

ICorDebugSymbolProvider Interface

Provides methods that can be used to retrieve debug symbol information.


Method Description
GetAssemblyImageBytes Method Reads data from a merged assembly given a relative virtual address (RVA) in the merged assembly.
GetAssemblyImageMetadata Method Returns the metadata from a merged assembly.
GetCodeRange Method Gets the method start address and size given a relative virtual address (RVA) in a method.
GetInstanceFieldSymbols Method Gets the instance field symbols that correspond to a typespec signature.
GetMergedAssemblyRecords Method Gets the symbol records for all the merged assemblies.
GetMethodLocalSymbols Method Gets a method's local symbols given the relative virtual address (RVA) of that method.
GetMethodParameterSymbols Method Gets a method's parameter symbols given the relative virtual address (RVA) of that method.
GetMethodProps Method Returns information about method properties, such as the method's metadata token and information about its generic parameters, given a relative virtual address (RVA) in that method.
GetObjectSize Method Returns the object size for an object based on its typespec signature.
GetStaticFieldSymbols Method Gets the static field symbols that correspond to a typespec signature.
GetTypeProps Method Returns information about a type's properties, such as the number of signature of its generic parameters, given a relative virtual address (RVA) in a vtable.



This interface is available with .NET Native only. If you implement this interface for ICorDebug scenarios outside of .NET Native, the common language runtime will ignore this interface.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: CorDebug.idl, CorDebug.h

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 4.6, .NET Native only

See also