

DataSecurityEvents (Preview)

Applies to:

  • Microsoft Defender XDR
  • Microsoft Purview


Some information relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.

The DataSecurityEvents table in the advanced hunting schema contains information about user activities that violate user-defined or default policies in the Microsoft Purview suite of solutions. Each log represents a single user activity enriched with proprietary Microsoft detections (like sensitive info types) and user-defined enrichment labels like domain categories, sensitivity labels, and others.

Use this reference to construct queries that return information from this table.

For information on other tables in the advanced hunting schema, see the advanced hunting reference.

Column name Data type Description
ApplicationNames string List of application names used or related to the event
DeviceId string Unique identifier for the device in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
DeviceName string Fully qualified domain name(FQDN) of the device
AadDeviceId guid Unique identifier for the device in Microsoft Entra ID
IsManagedDevice bool Indicates if the device is managed by the organization (True) or not (False)
DlpPolicyMatchInfo string Information around the list of data loss prevention (DLP) policies matching this event
DlpPolicyEnforcementMode int Indicates the Data Loss Prevention policy that was enforced; value can be: 0 (None), 1 (Audit), 2 (Warn), 3 (Warn and bypass), 4 (Block), 5 (Allow)
DlpPolicyRuleMatchInfo dynamic Details of the data loss prevention (DLP) rules that matched with this event; in JSON array format
FileRenameInfo string Details of the file (file name and extension) before this event
PhysicalAccessPointId string Unique identifier for the physical access point
PhysicalAccessPointName string Name of the physical access point
PhysicalAccessStatus string Status of physical access, whether it succeeded or failed
PhysicalAssetTag string Tag assigned to the asset as configured in Microsoft Insider Risk Management global settings
RemovableMediaManufacturer string Manufacturer name of the removable device
RemovableMediaModel string Model name of the removable device
RemovableMediaSerialNumber string Serial number of the removable device
TeamsChannelName string Name of the Teams channel
TeamsChannelType string Type of the Teams channel
TeamsTeamName string Name of the Teams team
UserAlternateEmails string Alternate emails or aliases of the user
AccountUpn string User principal name (UPN) of the account
AccountObjectId string Unique identifier for the account in Microsoft Entra ID
Department string Name of the department that the account user belongs to
SourceCodeInfo string Details of the source code repository involved in the event
CcPolicyMatchInfo dynamic Details of the Communications Compliance policy matches for this event; in JSON array format
IPAddress string IP addresses of the clients on which the activity was performed; can contain multiple IPs if related to Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps alerts
Timestamp datetime Date and time when the event was recorded
DeviceSourceLocationType int Indicates the type of location where the endpoint signals originated from; values can be: 0 (Unknown), 1 (Local), 2 (Remote), 3 (Removable), 4 (Cloud), 5 (File share)
DeviceDestinationLocationType int Indicates the type of location where the endpoint signals connected to; values can be: 0 (Unknown), 1 (Local), 2 (Remote), 3 (Removable), 4 (Cloud), 5 (File share)
IrmPolicyMatchInfo dynamic Details of Insider Risk Management policy matches for the content involved in the event; in JSON array format
UnallowedUrlDomains string Websites or service URLs involved in this event that is configured as Unallowed in Insider Risk Management global settings
ExternalUrlDomains string Websites or service URLs involved in this event that is classified as External in Insider Risk Management global settings
UrlDomainInfo string Details about the websites or service URLs involved in the event
SourceUrlDomain string Domain where the device and email signals originated
TargetUrlDomain string Domain where the content was shared with or the user has browsed to
EmailAttachmentCount int Number of email attachments
EmailAttachmentInfo dynamic Details of email attachments; in JSON array format
InternetMessageId string Public-facing identifier for the email or Teams message that is set by the sending email system
NetworkMessageId guid Unique identifier for the email, generated by Microsoft 365
EmailSubject string Subject of the email
ObjectId string Unique identifier of the object that the recorded action was applied to, in case of files, it includes the extension
ObjectName string Name of the object that the recorded action was applied to, in case of files, it includes the extension
ObjectType string Type of object, such as a file or a folder, that the recorded action was applied to
ObjectSize int Size of the object in bytes
IsHidden bool Indicates whether the user has marked the content as hidden (True) or not (False)
ActivityId guid Unique identifier of the activity log
ActionType string Type of activity that triggered the event
SensitiveInfoTypeInfo dynamic Details of Data Loss Prevention sensitive info types detected in the impacted asset
SensitivityLabelId string The current Microsoft Information Protection sensitivity label ID associated with the item
SharepointSiteSensitivityLabelIds string The current Microsoft Information Protection sensitivity label ID assigned to the parent site of the item related to SharePoint activities
PreviousSensitivityLabelId string The previous Microsoft Information Protection sensitivity label ID associated with the item in case of activities where the sensitivity label was changed
Operation string Name of the admin activity
RecipientEmailAddress string Email address of the recipient, or email address of the recipient after distribution list expansion
SiteUrl string The URL of the site where the file or folder accessed by the user is located
SourceRelativeUrl string The URL of the folder that contains the file accessed by the user
TargetFilePath string Target file path of endpoint activities
PrinterName string List of printers involved in the behavior
Workload string The Microsoft 365 service where the event occurred
IrmActionCategory enum A unique enumeration value indicating the activity category in Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management
SequenceCorrelationId string Details of the sequence activity
CloudAppAlertId string Unique identifier for the alert in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps


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