

Compiler Error C2936

'class' : type-class-id redefined as a global data variable

You can't use a generic or template class as a global data variable.

This error is obsolete in Visual Studio 2022 and later versions.

This error can be caused if braces are improperly matched.

The following sample generates C2936:

// C2936.cpp
// compile with: /c
template<class T> struct TC { };
int TC<int>;   // C2936

// OK
struct TC2 { };
int TC2;

C2936 can also occur when using generics:

// C2936b.cpp
// compile with: /clr /c
generic<class T>
ref struct GC {};
int GC<int>;   // C2936

// OK
ref struct GC2 {};
int GC2;