum A pointer to the address of an ICorPublishProcessEnum instance that is the enumerator of the processes.


The enumerator's collection of processes is based on a snapshot of the processes that are running when the EnumProcesses method is called. The enumerator will not include any processes that terminate before or start after EnumProcesses is called.

The EnumProcesses method may be called more than once on this ICorPublish instance to create a new up-to-date collection of processes. Existing collections will not be affected by subsequent calls of the EnumProcesses method.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: CorPub.idl, CorPub.h

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 1.0

See also