

ICorDebugDataTarget::GetThreadContext Method

Returns the current thread context for the specified thread.


HRESULT GetThreadContext(
       [in] DWORD dwThreadID,
       [in] ULONG32 contextFlags,
       [in] ULONG32 contextSize,
       [out, size_is(contextSize)] BYTE * pContext);


dwThreadID [in] The identifier of the thread whose context is to be retrieved. The identifier is defined by the operating system.

contextFlags [in] A bitwise combination of platform-dependent flags that indicate which portions of the context should be read.

contextSize [in] The size of pContext.

pContext [out] The buffer where the thread context will be stored.


On Windows platforms, pContext must be a CONTEXT structure (defined in WinNT.h) that is appropriate for the machine type specified by the ICorDebugDataTarget::GetPlatform method. contextFlags must have the same values as the ContextFlags field of the CONTEXT structure. The CONTEXT structure is processor-specific; refer to the WinNT.h file for details.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: CorDebug.idl, CorDebug.h

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 4

See also