

Compiler Error C3492

'var': you cannot capture a member of an anonymous union

You cannot capture a member of an unnamed union.

To correct this error

  • Give the union a name and pass the complete union structure to the capture list of the lambda expression.


The following example generates C3492 because it captures a member of an anonymous union:

// C3492a.cpp

int main()
      char ch;
      int x;

   ch = 'y';
   [&x](char ch) { x = ch; }(ch); // C3492

The following example resolves C3492 by giving the union a name and by passing the complete union structure to the capture list of the lambda expression:

// C3492b.cpp

int main()
      char ch;
      int x;
   } u;

   u.ch = 'y';
   [&u](char ch) { u.x = ch; }(u.ch);

See also

Lambda Expressions