

JIT Tracing ETW Events

These events collect information relating to the success or failure of just-in-time (JIT) inlining and JIT tail calls.

JIT Inlining Events

MethodJitInliningFailed Event

The following table shows the keyword and level. (For more information, see CLR ETW Keywords and Levels.)

Keyword for raising the event Level
JITTracingKeyword (0x10) Verbose (5)

The following table shows the event information.

Event Event ID Raised when
MethodJitInliningFailed 186 The JIT inlining failed.

The following table shows the event data.

Field name Data type Description
MethodBeingCompiledNamespace win:UnicodeString Namespace of the method that is being compiled.
MethodBeingCompiledName win:UnicodeString Name of the method that is being compiled.
MethodBeingCompiledNameSignature win:UnicodeString Signature of the method that is being compiled.
InlinerNamespace win:UnicodeString The namespace of the method the JIT compiler is trying to generate code for.
InlinerName win:UnicodeString The name of the method the compiler is attempting to generate code for. This might not be the same as MethodBeingCompiledName if the compiler is attempting to inline code into MethodBeingCompiledName instead of generating a call to InlinerName.
InlinerNameSignature win:UnicodeString The signature for the inliner.
InlineeNamespace win:UnicodeString The namespace of the inlinee.
InlineeName win:UnicodeString The method the compiler is trying to inline (not generate a call to).
InlineeNameSignature win:UnicodeString The signature for the inlinee.
FailAlways win:Boolean A hint to the JIT compiler that inlining will always fail for the inlinee.
FailReason win:UnicodeString INLINE_NEVER means a previous inlining attempt determined that inlining will never succeed for some other reason; otherwise, free-form text.
ClrInstanceID win:UnicodeString Unique ID for the instance of CLR or CoreCLR.

MethodJitInliningSucceeded Event

The following table shows the keyword and level.

Keyword for raising the event Level
JITTracingKeyword (0x10) Verbose (5)

The following table shows the event information.

Event Event ID Raised when
MethodJitInliningSucceeded 185 The method inlining succeeded.

The following table shows the event data.

Field name Data type Description
MethodBeingCompiledNamespace win:UnicodeString The namespace of the method that is being compiled.
MethodBeingCompiledName win:UnicodeString The name of the method being that is compiled.
MethodBeingCompiledNameSignature win:UnicodeString The signature of the method that is being compiled.
InlinerNamespace win:UnicodeString The namespace of the method the JIT compiler is attempting to generate code for.
InlinerName win:UnicodeString The name of the method the compiler is attempting to generate code for. This might not be the same as MethodBeingCompiledName if the compiler is attempting to inline code into MethodBeingCompiledName instead of generating a call to InlinerName.
InlinerNameSignature win:UnicodeString The signature for the inliner.
InlineeNamespace win:UnicodeString The namespace of the inlinee.
InlineeName win:UnicodeString The method the compiler is trying to inline (not generate a call to).
InlineeNameSignature win:UnicodeString The signature for the inlinee.
ClrInstanceID win:UInt16 Unique ID for the instance of CLR or CoreCLR.

JIT Tail Call Events

MethodJITTailCallFailed Event

The following table shows the keyword and level.

Keyword for raising the event Level
JITTracingKeyword (0x10) Verbose (5)

The following table shows the event information.

Event Event ID Raised when
MethodJitTailCallFailed 189 The method tail call failed.

The following table shows the event data.

Field name Data type Description
MethodBeingCompiledNamespace win:UnicodeString Namespace of the method that is being compiled.
MethodBeingCompiledName win:UnicodeString Name of the method that is being compiled.
MethodBeingCompiledNameSignature win:UnicodeString Signature of the method that is being compiled.
CallerNamespace win:UnicodeString The namespace of the method the JIT compiler is attempting to generate code for.
CallerName win:UnicodeString The name of the method the compiler is attempting to generate code for.
CallerNameSignature win:UnicodeString The signature for the caller.
CalleeNamespace win:UnicodeString The namespace of the callee.
CalleeName win:UnicodeString The method the compiler is trying to tail call (not generate a call to).
CalleeNameSignature win:UnicodeString The signature for the callee.
TailPrefix win:Boolean The prefix for the tail call
FailReason win:UnicodeString The reason the tail call failed.
ClrInstanceID win:UInt16 Unique ID for the instance of CLR or CoreCLR.

MethodJITTailCallSucceeded Event

The following table shows the keyword and level.

Keyword for raising the event Level
JITTracingKeyword (0x10) Verbose (5)

The following table shows the event information.

Event Event ID Raised when
MethodJitTailCallSucceeded 188 The method tail call succeeded.

The following table shows the event data.

Field name Data type Description
MethodBeingCompiledNamespace win:UnicodeString Namespace of the method that is being compiled.
MethodBeingCompiledName win:UnicodeString Name of the method that is being compiled.
MethodBeingCompiledNameSignature win:UnicodeString Signature of the method that is being compiled.
CallerNamespace win:UnicodeString The namespace of the method the JIT compiler is attempting to generate code for.
CallerName win:UnicodeString The name of the method the compiler is attempting to generate code for.
CallerNameSignature win:UnicodeString The signature for the caller.
CalleeNamespace win:UnicodeString The namespace of the callee.
CalleeName win:UnicodeString The method the compiler is trying to tail call (not generate a call to).
CalleeNameSignature win:UnicodeString The signature for the callee.
TailPrefix win:Boolean The prefix for the tail call.
TailCallType win:UnicodeString The type of the tail call.
ClrInstanceID win:UInt16 Unique ID for the instance of CLR or CoreCLR.

See also