

Complete migration using a distributed AG

Use a distributed availability group (AG) to migrate your databases from SQL Server to SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines (VMs).

This article assumes you've already configured your distributed AG for either your standalone databases or your availability group databases and now you're ready to finalize the migration to SQL Server on Azure VMs.

Monitor migration

Use Transact-SQL (T-SQL) to monitor the progress of your migration.

Run the following script on the global primary and the forwarder and validate that the state for synchronization_state_desc for the primary availability group (OnPremAG) and the secondary availability group (AzureAG) is SYNCHRONIZED. Confirm that the synchronization_state_desc for the distributed AG (DAG) is synchronizing and the last_hardened_lsn is the same per database on both the global primary and the forwarder.

If not, rerun the query on both sides every 5 seconds or so until it's the case.

Use the following script to monitor the migration:

SELECT ag.name,
    db_name(drs.database_id) AS database_name,
FROM sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states drs
INNER JOIN sys.availability_groups ag
    ON drs.group_id = ag.group_id;

Complete migration

Once you've validated the states of the availability group and the distributed AG, you're ready to complete the migration. This consists of failing over the distributed AG to the forwarder (the target SQL Server in Azure), and then cutting over the application to the new primary on the Azure side.

To failover your distributed availability group, review failover to secondary availability group.

After the failover, update the connection string of your application to connect to the new primary replica in Azure. At this point, you can choose to maintain the distributed availability group, or use DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP [DAG] on both the source and target SQL Server instances to drop it.

If your domain controller is on the source side, validate that your target SQL Server VMs in Azure have joined the domain before abandoning the source SQL Server instances. Don't delete the domain controller on the source side until you create a domain on the source side in Azure and add your SQL Server VMs to this new domain.