

ICorDebugILFrame::SetIP Method

Sets the instruction pointer to the specified offset location in the common intermediate language (CIL) code.


    [in] ULONG32 nOffset


nOffset The offset location in the CIL code.


Calls to SetIP immediately invalidate all frames and chains for the current thread. If the debugger needs frame information after a call to SetIP, it must perform a new stack trace.

ICorDebug will attempt to keep the stack frame in a valid state. However, even if the frame is in a valid state, there still may be problems such as uninitialized local variables. The caller is responsible for ensuring the coherency of the running program.

On 64-bit platforms, the instruction pointer cannot be moved out of a catch or finally block. If SetIP is called to make such a move on a 64-bit platform, it will return an HRESULT indicating failure.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: CorDebug.idl, CorDebug.h

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 1.0