

Compiler Error C3372

must specify at least 1 interface for attribute 'source' on a coclass

For certain attributes, you must pass an interface name as a parameter.

The following sample generates C3372:

// C3372.cpp
#include <windows.h>

[ object, uuid(373a1a4c-469b-11d3-a6b0-00c04f79ae8f) ]
__interface IMyIface {
   HRESULT f1();
// to resolve, pass an interface name to the source attribute
// for example, source(IMyIface)
[ coclass, uuid(373a1a4d-469b-11d3-a6b0-00c04f79ae8f), source,
  default(IMyIface) ] // C3372
class CMyClass {

int main() {